Mar 12, 2025  
College Handbook 
College Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

General Information, Policies and Procedures

Administrative Desktop Computer Policy

This policy has been adopted by the President’s Cabinet to support a full suite of administrative software applications in a cost effective and efficient manner while enhancing security and reliability, by limiting the number of administrative (non-academic) users that have the capability to install software and or modify system files. This policy does not apply to teaching faculty or their staff.

Administrative Computer Configuration Policy

Installation of software on College-owned administrative computers shall be limited to a College standard configuration and other software necessary for the performance of the employee’s job. This shall be determined in consultation with the employee and her/his supervisor. Installation and support of all software will be the responsibility of the Administrative Computer Services staff. All computers purchased after the approval of this policy and those being upgraded to the MS2000, XP or later operating systems will be secured with the College’s standard software configuration and any other software deemed necessary for job performance after consultation with the employee and supervisor.


Installation of software is the second leading cause of virus propagation second only to email. Viruses pose a serious security threat and unnecessarily burden computer support staff. A policy backed up by appropriate procedures will dramatically improve security and reliability by reducing the number of rogue applications (i.e., games, Kazaa, instant messaging, etc.) being installed by end users.

This policy will set forth the mechanism by which data stored on College-owned computing systems and utilized by College employees and students is more secure and better protected. This policy will promote that:

  • The College can meet its record-keeping and reporting obligations as required by state and federal law, and local campus policies.
  • The College can comply with the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA – the Buckley Amendment), and other statutes and policies protecting the rights of individuals.
  • The College can consistently maintain data integrity and accuracy.
  • The College can assure that authorized individuals have timely and reliable access to necessary data and unauthorized individuals are denied access to computing resources.

Standard Configuration (as of January 2003)

Office XP (Word, Excel, Access, Power Point, Front Page, Publisher), Explorer (Internet Browser), Outlook (e-mail client), Adobe Acrobat (PDF file reader) WINQVT (terminal emulation), Banner (administrative student data base), Antivirus software (currently Sophos), FTP (file transfer application), Real Player, Quicktime,, Shockwave, Plug-ins (view web pages that use multimedia, synch of PDA’s, etc.). This standard configuration may be modified by Computing Services as College needs and software options evolve in the future.


A supervisor may at his or her discretion request that an individual machine be given less restrictive privileges. For example, the use of certain applications may require an end-user to have full unrestricted access. Prior to making this decision, supervisors should be aware of the risks, and act in a way to protect the information resources of the College.

Additional software can be requested by a supervisor and will be installed by administrative computing staff to ensure the computer continues to function consistent with established best practices.

The Alumni Association

Approximately 50,000 graduates of our College enjoy an active Alumni Association. College at Oneonta graduates offer tremendous resources and support to the College through their involvement in admissions recruitment, fund raising, and academic and extra-curricular programs. Alumni demonstrate their support of academic excellence through their generous gifts to the Fund for Oneonta, which provides scholarships for our students, enriches library resources, expands learning and cultural opportunities, and beautifies our campus. The Association also publishes Reflections magazine; sponsors the Fall Homecoming Weekend and Reunion Weekend each June; and holds regional events throughout New York State and the United States. The Alumni Association is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors, who actively participate in all activities and programs administered by the Office of Alumni Affairs (x2526).

Animals on Campus

The State University College at Oneonta prohibits individuals from bringing dogs or other pets inside buildings, except for those animals that are exempted from this policy. In addition, while on college property, animals must be attended and restrained at all times.

The following animals are permitted on college property:

  • service animals while performing their duties (owners must properly dispose of their service animals’ waste)
  • research, clinical and teaching animals (used directly in support of the college’s missions of teaching and research)
  • fish in containers of 10 gallons or less
  • on-duty police dogs

Specific one-time exemptions may be granted for events involving animals. To be granted such an exemption, an organization must make a specific request through the Facilities Department (x3224).

Broadcast Email Messages

The President’s Cabinet has adopted the following policy for email broadcasts. For the purpose of this policy broadcast is defined as a mass email sent to all students, all faculty and staff, or both.


Messages will be approved using these criteria:

  1. Messages must be approved by the President or his designee with the exception of campus network or other computer related events.
  2. Emergencies: facilities related campus wide class cancellations, inclement weather advisories, and other urgent messages of general concern.
  3. Notification of campus network or other computer related events that affect many users.
  4. Last minute cancellation of campus wide events

Please Note: General announcements of meetings, events, or campus wide activities will not be approved for email broadcasts, with the exception of a weekly calendar of student events published by the Hunt Union. Such announcements are usually not time sensitive and can be better communicated via the Bulletin or campus mail.

Computer Services has the right to approve or deny requests based on these criteria.

Broadcast email will be sent to an email address that has been designated by students as their preferred email address. If no preferred address has been provided and a student does not have an address then no email will be sent to that individual. In the case of faculty and staff, broadcasts will be sent to an address. If a broadcast message is delivered to an address and is not read within 30 days, the message will be automatically deleted.

Procedures for Sending Broadcast Email

Persons needing to send an email broadcast message should email their message to Computer Services at To ensure that the message goes out in a timely manner it is essential that the person requesting to send a broadcast speak directly to one of the following Computer Center personnel: at x2721, x2770, x2706, or x3641.

Procedure for Designating a Preferred Email Address

Students can designate one address as the preferred address. To do this, students should go to the Oneonta homepage, click on Student Services and follow the link for Preferred Email Address. After choosing the link for Personal Information and logging in with student number and PIN number, the student can then update Personal Information. One of the Personal Information categories is for Updating Email Addresses.

Use of Campus Facilities

The physical facilities of the College, including buildings and playing fields, are institutional resources which are not limited for use by individual departments or programs. While the primary purpose of most facilities is academic, from time to time it may be in the best interests of the College to make them available for co-curricular or extra –curricular activities, including events sponsored by campus and community groups, consistent with SUNY’s Procedural Manual. Commercial use of SUNY facilities is not permitted under SUNY policy, however non-commercial use is permitted. The college may approve use of its facilities when consistent with the college’s educational mission and/or community service responsibilities.

Information for college personnel and non-college groups who want to reserve facilities for activities not related to regular operational functions can be found on the college web page at:

Events Council

The Events Council is composed of the major stakeholders in scheduling events at the College. Its purpose is to coordinate and improve communication about campus events. Events Council members include the building administrators for buildings where major events are held on campus, and others involved in scheduling events. The group shares information, plans and discusses policies and procedures, and seeks to improve methods for publicizing College events.

Electronic Surveillance Policy (January 2008)


The purpose of this policy is to regulate the use of electronic surveillance and recording of public and restricted areas for the purposes of safety and security.

The College at Oneonta reserves the right to place cameras on campus where necessary and appropriate. This policy applies to all personnel, departments, offices, and other subdivisions of the College in the use of electronic recording and surveillance.

University Police has the primary responsibility for crime prevention, law enforcement, and other public safety and security matters on the campus and other college-owned property. Hence, University Police will control the cameras and recordings and have the primary responsibility for enforcing the policy. University Police is committed to enhances its public safety efforts through the use of electronic surveillance under appropriate circumstances.

The College at Oneonta respects the privacy of university community members and is sensitive to balancing that privacy with safety needs on campus. Cameras extend the protection of University Police, even when officers are not in an immediate area. Cameras are not a guarantee of safety, but are a tool that assists University Police. Cameras protect campus community members from dangers by serving as deterrents and expediting investigations.

This policy does not apply to legitimate academic use of cameras for educational purposes, to cameras used for journalism, or to private cameras owned and operated by members of the campus community.

Camera Placement

The following guidelines apply to the placement of cameras on campus:

  1. University Police may establish temporary or permanent cameras in public areas of the campus. These cameras will not make audio recordings.
  2. This policy does not apply to covert cameras used by University Police for criminal surveillance as governed by New York Penal Law.
  3. Cameras may not be established in private areas of the campus without obtaining a warrant and only subject to Section 2 above. Private areas include residence hall rooms, bathrooms, shower areas, locker and changing rooms, areas where a reasonable person might change clothes, and private offices. Additionally rooms for medical, physical, or mental therapy or treatment are private.Private areas also include the entrances, exits, lobbies, exam rooms or hallways of the Counseling, Health and Wellness Center. The only exceptions are cameras used narrowly to protect money, documents, supplies or pharmaceuticals from theft, destruction, or tampering.
  4. Cameras shall not be directed or zoomed into the windows of any private residential space or office. To the maximum extent possible, electronic shielding will be placed in the camera so that the camera does not have the capability to look into or through windows.
  5. Cameras shall not be directed or zoomed into the windows of any private building not on College property.

Camera Use and Non-Use

The following guidelines apply to camera use and non-use:

  1. Cameras shall be used exclusively for campus safety purposes. The SUNY College at Oneonta Institutional Review Board (IRB), which governs research involving human subjects, does not have jurisdiction over recordings by cameras and may not authorize any individual researcher or organization, whether faculty, staff, student or the general public, to use these cameras, or recordings from the cameras for research purposes.
  2. Surveillance cameras will not be used to evaluate employee performance unless a formal investigation results in a determination that a safety issue may exist.
  3. Cameras will not be used to monitor individual students, faculty, or staff, except as necessary for a criminal investigation and except as in accordance with the terms of a warrant. Cameras may be used to monitor a student or employee work area, such as an area with financial transactions, even if there is only one student, faculty, or staff member employed in that work area. Cameras used to monitor a work area are not intended to view the contents of computer screens. If the cameras can pan to view computer screens, that area will be electronically blurred so that these cameras are not used to monitor employee computer use.
  4. The college will not use cameras to prosecute violations, including parking rules, unless review of a formal complaint results in a determination that a campus safety issue exists.

Establishment of Cameras on Campus

Temporary cameras are defined as cameras that are established by the University Police to provide additional security for a campus event or situation and that are not in place for more than 30 days. Permanent cameras are established as part of the campus infrastructure and require planning and approval by the appropriate authorities.

The Chief of University Police, in consultation with the Personal Safety Committee, the Work Place Violence Advisory Group, and the College President, shall determine placement and use of cameras. Other departments, committees or individuals may recommend placement of cameras.

Legitimate safety and security purposes include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Protection of buildings and property.
  • Building perimeter, entrances and exits, lobbies and corridors, elevators, receiving docks, special storage areas, laboratories, cashier locations, etc.
  • Monitoring and recording of access control systems
  • Monitoring and recording restricted access transactions at entrances to buildings and other areas.
  • Verification of security alarms
  • Intrusion alarms, exit door controls, hold-up alarms, etc.
  • Electronic patrol of public areas.
  • Transit stops, parking lots, public (enclosed and unenclosed) streets, shopping areas, vehicle intersections, etc.
  • Criminal investigation.
  • Robbery, burglary, and theft surveillance.
  • Protection of pedestrians.
  • Monitoring of pedestrian and vehicle traffic and vehicles and traffic areas at intersections.

Camera Monitory

Images and recordings may only be monitored by University Police Officers, staff with responsibility for residence hall security, persons responsible for adjudication of campus code of conduct violations, and other officials as authorized by the President of the College. No students may be hired to monitor recordings or images. Staff responsible for installation and maintenance of surveillance equipment may access recordings only to the extent necessary to carry out their duties.

If the University Police, in consultation with the President, believes it is necessary to aid in an investigation or search, short recordings or image stills may be released to the media or the public. Prior to releasing the recordings or images, the face and identifying features of all those persons not of interest to the investigation will be blurred.

Those officers and authorized staff approved for monitoring will receive training in effective, legal and ethical use of the monitoring equipment. These officers and authorized staff will receive a copy of this policy and provide written acknowledgement that they have read and understand this policy. Officers and authorized staff will receive any and all updates or amendments to this policy.

Storage Media

Recordings will be stored in a manner consistent with available technology and transported in a manner that preserves security. Current and archived recordings shall be kept locked and secured.

Recordings not related to or used for an investigation will be kept strictly confidential and destroyed within 120 days. Recordings or images used for investigation or prosecution of a crime shall be retained until the end of the court or judicial proceedings and appeal period unless directed otherwise by a court.

No attempt shall ever be made to alter any recording. Editing or otherwise altering recordings or still images, except to enhance quality for investigative purposes or blur features as described above, is strictly prohibited.

Transmission of recordings using the internet or campus network will use encryption technology to ensure that the recordings are not improperly accessed. University Police will work with the Computer Services staff to establish security for the system and to ensure proper password and encryption technology for recordings or images transferred or transmitted over the internet or on the campus network.

Destruction or Tampering with Cameras

Any person who tampers with or destroys a camera or any part of the electronic surveillance system may be prosecuted in the criminal justice system as well as the campus judicial system.

Community Bulletin Board/Public Access Channel

The College and Oneonta Time Warner provide the following guidelines and operating procedures for the Community Bulletin Board and Public Access Channel aired locally over Channel 23.

Channel time is available for the cable casting of non-commercial community access programming to any person, group, organization or other entity within the Oneonta Time Warner Cable viewing area without charge on a first-come first-served, non-discriminatory basis.

All requests for channel time must be approved by the State University College at Oneonta, designated as access coordinator.

Details regarding operating procedures, administration and use of the Community Bulletin Board and Public Access Channel are available from the Instructional Resources Center (Room 104, x3314).

Consumer Information Regulations

All published materials (catalogs, brochures, etc.) must conform to regulations promulgated in 1978.

Section 493A of the Higher Education Act of 1965 and Section 607 of the Education Law both require that all degree granting post-secondary institutions provide certain information to students and upon request to prospective students. Any brochures advertising programs must conform to the following regulations:

  1. Each degree or certificate program shall be described in terms of both prerequisites and requirements for completion.
  2. The academic year in which each instructional offering is expected to be taught shall be indicated.
  3. Summaries of job placement statistics compiled by the institution including its placement center shall be provided where available.
  4. Advertisements, brochures, or solicitations to prospective students shall clearly note the availability of more extensive information in the Undergraduate Catalog or Bulletin.

Drug Free Workplace Policy

The State University College at Oneonta is committed to the development and maintenance of a drug-free environment and, in accordance with the Federal Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988, will not tolerate the unlawful possession and use of controlled substances (drugs) on its premises. The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispension, possession or use of a controlled substance is prohibited in and on property owned by or under the control of the State University College at Oneonta.

Compliance with the provisions of this policy shall be a condition of employment with the State University College at Oneonta.

Employees who violate this policy will be subject to the disciplinary procedures provided by the various negotiated Agreements or such other corrective action as the President or the President’s designee may deem appropriate. Other corrective action may include satisfactory participation in an approved drug rehabilitation program. Student employees will be subject to the judicial procedures specified in the Student Handbook.

Any employee or student employee convicted of any criminal drug statute violation occurring in or on property owned or controlled by the State University College at Oneonta is required to give a signed, written notice of the conviction to the College’s Director of University Police within five (5) calendar days following the conviction.

State University College at Oneonta shall notify the appropriate federal agency, if applicable, within ten (10) days of receipt of a notice of an employee or student employee conviction as described above.

State University College at Oneonta will make a good faith effort to maintain a drug-free workplace. That effort will include drug awareness education programs, an Employee Assistance Program to assist employees seeking treatment and rehabilitation programs, and the implementation and strict enforcement of this policy.

Compliance With the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989

SUNY Oneonta hereby prohibits the unlawful possession, use or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol by students and employees on our property or as any part of our institutional activities.

SUNY Oneonta will impose sanctions on students and employees who violate this policy consistent with local, state and Federal law. Employees will be subject to the disciplinary procedures provided by the various Agreements or such other corrective action as the President or President’s designee may deem appropriate. Action may include expulsion or termination of employment and reporting to appropriate law enforcement agencies. Other corrective action may include the completion of an appropriate rehabilitation program. Students will be subject to the judicial procedures specified in the Student Handbook.

SUNY Oneonta will interpret local, state and Federal regulations in the strictest sense to assure a drug-free workplace.

SUNY Oneonta, on an annual basis, will provide to each student and employee brochures describing the health risks associated with the use of illicit drugs and the abuse of alcohol.

SUNY Oneonta is committed to offering employees and students counseling and/or referral to the appropriate agencies for problems associated with drugs and alcohol. For employees, our Employee Assistance Program is available offering confidential referral to outside agencies; for students, the campus Counseling Center is available for confidential counseling and referral as needed.

Finally, SUNY Oneonta commits to biennial reviews of our programs associated with this statement to determine program effectiveness and implement necessary changes. It is also our intention to assure consistent applications of this policy to all students and employees alike.

Emergency Procedures

Fire Safety and Fire Drill Procedures

In Case of Fire

Faculty members are urged to acquaint themselves with the locations of the following items in both instructional and office buildings:

  • Fire alarm pull stations
  • Fire exits
  • Fire extinguisher

In the event of a fire, faculty should take the following actions:

  • Ensure students proceed to the nearest fire exit
  • Activate the fire alarm on the way out of the building
  • Close doors as they leave the building
  • Assemble their students at a safe distance away from the building
  • Notify UPD that there is a fire.

Rule of thumb for the use of fire extinguisher: If the fire is more or less contained, and has not extended beyond the point of origin so that you can safely approach it with a door to your back, use the proper fire extinguisher. There are various types of fires, each requiring an appropriate extinguishing agent. Be sure to attend fire extinguisher training for your department.

Should there be a student in an upper floor classroom or office who would normally use an elevator (e.g., students in wheelchairs), the faculty member should escort that student to the nearest enclosed fire stairwell. These areas are rated for more than one hour of safety in the event of a fire. Leaving someone with the student, if possible, the faculty member should exit and immediately report the student’s location to the University Police Department and/or fire personnel.

Fire Drills

Fire drills are required by State Education law. Respond to fire drills exactly as you would respond to an actual fire.

Reporting Accidents and Medical Emergencies

All accidents resulting in injury that occur on College property should be reported promptly to the University Police Department, Alumni Hall, x3550, or 911 where appropriate. First aid visits by students to the Health Center are automatically reported to the appropriate authority.

All accidents involving employees, whether they involve lost time or not, should be reported to the Human Resources Office (x2509).

All accidents involving State-owned vehicles, whether personal injury occurs or not, should be reported to the Maintenance Operations Center (x2507).

The University Police Department recognizes the responsibility to respond to medical emergencies occurring on campus that involve faculty and staff as well as students.

In the event of an accident or other type of medical emergency, call the University Police Department (x3550 or 911). University Police will dispatch a car to the site of the emergency and call for additional response as required.

When reporting an emergency, be specific about the location of the emergency, including the name of the building and room number. Additionally, be sure to provide as much information as possible about the emergency, including information about the victim and whether or not CPR is being performed.

Bomb Threat Procedure

Bomb threats are criminal offenses that are perpetrated to elicit fear.

  1. Be calm and composed. Notify your supervisor and University Police as instructed. Talk to no one other than instructed by your supervisor/University Police Officer. Remember that the caller wants to get an emotional reaction. An over reaction will generate more “bomb scares”.
  2. The exact time you receive the call is an important part - therefore, record the time.
  3. Call the University Police as soon as possible after receiving a bomb threat.
  4. Complete the Bomb Threat Report Form as soon a possible. Specific information given during a call will be needed to make a threat assessment. The exact words are needed, so listen and record them verbatim.
    • When is the bomb going to explode?
    • Where is the bomb right now?
    • What kind of bomb is it?
    • What does it look like?
    • Why did you place the bomb?
  5. The decision to evacuate or not evacuate should be made by a University official in consultation with University Police (x3550). These officials will control the response at that time.


Inventory Policy

The College is required by the State Comptroller to maintain accountability for its equipment at all times. As of August 2009 SUNY Oneonta has maintained inventory records on all new computers regardless of cost. Inventory records are maintained for other equipment particularly vulnerable to loss or theft with an original cost of $500 or more and other moveable equipment with an original cost of $1,500 or more.

Moving Equipment

When it is necessary to permanently move equipment to another location (i.e., to another department, building and/or room) notify the Property Management Office immediately. Provide the following information: description, SUNY Oneonta decal number, manufacturer’s serial number, previous location and new location.

Purchase of Equipment

Equipment must be purchased in accordance with guidelines established by the College Purchasing Department. Property Management is routinely notified of new equipment purchases. However, if you purchase equipment using a VISA procurement card or if your new equipment has not been tagged within 30 days of receipt, notify the Property Management Office.

Surplus Equipment

Direct surplus requests for computers or related equipment to Manager –Technology Services via memo or email with copy to Property Management Office. Computer hard-drives will be reformatted and the equipment will be evaluated for possible reassignment to another department on campus. Direct surplus requests for non-computer equipment to Property Management only. Provide the following information on all surplus requests: description, SUNY Oneonta decal number, manufacturer’s serial number, condition, current location.

External Law Enforcement Policy

The primary mission of the University Police Department is to provide for the general welfare of the College community and to enforce laws and regulations that are necessary to ensure a safe and secure campus environment. This policy is intended to address the College concern for the protection of individual rights and privacy as well as to ensure appropriate cooperation with external law enforcement agencies.

Effective immediately, the following will serve as guidelines with respect to our relationships with external law enforcement agencies:

  1. The Director of University Police or the Director’s designee shall be notified when any external law enforcement official(s) request permission to conduct official business on campus. Whenever possible, students, faculty, and staff will be given the option of conducting business at the University Police Office and will be so notified by a phone call. Students contacted by phone must respond to the phone call within a reasonable period of time. If it becomes necessary for the external law enforcement official(s) to go to a residence hall, the University Police will contact the Residence Hall Director. Business should be conducted in the Residence Hall Director’s office, not the student’s room, whenever possible. When the Residence Hall Director of the student’s residence hall or Residence Hall Director on duty cannot be contacted, the Student Development central staff person on duty shall be notified and, whenever possible, should accompany the external law enforcement official(s)/University Police officer to the Residence Hall Director’s office.
  2. In the event of a felony arrest or any bias related incident, violent crime, sexual assault, or suicide attempt on campus, the following persons should be notified immediately following the incident:
    • College President
    • Vice President for Student Development or the Vice President’s designee
    • District Attorney (for sexual assaults/felony arrests)
    • Director of University Police or the Director’s designee
    • Student Development Central Staff - if after regular working hours
    • Assistant to the President for Media/Public Relations

If the University Police Office or Student Development Office is notified by an external law enforcement agency of a felony arrest, the above-mentioned contacts will be made.

  1. Except with permission from the Vice President for Student Development or the Vice President’s designee, external law enforcement officials/University Police Officers shall not remove a student, staff, or faculty member from class or request a student to leave class. If the only contact that can be made with the student is through a particular instructor, the instructor should be contacted prior to the class and should be asked to request that the student contact the University Police.
  2. In the event an external law enforcement official(s)/University Police Officer requests non-directory, personally identifiable student information, the President or his/her designee and more than two administrative staff members, who have been specifically trained in the provisions of FERPA, will arrive at a decision regarding whether that information should be released.
  3. Requests for assistance from an outside law enforcement agency will be made in situations in which a weapon is present, or when the personal safety of officers, campus community members and/or physical plant is a serious risk and the number of campus officers on duty is insufficient to control or stabilize the situation. Such requests will be made by the senior staff person on duty in the University Police Department, also with notification of the University Police Director, who will inform the Vice President for Student Development or the Vice President’s designee.

Note: The guidelines above should be adhered to by external law enforcement officials in all situations possible. However, the College understands there may be emergency situations in which these procedures cannot be followed.

Field Trips

Two types of field trips are recognized. Those which will hence-forth be referred to as extended field trips often remove students from classes of other faculty members and thereby interfere with the College academic program. Short field trips confine the activity to a class period.

No academic or non-academic group shall take more than one extended field trip per semester that interferes with College classes. Exceptions to this policy include athletics and in certain instances performing organizations. Extended field trips shall be taken during non-class periods, on weekends, or vacation periods whenever possible. No extended field trip should exceed two days of classes. Field trips shall not be taken during the week preceding the day on which midterm reports are due and during a period of two weeks preceding the regularly scheduled examination period at the end of each term. Every effort should be made to avoid taking extended field trips during the first week of each semester, thus permitting all instructors to get each of their courses started in an appropriate manner.

The faculty member planning a field trip should assume the primary responsibility for avoiding conflict with the work of other faculty members. If conflicts seem likely, the trip should be cleared with the department chair and the division dean.

If an extended field trip is scheduled in accordance with this faculty policy, no faculty member should interfere with the student’s right or responsibility to go on such a trip. All extended field trips are voluntary with the student, unless the trip has been approved by the Committee on Instruction as a required and necessary part of the course. (In the latter case the course description will mention the field trip requirement.) Students who don’t go on voluntary field trips will not be penalized by being held responsible for material covered only on the field trip.

Any required field trip should be included in the course descriptions published in the College Catalog along with estimated expenses. Field trips should be announced during the first two weeks of class but never less than three weeks before the departure date. Students should be advised of estimated expenses at the time of registration.

Students going on field trips are responsible for all the work missed in their other classes.

Public transportation should be used whenever possible. Prior to a trip involving private transportation, each student should purchase an individual insurance policy. Travel insurance policies are available from most local agents at a low rate.

When public transportation is impossible, College vehicles or faculty cars may be used. Student cars may never be used for College business, including field trips, although students may be drivers of College vehicles if they have filed as student volunteers through the Vehicle Operations Office.

When using faculty vehicles, personal automobile insurance is primary. Liability coverage of $100,000/$300,000 is considered adequate for staff who take students in their personal cars. Additional medical coverage per person per accident should also be added.

To avoid personal insurance costs, College transportation should be used. The College will cover damage to a state vehicle. For personal liability, an employee may be entitled to defense and indemnification by the State under Public Officers Law, Section 17, if the State Attorney General’s Office determines that the employee was acting within the scope of his or her duties and the injury or damage did not result from intentional wrongdoing.

Firearms and Other Dangerous Weapons

Chapter 264 of the Laws of 1969 [Penal Law, 265.01(3) effective 11/1/90] prohibits the knowing possession of rifles, shotguns, or firearms in or upon a building or grounds used for educational purposes without the written authority of the educational institution. On June 18, 1969, the Board of Trustees of SUNY prohibited the possession of rifles, shotguns, firearms, or weapons on a State-operated campus without written consent of the President. Resolution 73-148 of the Trustees reaffirmed this on May 23, 1973.

Weapon is defined as “any dagger, dangerous knife, razor, stiletto, imitation pistol or any dangerous or deadly instrument, including any firearm, switchblade knife, gravity knife, billy, blackjack, bludgeon, metal knuckles, cane sword, sand club, sandbag, or slingshot, electronic stun gun, pilum ballistic knife, chukka sticks, shirken and Kung Fu star.”


Gift Acceptance Procedures of the State University of New York, College at Oneonta

Authority: SUNY Administrative Policy Item 260

Non-monetary gifts to the College

Contact Office – Finance and Administration (x2081)

  • Non-monetary gifts to the College will be reviewed for acceptance by the Vice-President for Finance and Administration. The donor should provide a letter stating the item being gifted to the College and include the value. The campus will review for liability and maintenance costs, obtain legal review from the Office of University Counsel, and send a letter of thanks and acceptance to the donor. Non-monetary gifts of $50,000 or more in value must also be referred by the College to the SUNY Vice Chancellor for Finance and Business.
  • This procedure does not apply to gifts of books, periodicals or other documents which constitute useful additions to library resources. Contact the Director of Libraries for these items.
  • Trade-out services – (a non-cash offer of products or services given in exchange for products or services) permission must be secured from appropriate Vice President and reported to Finance and Administration
  • The Office of Finance and Administration will notify the Office of College Advancement of all gift and gift-in-kind acceptances at both the initial point of contact with the College and upon final acceptance of any gift to the College.

Non-monetary gifts to the College Foundation

Contact Office – College Advancement (x2535)

  • Non-monetary gifts to the College Foundation will be reviewed for acceptance by the Vice-President for College Advancement. Gifts to the College Foundation are exempt from the SUNY acceptance policy.
  • It has been the practice of the College Foundation to turn over any donated equipment to the College for purposes of inclusion in the College’s physical inventory. Should the College Foundation gift an item to the College, acceptance would follow the SUNY procedure outlined above. The Office of College Advancement will notify the Office of Finance and Administration of any gifts of equipment that are under consideration for transfer of ownership to the College.

Monetary Gifts and Grants

  • Monetary gifts to the College should be directed to the College Foundation or the College Alumni Fund through the Office of the Vice President for College Advancement (x2535).
  • All proposals submitted by faculty and staff to external funding agencies must be cleared through the Grants Development Office for application through the SUNY Research Foundation. If private foundations are targeted, the Vice President for College Advancement should also be contacted.

Gifts of Real Estate

  • Gifts of real estate may be made either to the College, or the College Foundation. Gifts of real estate require special attention and must be accepted by either the SUNY Board of Trustees in the case of gifts to the College, or the College Foundation Board.
  • Real estate donations are typically made to the College Foundation and such gifts should be referred to the Office of the Vice President for College Advancement.
  • If the property is being specifically donated to the College, notification should go to the Office of Finance and Administration.

Updated 3/28/03

Inclement Weather Policy

The State University of New York College at Oneonta is a public trust, and is committed to fulfilling all its obligations faithfully. College policy is that the campus will operate as scheduled: classes will be held, offices will be open, and services will be performed. It is recognized, however, that under certain extreme weather conditions, students and/or staff members cannot and should not attempt to come to campus; this is a decision that must ultimately be made by each individual, regardless of the reason.

Only under the most severe weather conditions, the President will make the final decision to cancel classes or curtail services.

In the event that it is necessary to cancel classes or curtail services, the President’s office will inform the campus community and the local media. Official announcements will be placed on the University Police Department’s weather phone at (607) 436-2000. College officials will make every effort to see that closure announcements come as early as possible, so that those who must drive to campus can make appropriate plans. Due to the uniqueness of College operations, it is quite possible that the College will remain open on days when the public schools in the area have been closed. A large number of students live on campus, and these students are dependent upon food services, the heating plant, and University Police, regardless of weather conditions. The College will continue to provide these essential services, and, in addition, every effort will be made to keep the Library open.

The Office of Continuing Education will have the responsibility of canceling off-campus extension classes when necessary, at each site, and making proper notification.

Employees who are able to get to work despite weather conditions may be given alternate work assignments, not necessarily at their normal workstations. Provisions will be made for alternate campus work assignments and locations for those who cannot get to their regular work sites and/or when the completion of their regular work assignment is not possible because of building or weather conditions.

Please bear in mind, however, state regulations stipulate that unless the campus is officially closed by order of the Governor, all weather related absences must be charged to annual leave credits.

Regardless of any official action taken or not taken by the College, reasonable judgment should be considered regarding your own safety. If your personal safety is jeopardized, you may choose to stay at home.

Adopted by President’s Council October 4, 1988

Revised July 1998, March 1999, October 2008

Internal Control Program

The College at Oneonta’s Internal Control Program is one facet of a broader institutional commitment to continuous improvement, planning and assessment. We interpret internal control broadly to include a broad spectrum of institutional measures and management techniques. The College is committed to sound fiscal practices, effective administrative policies and procedures, client-centered personnel procedures, information security and privacy, and related measures.

New York State law and SUNY policy require each campus to engage in internal control activities, the College’s internal control program has one essential purpose: to promote continuous service improvement. Internal controls can be defined as operating practices and procedures that an organization adopts to achieve its goals and objectives and avoid or prevent the loss or misuse of resources. Internal controls reduce the risk of errors or irregularities that compromise the organization’s success. The management of cash and credit card transactions, property control and inventory, and the development of plans to maintain critical campus functions during natural and other emergencies are among the many services that have been improved through the College’s internal control activities. See:

Card Access Security System Policy

Most buildings on campus have been converted, replacing metal entrance door keys with a card access system. The intent of the Card Access Security System is to provide greater safety, security, and convenience for all students, faculty, and staff. As such, the following policies and procedures will govern the records generated by the system.

  1. The Card Access Security System will accommodate access to building entrances and special facilities as determined by the appropriate policy makers.
  2. The records can be retrieved for these purposes only: general system maintenance by the Card Access Administrator; life-threatening emergencies; investigations into criminal and student code of conduct violations; investigations into violations of this policy or unauthorized access of the records.
  3. Permission to retrieve the records for the purpose of investigations into criminal and student code of conduct violations and investigations into violations of this policy or unauthorized access of the records must be granted by the College President or his/her designee.
  4. All records will be maintained, stored and erased by the Card Access Administrator. All records will be retained for no more than two months, one month active on the system and one month stored. After this period, the stored data is erased. The storage and erasure will take place the first business day of every month.
  5. Prior to storage of the monthly records, a report will be generated by the Card Access System Administrator and made available to the President or his/her designee that documents, with explanation, all requested and granted access to the history information. Violators of the Card Access Security System Policy or unauthorized access of the records will be subject to disciplinary action.
  6. The Card Access Security System is not a time-and-attendance system and will not be used to enforce time and attendance for employees or students.
  7. All records generated by the system are subject to all Federal and State statutes and other College privacy policies and procedures. Access to these confidential records by outside entities will be denied unless subpoenaed or used in court proceedings. Any authorized information obtained is to be used solely for the purpose for which it was authorized.

Key Policy and Procedures

(Revised: 7/29/02)

The intent of the Key Policy is to assure safety and security for all students, faculty, and staff. This policy governs the issuance, replacement, and surrender of metal keys for interior doors and selected building exterior doors. As such, the following policy and procedures are limited to metal keys issued by the College. The “Card Access Security System Policy” governs electronic access to exterior building doors and special facilities.

  1. All Campus keys issued are the property of the College and must be returned upon completion of service.
  2. The College Lock Shop is responsible for performing all work pertaining to lock cylinders, re-keying, cleaning, cutting, issuing, maintaining records and ordering supplies.
  3. All keys are issued exclusively by the Lock Shop.
  4. No door locks are to be installed unless they are College owned/issued by the Lock Shop.
  5. No employee or student is permitted to duplicate campus keys. Transferring permanent issue keys is strictly prohibited.
  6. The Department Chair, or Unit Supervisor, and Building Administrators will be responsible for initial authorization of the issuance of User keys and Group keys to employees in accordance with established guidelines. All other key requests will require further authorization pursuant to Key Request and Issuance, Part B below. After all necessary approvals have been received, the Director of Physical Plant or designee will process key requests.
  7. Residence Life and Housing will be responsible for initial authorization and the issuance of keys to students living in residence halls. Students living in residence halls are authorized one room key and one mailbox key.
  8. Employees and Students to whom keys have been issued are responsible for:
    • Signing for the key
    • Overall responsibility for security of keys issued
    • Reporting loss or theft of keys to University Police at x3550
    • Return of keys when leaving College
    • Return of keys by students approved and issued keys to individual rooms in academic buildings
    • Return of keys at the request of the appropriate College official

The Key Policy Advisory Board is advisory to the President’s Cabinet. They oversee and make recommendations on all aspects of the Key Policy and are the final authority on disputes regarding issuance of metal keys.

Key Request and Issuance

Employees and Students in Academic Buildings

  1. User keys and Group keys are issued to faculty/staff upon completion of a work request form. The form must have the signature of the appropriate Department Chair, or Unit Supervisor (if applicable) and Building Administrator. The completed request is sent to the Facilities Operation Office for further processing.
  2. Metal building entrance keys are issued only to persons who routinely work before or after normal building hours in buildings requiring metal keys for exterior door access. Metal building entrance keys will not be issued for any academic building that has electronic access through card access.

    The issuance of metal building entrance keys, masters, sub-masters and grandmaster keys for any building requires specific, additional justification and will necessitate a higher threshold of responsibility and accountability. In addition to the Department Chair, or Unit Supervisor, and Building Administrator, the appropriate Vice President, or designee, will review these requests for approval prior to issuance. Issuance of these types of keys will be subject to audit on a periodic basis and may, in the instance of issuing the key to a department, require the purchase of a lock box.
  3. Students may be issued metal User keys to individual rooms in academic buildings, via a properly completed work request form, with the approval of the appropriate Department Chair, or Unit Supervisor, and Building Administrator.
  4. Issuance of any other types of keys to students will require specific, additional justification and will necessitate a higher threshold of responsibility and accountability. In addition to the Department Chair, or Unit Supervisor, and Building Administrator, the appropriate Vice President, or designee, will review these requests for approval prior to issuance. Issuance of these types of keys will be subject to audit on a periodic basis.
  5. The Key Policy Advisory Board will be the final authority on disputes regarding issuance of all keys.
  6. When requesting a replacement key (e.g., broken key), the original key must be turned in to the Lock Shop. If lost, a report must be filed with University Police before a new key request is honored.
  7. Typically, keys are to be picked up at the Facilities Operation Office.

Students in Residence Halls

Residence Life and Housing will be responsible for initial authorization and the issuance of keys to students living in residence halls. Students living in residence halls are authorized one room key and one mailbox key.

Key Return

Employees and Students in Academic Buildings

All keys must be returned to the Facilities Operation Office when an employee leaves College employ. An Exit Procedures form signed by the supervisor, or the appropriate designee of the department or unit, must be turned in to the Office of Human Resources before the last day of employment. Forms are available at the Office of Human Resources.

All keys issued to students for academic buildings must be returned to the appropriate Department Chair, Unit Supervisor, or the Building Administrator prior to the end of each semester. If keys are not returned, a hold will be placed on the student’s records.

Students in Residence Halls

At occupancy termination, or change, students must surrender key(s) to the Director of Residence Life or the Residence Hall Director.

Lost or Irretrievable Keys

Lost keys are to be reported immediately to University Police (x3550). A lost/stolen key report will be completed.


  1. When the lost/stolen key report is returned to the Lock Shop, a re-key check list will be initiated and the Key Policy Advisory Board will meet to determine if re-keying is necessary. If re-keying is deemed necessary, the following will occur using the appropriate cost according to the fee schedule (See Attachment 1).
    • If the key(s) were issued to a department, the department involved will be notified of the approximate amount to be assessed to their department prior to the re-keying.
    • If the key(s) were issued to an individual employee, the individual involved will be notified of the approximate amount to be charged prior to the re-keying.
  2. If re-keying is not deemed necessary by the Key Policy Advisory Board, then the department or individual employee will be assessed the per key replacement fee following standard College policy. Fees are to be reevaluated by the Key Policy Advisory Board, as needed.


In the event lost keys are found, they must be returned to University Police immediately. If a key is lost, the lock will be changed and the student will be assessed the appropriate cost according to the fee schedule. Fees are to be reevaluated by the Director of Residence Life and Housing, in consultation with the Key Policy Advisory Board, as needed. The Director of Residence Life and Housing will determine if and when a lockset change is necessary and whether the student will be assessed the cost. Failure to pay an assessment will result in a hold being placed on the student’s records.


The purpose of the Mail Services is to facilitate all of the College’s business mailing needs which include incoming, outgoing, and intra campus mail. Services provided by the Mail Services are to be used by College employees and students for College purposes. Department account numbers must be clearly placed in the upper left hand corner of outgoing mail.

As a residential campus the College will process properly stamped and sealed personal mail weighing less than 13 oz. and assures delivery to the Post Office. Mail Services supplies and postage may not be used for personal use (i.e., postage, envelopes, express mail etc.)

Non-College affiliated entities who wish to distribute material to College employees or students via intra campus mail must have written authorization from the Vice President for Finance and Administration. (See the Intra Campus Mail Policy.)


Mail Services currently provides the following services:

  • Pickup and delivery to academic buildings twice daily when classes are in session.
  • Daily delivery to each residence hall Monday-Saturday when classes are in session.
  • Processing College mail requiring postage. This includes sealing envelopes as postage is applied.
  • Bulk and other than First class mail processing.
  • Intra Campus Mail.
  • Business Reply Mail.
  • Special Handling: certified, return receipt, registered, insured etc..
  • Overnight Mailing Services.
  • Sealing envelopes that do not require postage.

Intra Campus Mail Policy

Intra campus mail is to be used only by College employees and students for College purposes. Intra campus mail destined anywhere on the Oneonta campus does not require postage. All intra campus mail should be in the intra campus envelopes, available from the mailroom in two sizes. New intra campus envelopes are available for purchase through the Supply Room.

Intra campus mailings that are not in the intra campus envelopes must have a return address.

Intra campus mailings from non-College affiliated entities will not be delivered by the Mailroom without written authorization from the Vice President for Finance and Administration. Approved mailings must have a return address.

Meals and Refreshments Policy

SUNY Oneonta guidelines for requesting use of College funds for qualified meals and refreshments (food & beverages) for employees outside of travel status are outlined in this document. This policy adopts in full the New York State Comptroller’s Procurement and Disbursement Guideline No. G-78.


Employees: Typically, an employee cannot receive compensation for meals unless he/she is in approved travel status. Eligibility for such meals is covered in the College Travel Manual which can be viewed at


Candidates: Candidates for positions at Oneonta may have their meals covered in one of the following ways:

  • The candidate may submit for meals (and other travel expenses) using a Travel Voucher. Rates are the same as those paid for employee travel.
  • An authorized member of the department may pay for the candidate’s meal and be reimbursed, for the candidate’s meal only, with appropriate justification. Reimbursement is at the employee travel rate.
  • The meal is demonstrably necessary as a working meal. (For more information, see Working Meals section below.)

Search Committee Members: Employees serving on search committees may be eligible for reimbursement if the meal is demonstrably necessary as a working meal. (For more information, see Working Meals section below.) For guidelines related to faculty search committees refer to the policy, “Reimbursement Policies Related to Faculty Searches.” All other requests should be referred to the appropriate vice president.

Consultants: A consultant can receive reimbursement consideration for meals, excluding working meals, if such reimbursement is included in the contract.

Guest Speakers Receiving an Honorarium: A guest speaker receiving an honorarium should have a consideration for meals included in his/her fee and cannot be otherwise reimbursed. For more information, see College procedure “Payment for Honoraria.”

Guest Speakers not Receiving an Honorarium: A guest speaker who is not being compensated for their services may receive some consideration by the host department by having an authorized representative pay for the speaker’s meal and be reimbursed as described in the section on “Candidate’s Meals.” Employees authorized to accompany the speaker may be eligible for reimbursement if the meal is demonstrably necessary as a working meal. (For more information, see Working Meals section below.)

Working Meals: It is the policy of the College to fund working meals (breakfast, lunch or dinner) only when they are demonstrably necessary, integral, beneficial and reasonable to perform official College business. All working meals must be submitted to Purchasing to be encumbered prior to the date of the working meal. Justification for use of appropriated funds must include the following:

  • Purpose and necessity of the meeting including an explanation why it could not be held during normal working hours (if applicable)
  • Specific nature of State business being conducted
  • Location of the meeting
  • Number of participants including names and titles and their relationship to the business being conducted
  • Cost of the meal


It is the policy of the College not to allow payment from College appropriated funds for refreshments (food and beverages) at meetings, gatherings or events that do not qualify as working meals. Refreshments for these types of events may be funded from other funds if approved by the appropriate vice president.

Alcohol: It is the policy of the College not to allow payment of or reimbursement from College appropriated funds for alcoholic beverages.

Gratuities and Tips: The allowable gratuity rate for meals is 15-20%, within the maximum meal rate for the area. For more detail please refer to the College Travel Manual which can be viewed at

Oneonta Auxiliary Services

The mission of Oneonta Auxiliary Services is to support the College at Oneonta through its commitment to exceptional customer service by establishing, operating, managing, enhancing, and promoting programs and auxiliary services for the benefit of the College community. OAS is a not-for-profit corporation governed by a Board of Directors consisting of four students, two faculty, three administrators, and one at-large member.

Services provided through OAS include:

  • Dining Services
  • Red Dragon Bookstore
  • College Camp
  • College ID Card
  • Dragon Dollars
  • EZadd
  • The Shipping Room
  • Check Cashing and ATMs
  • Laundry
  • MicroFridge and Safe rentals
  • Vending

Dining Services: Sodexo, the leader in food and facilities management services in the US, manages the dining services. Dining facilities include three dining halls, two coffee shops, and a large convenience store. Hours of operation are determined by customer needs and utilization.

The College requires that each student who has contracted to live in a campus residence hall purchase a Resident Dining Plan. Students residing in Higgins Hall have an additional option of the Higgins Dining Plan. For more information regarding dining services, please visit

Catering on campus is exclusively provided by Sodexo. Contact x3502 or visit for more information.

Red Dragon Bookstore: Located in the Hunt College Union, the Bookstore sells school supplies, logo gifts, apparel and other products for the College community. The textbook operation provides new and used textbooks and other course related materials. Online purchases and orders may be made at Contact the Bookstore with merchandise questions at x2140 or with textbook questions at x3329.

College Camp: The College Camp is 276 acres of former farm and woodland located a mile and a half from campus. The lodge is available for educational and recreational gatherings. Activities available at the College Camp include camping, hiking, mountain biking, basketball, cross-country skiing, snowshoeing and more. The College Observatory is also located on the Camp property. Please call x3157 for more information or visit

College ID Card: The College ID Card is the official campus identification. With one card a student, faculty, or staff member may enjoy the following card uses: door access, dining, Dragon Dollar debit-card account, vending, and library privileges. OAS operates the ID/Dining Card Office, which is located in the Hunt College Union. Questions may be directed to x3367.

Dragon Dollars: The Dragon Dollars program is a convenient debit-card program enabling an individual to use the ID Card for Red Dragon Bookstore purchases, utilize the Shipping Room, pay bills at University Police, use vending machines on campus, purchase concert tickets, use copiers at the Milne Library and eat at many downtown restaurants. Dragon Dollars may be added through your College bill, paid directly to OAS by check or credit card authorization, by phone or in person, at the ID/Dining Office Desk. See for more information.

EZadd: Visit and enjoy the 24 hour convenience of managing your Dragon Dollars and Declining Balance accounts online.

The Shipping Room: The Shipping Room, located in the Hunt College Union, provides student package handling along with a variety of other services, including the sale of postage stamps, money orders, bubble wrap, envelopes and wrapping materials for outgoing packages, UPS and FedEx shipping, and copying/faxing services. For more information, please call x3117.

Check Cashing & ATMs: Check cashing ($1 fee) is available at the ID/Dining Card Office located in the Hunt College Union. ATMs are available at the Hunt College Union and in Mills Hall.

Laundry: MacGray Laundry Systems provides Maytag front-loading washers and dryers in all residence halls. Machine use is unlimited and is included in your residence life fees.

MicroFridges: The Refrigerator Leasing Company provides microfridges, refrigerator and safe rentals each semester. Questions regarding this service may be directed to (607) 431-9525.

Vending: Beverage and snack vending machines are located in many academic buildings and in all residence halls. Cash, Declining Balance and Dragon Dollars are accepted.

Program Support: Through the OAS budget, support is provided for a number of College Functions and events such as awards banquets, recognition events, student leadership activities, the all-campus picnic and others.

For further information on any of these services you may call OAS Administrative Offices at 607-436-3352 or visit

Parking and Vehicle Registration

The New York State Vehicle and Traffic Laws apply on the public streets and walks on the College campus. This law is enforced by police and by the University Police Department.

The College Parking and Traffic Commission have established parking regulations. The University Police Department is responsible for the enforcement of these regulations. An appeal process is provided for which forms are available from the offices of the University Police and/or Student Accounts.

All vehicles must be registered with the University Police Department. A decal is required for the use of college parking facilities and may be obtained at the office of the University Police, located in Alumni Hall, which is open 24 hours daily. The faculty department secretary or the Office of Human Resources will provide new faculty and staff with an authorization card for vehicle registration purposes.

Faculty parking is provided in the parking lot in front of the Netzer Administration Building, and faculty and staff parking is provided in the parking lot across from the Fine Arts Building. Additional parking spaces for faculty and staff are provided in the vicinity of Milne Library, Morris Hall, Fitzelle Hall, Alumni Hall, Human Ecology Building, and the Hunt College Union. Color-coded signs for designated parking have been posted in areas where parking is permitted.

Visitor parking is permitted with a visitor’s pass available at the Hunt Union, Alumni Hall and Netzer Administration Building.

For additional information regarding campus parking, refer to Campus Parking and Traffic Regulations provided by the University Police Department.

Political Campaign Activities by State Employees

While State employees are not discouraged from participating in the political campaign process, there must be a clear separation between political campaign activities and the proper discharge of duties as State employees. For the purposes of these guidelines, “political campaign activities” include any activity or event designed to urge voters to vote for a particular candidate or to support a political party, or to raise funds for a candidate or party.

Political campaign activities—such as campaigning, coordinating volunteers, and soliciting or receiving campaign contributions—are not within the scope of the official duties of employees, and may not be conducted on paid State time. Performing political campaign activities on State time may lead to criminal prosecution and the loss of employment.

In addition, all State vehicles, equipment, and resources (including telephone, fax machines, computers, office supplies, postage, photocopying machines, and support staff assistance) are the property of the State, and as a general rule, such property may not be used for non-governmental purposes.

State employees are also reminded they must not violate the prohibitions against political activities contained within Public Officers Law § 74, Civil Service Law § 107, and the Election Law.

All information is located on the College web page under Legislative Affairs, New York State Ethics Commission.

Radioactive Material and Toxic Substances

The College, as a user of radioactive materials, is required to be licensed by the New York State Department of Health. All radioactive materials, including those which were formerly exempt, are now subject to regulation.

College personnel can make no acquisition or use of radioactive materials unless the appropriate department has obtained a Radioactive Materials License from the New York State Department of Health.

All individuals and departments interested in obtaining and using radioactive materials must first contact the campus Radioactive Materials Safety Committee. This Committee is responsible for developing local policies and procedures for the safe handling and use of radioactive materials, and is responsible for the continual review of all campus programs that involve the use of radioactive materials.

Radiation producing equipment, e.g., X-ray machines, particle accelerators, etc., which is either owned by the College or used on college property must be registered by the New York State Department of Health.

The Radioactive Materials Safety Committee is responsible for developing local policies and procedures for the safe use of the radiation producing equipment registered with the Department of Health.

College personnel can make no acquisitions or use of radiation producing equipment unless the appropriate department or individual user has contacted and received the approval of the Radioactive Materials Safety Committee.

Further inquiries regarding radiation producing equipment, or the purchase of radioactive materials from either State funds or SUNY Research Foundation funds may be directed to the Radiation Safety Officer. Contact the Provost’s Office for more information.

The procurement, use, and disposal of other chemical substances must conform to EPA and DEC regulations. The College can make no purchase of such substances unless clearance has been obtained from the Associate Vice President for Facilities. Specific lists of chemical substances that may not be requisitioned under any circumstances are available from the Facilities Office (x3224). Further inquiries concerning procurement, use, safety, and disposal of chemical substances should also be directed to that office.

Research Policy/State University Policy

Funded Research

Faculty members must present a draft of their prospective research proposal to their department chairs. The purpose of this step is to determine the likely impact that the research or its funding may have upon the faculty members’ own responsibilities, obligations, or duties or upon those of other faculty members or staff and the impact upon students, the faculty member’s department, administrative unit, and the College.

It is recommended that faculty who are interested in seeking external funds for research, program and curriculum development, or professional development, contact the Grants Development Office as early in the process as possible for assistance with identifying potential sponsors and assuring adherence to all appropriate policies and procedures. At this point, a preliminary discussion should occur involving the applicant, department chair, division dean and Grants Development Office representative.

A draft of the prospective research proposal, along with the complete list of possible implications to the College must be submitted to the division dean. This submission may be with or without the support of the department chair. Faculty members must receive permission from their dean to proceed with an application for funding.

College policy requires that all proposal submitted to external funding sources must be cleared through the Grants Development Office (26 Bacon Hall, x2479). This ensures that proposals are submitted in accordance with College, SUNY and Research Foundation guidelines. Grants Development Office staff work with faculty and staff to secure appropriate administrative approvals for research, as needed.

Awards for proposal that have been submitted to external sponsors without assistance from the Grants Development Office and without securing the appropriate administrative approvals may not be accepted by the College.

Human Subjects in Research

All State University of New York, College at Oneonta research involving human subjects must have prior review and approval of the SUNY at Oneonta Institutional Review Board (IRB).

Although this has been our policy for several years, recent state and national research developments have necessitated further control of procedures for conducting human subject research.

Consequently, all human subject research (sponsored research, i.e., research conducted by individual investigators and funded by external agencies; organized research, i.e., supported research of a group of investigators in a designated institution or center; and institutional/department research, i.e., research supported by department budget or individual professor(s) in State University College at Oneonta research facilities, classroom instruction, and field studies) must comply with the federal and state laws for the “Protection of Human Subjects.”

For more information on research using human subjects, consult the State University of New York policy on research involving human subjects, the guidelines of the State University College at Oneonta, New York Statutes 2440-2446 Article 24A, Public Health Law and Federal Regulations 45 CFR. The State University of New York College at Oneonta Institutional Review Board (IRB) has had Single Project Assurances since 1994. Copies of the National Institutes of Health IRB guidelines may be obtained from the office of the College President, from the Chair of the IRB or from Milne Library.

If you are currently conducting research involving human subjects that has not been reviewed and approved by the State University College at Oneonta IRB, such research should be suspended immediately and remain suspended until the legally required review has been completed. In such an event or if you have questions about this procedure, please contact the Provost’s Office.

The following must be sent to the chair of the College IRB before a meeting with the committee will be arranged.

  1. An Abstract of the proposal and its objectives.*
  2. Detailed outline of the methods and procedures to be used, i.e.,:*
    • The number of subjects to be used, sex, and age.
    • Length of time subjects will be used.
    • Where studies will be conducted.
      * One copy must be supplied for each of the nine committee members.
  3. A sample of the Informed Consent Form that will be used (this form must contain a description of the project and its objectives in lay terms and a statement to the effect that the subject is free to withdraw his consent and to discontinue participation in the project or activity at any time).

    Subjects participating in biomedical and behavioral research must receive an explanation regarding the availability or non-availability of compensation (compensation is not available from the State University of New York) and medical treatment for human subjects sustaining physical injury. They must also obtain information as to what this compensation consists of, and where information may be obtained.
  4. A statement from the investigator’s department chair indicating the chair’s awareness that this study is being proposed.
  5. The investigator must supply the committee with a final report at the completion of the study.

Animal Care and Use

The State of New York Department of Public Health requires that facilities using warm-blooded animals (mammals and birds) in research, teaching, or demonstration have an Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee. This committee shall consist of at least three members, a chair, a veterinarian, and a community representative. The duties of this committee shall be to oversee the institution’s animal program, facilities, and procedures. Questions regarding this committee should be directed to the Provost.

Scientific Misconduct

The following policy statement is excerpted from the College Policy on Scientific Misconduct. The complete policy may be found in the office of the Provost and the academic department offices. In compliance with Federal regulations, the College has a Misconduct Policy Officer, appointed by the Provost.

Policy Statement

It is the purpose of these policies to instill and promote the principles of professional integrity, to prevent scientific misconduct, and to discover and censure instances of misconduct when they occur. Accordingly,

  1. The College at Oneonta will maintain high ethical standards in science and other scholarly work, prevent misconduct where possible, and promptly and fairly evaluate and resolve instances of alleged or apparent misconduct.
  2. Every member of the College community has the responsibility of reporting misconduct in scientific work. No person raising serious allegations of misconduct will suffer any penalty; however, frivolous, mischievous or malicious misrepresentation in alleging misconduct will not be tolerated and may result in action against the perpetrator.
  3. The College at Oneonta will take appropriate disciplinary action against any individual found guilty of misconduct. This will include disclosure to funding agencies, collaborating scientists and institutions, journal editors, professional associations, licensing boards, and potential employers who request oral or written references.
  4. These policies apply to scientific research and related scholarly writing conducted by any member of the College faculty or staff. They are not intended to address issues, such as the conduct of students in fulfilling course requirements, which are covered by other policies.
  5. These procedures for the institutional handling of allegations of scientific misconduct normally have four stages:
    • an inquiry to determine whether the allegation or related issues warrant further investigation;
    • when warranted, an investigation to collect and thoroughly examine evidence;
    • a formal finding, and
    • appropriate disposition of the matter.
  6. As a general rule, the College will take no more than 60 days to conduct its inquiry and determine whether an investigation is warranted. If an investigation is to be undertaken, it will begin within 30 days of the conclusion of the inquiry, and the institution shall generally take no more than 120 days to complete the investigation, prepare the report of findings, obtain the comments of the subject(s) of the investigation, and make a decision of the disposition of the case.
  7. The College will annually report to all funding and sponsoring agencies as follows:
    • Assurance that the institution has established an administrative process for reviewing, investigating, and reporting allegations of misconduct in science in connection with sponsored research.
    • Provision of such aggregate information on allegations, inquiries, and investigations as funding and sponsoring agencies may prescribe.

Smoking Policy

The following campus smoking regulations are consistent with state legislation regulating smoking in the work place.

  1. Smoking is prohibited in all academic and administrative buildings and fleet vehicles. “Smoking” is defined as the use of a lighted cigarette, cigar, pipe or other form of smoking device.
  2. Smoking is not permitted in any residence hall. Smoking is not permitted within 20 feet of any external exit of a residence hall.

The State University College at Oneonta Foundation, Inc.

Established in 1982, the College at Oneonta Foundation seeks, receives, and manages gifts and grants from alumni, parents, friends, faculty, staff, foundations and corporations. It is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors. The principal in the Foundation has grown to $34 million, providing financial support for scholarships, academic programs, faculty development, student research, campus beautification and a wide range of other College activities. Gifts and grants are made to the College Foundation on an annual basis and through estate planning. Information about the College at Oneonta Foundation is available from the Office of College Advancement, 308 Netzer Administration Building, x2535.

Student Employment

Temporary Service Workers

A number of students are employed by the college on an hourly basis. These students are paid bi-weekly from temporary service funds. In order to hire a student worker, approval in advance in writing must be received from the Department Chair. Forms for this purpose are available in the Career Development Center or the Payroll Office. Faculty members who make a commitment to a student without the required written approval may be held personally responsible for the salary of the student in question.

It is the supervisor’s responsibility to have the completed time sheets (blank sheets available in the Payroll Office) to the Payroll Office the first day following the bi-weekly payroll period in which the students work. The time sheets should contain the legal signature (full name) in ink of both the student and the supervisor. If the supervisor cannot obtain the student’s signature, then the supervisor can sign the student’s name and then place his/her initials next to the signature.

Failure to follow the above procedure will result in a delay of at least one month in payment to the student.

Federal Work-Study Students

Each department is assigned a number of students who qualify for participation in the Federal Work-Study Program that is financed by a combination of federal and state funds. The department chair is responsible for assigning duties to these students. Any faculty member to whom a work-study student is assigned is responsible for signing the student’s time sheet, supervising the student’s work, and making certain that the student works the allotted hours. Students who fail to fulfill their obligations should be reported promptly to the Career Development Center. The student’s time sheets should be sent in intra-college mail or taken by the supervisor to the Payroll Office. Students are not permitted to deliver these time sheets under any conditions.

Students Handling Examinations

Students must not be involved in the preparation, duplication, transportation, or distribution of examinations. This policy will be strictly enforced by the Instructional Support Services Office, the Print Shop, and other Instructional Resource Center personnel, and must be enforced by all department offices.