Mar 10, 2025  
College Handbook 
College Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Personnel Policies

Absence and Leave Policies

Accrual Usage – Faculty

As per the UUP contract, faculty members accrue a specified amount of sick leave each month to be used for personal illness, family illness, or family or personal doctor’s appointments. Faculty should follow prescribed departmental guidelines regarding prompt notification of appropriate persons so that classes can be covered by others or canceled. Usage should be indicated on monthly attendance sheets and submitted to the Office of Human Resources.

For guidance on the subject of personal or family extended illness, please speak with the Office of Human Resources.

Absence for Professional Work Off Campus

Faculty and professional staff should complete the Travel Reimbursement Application when they need to absent themselves from campus for professional growth, participation in meetings, conferences, etc. The form will be signed by their department chairperson, dean, and the provost, indicating approval for the absence and the level of financial support they will receive.

Absence for State/College Business

If faculty or professional staff persons must absent themselves from the campus in order to attend to state or college business, they must complete the Travel Reimbursement Application, even if expenses are not incurred. They must complete the section indicating why they will be absent from the campus, the nature of their business and the level of expected reimbursement, if applicable. The supervisor and other personnel as indicated must sign the form, in advance of the absence.

Travel expenses are normally paid from the supply and expense funds allocated to each department. Each department determines its own priorities for expending these monies within certain guidelines set by State budget authorities. In cases where a department budget is inadequate to support a legitimate travel request, the dean should be consulted about the availability of other funds. All requests for travel reimbursement should be submitted two weeks in advance for approval by the department chair, dean, and Provost. Reimbursement of conference travel is usually contingent upon actual participation as a speaker, commentator, officer of the sponsoring organization, conference planner, or department recruiter.

Short Absences

Any request by instructional faculty to be absent must be approved by the appropriate department chair and dean.

Attendance by faculty members at professional conferences may be authorized, but it is not College policy to approve absences during final examination periods, except in the most unusual circumstances. Any request to be absent more than two days must be approved by the appropriate dean or the Provost.

Jury Duty

Faculty or professional staff members who are called upon for jury duty are entitled to leave with pay without charge to leave credits, if the employee is not a party to the action. Proof of the required jury attendance will be required and should be submitted to the Office of Human Resources.

Sabbaticals and Other Leaves

The policies on sabbatical leaves and other leaves are defined in Article XIII, Title E and F of the Policies of the Board of Trustees. Sabbatical leaves are awarded at the discretion of the President and require that the applicant continue as a member of the professional staff for a minimum of one year upon return from sabbatical. Other leaves are awarded by the Chancellor based upon the recommendation of the President.

The merit of a sabbatical leave request is determined by assessing the expected benefit to the College and the faculty member involved.

Applying for a sabbatical leave does not guarantee automatic approval. The department chair generally approves requests that do not adversely affect essential course offerings. The division dean factors in sabbatical replacement costs when reviewing the department’s course schedule. Consequently, sabbatical leave requests and replacement plans must be built into the schedule and budget planning process. The division dean also considers the length of service since the last leave, the quality and appropriateness of the application, and the nature of the anticipated scholarly activity, e.g., the significance of the research.

Leave requests scheduled to begin in the fall semester should be submitted to the division dean no later than November 1st of the preceding year. Leaves that are scheduled to begin in the spring semester should be submitted to the Dean no later than April 1st of the preceding year. Accordingly, the following schedule will normally apply.

Sabbatical/ Leave Application Due Approval/ Disapproval Date Course Schedules Due to Registrar
For Fall Term    
November 1 December 31 1st Week in February
For Spring Term    
April 1 May 31 1st Week in October

Because budget planning is based upon approved leaves, there is a deadline after which an approved sabbatical plan cannot be changed. The division deans will have detailed information on the deadline dates for the current year.

The following guidelines apply to requests for sabbatical leaves. For Title F leaves, please consult your supervisor.

  1. Faculty members may request sabbaticals or other leaves of absence consistent with the Board of Trustees Policies.
  2. Written request for permission to take a leave should be submitted by the faculty member on the appropriate forms. The Department Chair, the Dean, the Provost and the President must review the application.
  3. The Department Chair must complete the Leave Request/Department Replacement Plan form for each faculty member requesting a leave. Both of these forms are available in the Dean’s office.
  4. The purpose of a leave request should be clearly stated on the application. Since a sabbatical leave is a substantial financial commitment on the part of the College, it is incumbent upon the faculty member to demonstrate the potential for significant personal and institutional benefits.

    Some factors that will be considered in evaluating the leave are:
    • indication of the petitioner’s serious interest in research;
    • scholarly or creative activity as shown by performance to date;
    • length of the petitioner’s service since previous leave;
    • value of the petitioner’s project to the College;
    • significance of proposed research;
    • instructional coverage for essential Department offerings.
  5. The faculty member shall submit a report of sabbatical activities to the Dean, with a copy to the Department Chair. This report should be submitted within one month of the end of the leave. Following the Dean’s review, the faculty member shall submit the final report to the President, with copies to the Chair, Dean and Provost.

Age Discrimination in Employment Act – 1967

The State University College at Oneonta will take affirmative action to protect the employment rights of persons 40 years of age and older. The College will treat qualified persons equitably in all employment practices relative to compensation, benefits, transfers, layoffs, institutional sponsored training, education, tuition assistance, and social and recreation programs. The College will follow the mandates of the Federal act and the state policies for this protected group.

Employees and applicants are protected from coercion, intimidation, interference, or discrimination for filing a complaint or assisting in an investigation under this act and policy.


The State University College at Oneonta will respond to each HIV infection case as required by its particular facts. Persons with AIDS or HIV infection will be assured of classroom attendance, work areas, residential housing, access to public facilities and common areas. The College will not tolerate cases of harassment where students or employees who are either known or suspected of being HIV+ are subjected to emotional and/or physical abuse. Confidential information concerning HIV infection status will not be provided to any person, group, agency, insurer, employer, or institution without the prior written consent of the person. The College health service will observe public health requirements by reporting cases of AIDS to the local public health authorities.

Anyone who believes that there has been a violation of any of these policies has the right, and is encouraged to discuss his/her complaint with the appropriate College official. The designated office for official complaints is the Affirmative Action Officer.

Americans With Disabilities Act – 1992

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires that the College not discriminate against a student or employee who has disability, has a history of a disability, or who is perceived as having a disability. A disability is defined as the inability to perform a major life function, such as seeing, hearing, mobility, or breathing.

In the case of an employee, the College is required to make a “reasonable accommodation” and the employee must be otherwise qualified to perform the duties of the position. The definitions of reasonable accommodation and otherwise qualified depend upon the circumstances of each position.

If an employee wishes to take advantage of the protection of the ADA, he or she should contact the Office of Human Resources.

Contract Renewal, Continuing Appointment, and Promotion – Teaching Faculty

General Time Table for Promotion and Tenure

Normally, teaching faculty must serve seven years before achieving tenure (referred to as “continuing appointment” in the Board of Trustees policies and the collective bargaining agreement with UUP, the “Agreement”). Initial appointments are usually for two years, and subsequent appointments of one or two years may be made depending upon the decision of the College.

It is possible to be considered for promotion simultaneously with the request for tenure. Promotion will not be automatic with the granting of continuing appointment, but will be decided on a case by case basis. Faculty who wish to be considered for promotion at the time of tenure must follow the standing procedure for seeking promotion.

The criteria for promotion of teaching faculty are found in Article XII(B) of the Policies of the Board of Trustees. Promotion to the rank of Associate Professor or Professor requires that the individual serve at least three years in the lower rank, as appropriate. Timelines for notification of non-renewal decision are located in Article 32 of the Agreement.

Credit for Prior Service

A new faculty member who has prior service at another SUNY institution is automatically credited with up to three years service, assuming the faculty member has indicated such service on the appropriate form. A faculty member who has prior service at a non-SUNY institution of higher education may petition for up to three years prior service, to be granted at the discretion of the College.


Deadlines for submitting materials for consideration for reappointment and/or continuing appointment vary, based upon such factors as length of appointment and leaves taken. In February and October of each year, the Office of Human Resources provides each department chair/program director with a “Retention and Permanency List”. This list provides dates by which individual faculty must be notified of continuation. Those dates are available to individual faculty members through the Department Chair or the Office of Human Resources, Netzer 208.

Additionally, the Administrative Calendar for Academic Affairs, distributed to department chairs by the Provost prior to the beginning of the academic year, lists specific deadlines for the following:

  • Department recommendations and files due in the Dean’s Office
  • Division Advisory Council recommendations due in Dean’s Office
  • Dean’s recommendations due to the Provost
  • Provost’s recommendations due to the President
  • President’s decisions due

Guidelines for Preparation and Submission of Personnel Review Files

Candidates are individually responsible for the preparation and timely submission of personnel review files for matters of Term Contract Renewal, Continuing Appointment, and Promotion. Departments should provide: a) a mentor for the candidate who will provide assistance and guidance in the preparation of the dossier, and b) the deans with the assurance that the personnel review files accurately reflect the candidate’s strengths and weaknesses. Minimum requirements for each type of review follow in this document. Additional items may be included as determined by the candidate, or required by the Department, Chair, Dean, Division Advisory Council, or College-wide Promotion and Tenure Committee.

The quality and presentation of materials is an important factor. In general:

  1. All materials must be prepared in a professional manner, proofread, presented in the prescribed order (see below), sequentially numbered, and placed in a binder or bound.
  2. The required Curriculum Vita (CV) must be detailed specifying the most recent as well as required data. The CV is one of the most important summaries of an academician’s credentials and accomplishments. It should be crafted carefully and updated frequently. Organization and layout are extremely important. Avoid using initials when identifying awards, agencies, etc., for example National Research Council, not NRC. The following outline represents major divisions common to the CV. Your CV may deviate from the order and categories indicated below. Additional sections may be added as necessary to reflect specific accomplishments of individuals or expectations and standards that vary from one discipline to another.

Biographical Data

  1. Name, address, phone, e-mail address
  2. Academic degrees, dates conferred, institutions
  3. Areas of specialization
  4. Professional societies – memberships, offices held, accompanying dates, etc.
  5. Honors and Awards

Teaching Experience

  1. List all teaching positions held beginning with current position, including dates and institutions
  2. Other pertinent employment with dates and institutions
  3. New courses developed/modified.
  4. Courses taught.
  5. Innovative methods.
  6. Internships supervised.


  1. Publications – Only professional scholarly work, includes Research, Performances, and Exhibits. Citations must be complete: full titles (no acronyms), dates, co-authors, serial identification including volume number, pages, etc. Use the following subheadings:
    1. Books and/or monographs authored and in print
    2. Edited books
    3. Juried/competitive/invited/refereed (evaluated and accepted by outside anonymous reviewers)
    4. Non-juried/non-refereed (no formal evaluation process)
    5. Reviews, newspaper and magazines articles
  2. Conferences
    1. Conference Presentations (papers) – separate from Publications. Include co-authors, titles, dates, locations, organizations, etc. In the event that a paper was presented at a conference and the abstract published, give citation of abstract here. Do not list presentation separately as publication (above) and presentation in this section.
    2. Conference Panels and/or Participation – title, co-authors, role, dates, locations, organizations, etc.
    3. Invited Presentations – as keynote speaker, invited lecturer, convivium presenter, etc. Include topic, organization, location, dates, etc.
  3. Grants and Awards
    1. Grants external and internal with the dates and organizations (no acronyms)
    2. Grants external and internal with amount, organization (no acronyms), title, and date

College and Community Service

  1. Committee appointments
  2. Department assignments
  3. College or program accreditation activities
  4. Consulting work
  5. Community organization membership and/or community service
  1. The candidate’s file should contain only relevant materials from the past five years plus other “selected” materials of the candidate’s choice.
  2. Letters of recommendation should be written within the past two years.

Term Contract Renewal

(Candidates should submit a complete master file [clearly identified], plus six abbreviated files containing copies of the following items.)

  1. Departmental recommendation. The recommendation should contain details concerning the review process, strengths and/or weaknesses of the candidate, and the specific period for which renewal is recommended. If the recommended term differs from that specified by the standard guidelines, appropriate explanation should be provided.
  2. Separate letter of recommendation from the Department Chair.
  3. Up-to-date professional vita.
  4. Evidence of teaching effectiveness:
    1. Minimum of two peer evaluations, based on classroom observation and/or other experience as appropriate. This item may be omitted as a separate entry if there are letters of support from State University College at Oneonta colleagues that reasonably fulfill the intended function.
    2. Required administration of the Student Perception of Instruction (SPI) or similar tool as recognized by the campus or the department. It is expected that a third party administered the evaluation forms. Statistical results of student evaluation of instruction for the past four semesters as received by the candidate from a third party. The candidate should provide mean scores that are compared with the departmental average and the college. It is expected that statistical information will include the number of students registered for each section, and the number of individuals completing evaluation forms for each section. Candidates may comment on circumstances as well as the results of the evaluations.
    3. If student free responses/comments are included, they should be typed exactly as written. Anecdotal information and letters of recommendation from students may be included.
    4. Grade distribution data, including numbers and percentages for each section for each of the preceding three semesters (or from the date of initial appointment, as appropriate). Candidates are encouraged to comment on unusual grading patterns.
    5. Self-evaluation, which will typically include a statement of pedagogic approach and expectation (teaching philosophy, goals, objectives, etc.). Candidates are also encouraged to provide data and comment on teaching assignment, enrollments, and advisement responsibility. Ideally, the self-evaluation will show how the candidate has sought systematic feedback on teaching performance and used that feedback to improve teaching effectiveness.
    6. Representative course outlines, examinations, and similar pedagogic materials.
  5. Summary statement concerning contributions to college-wide goals (committee service, etc.).
  6. Summary statement concerning research and scholarship. Sampling of publications, conference presentations, etc. should be included in the master file.
  7. Faculty Activities Reports for each year since the most recent review should be included in the master file.

Continuing Appointment or Promotion

(Candidates should submit a complete master file [clearly identified], plus six abbreviated files.) Decisions dependent on continuing appointment and promotion are based on the following five criteria (Policies of the Board of Trustees, Article XII). For continuing appointment the candidate must be proficient in three, for promotion to Associate, the candidate must be proficient in four, and for promotion to Professor, must be proficient in all five. Note: In the case of continuing appointment or promotion to Associate Professor, one of the areas of proficiency must be effectiveness in teaching.

  1. Mastery of subject matter—as demonstrated by such things as advanced degrees, licenses, honors, awards and reputation in the subject matter field.
  2. Effectiveness in teaching—as demonstrated by such things as judgment of colleagues, development of teaching materials or new courses and student reaction, as determined from surveys, interviews and classroom observation.
  3. Scholarly ability—as demonstrated by such things as success in developing and carrying out significant research work in the subject matter field, contribution to the arts, publications and reputation among colleagues.
  4. Effectiveness of University service—as demonstrated by such things as college and University public service, committee work, administrative work and work with students or community in addition to formal teacher-student relationships.
  5. Continuing growth—as demonstrated by such things as reading, research or other activities to keep abreast of current developments in the academic employee’s fields and being able to handle successfully increased responsibility.

The completed dossier contains the following items:

  1. Departmental recommendation.
  2. Separate recommendation from the Department Chair.
  3. Up-to-date professional vita.
  4. A minimum of three letters of support is required from State University College at Oneonta colleagues conversant with the candidate’s discipline. At least one letter should be from a colleague who is not a member of the candidate’s department and at least one letter should be from a departmental colleague.
  5. A minimum of three letters of support from professional colleagues at other institutions.
  6. Faculty Activities Reports for the past three years should be included in the master file.
  7. Evidence of teaching effectiveness:
    1. Required administration of the Student Perception of Instruction (SPI) or similar tool as recognized by the campus or the department. It is expected that a third party administered the evaluation forms. Statistical results of student evaluation of instruction for the past four semesters as received by the candidate from a third party. The candidate should provide mean scores that are compared with the departmental average and the college. Statistical information should include the number of students registered for each section, and the number of individuals completing evaluation forms for each section. Candidates may comment on circumstances as well as the results of the evaluations.
    2. If student free responses/comments are included, they should be typed exactly as written. Anecdotal information and letters of recommendation from students may be included.
    3. Grade distribution data, including numbers and percentages for each section for each of the preceding three semesters (or from the date of initial appointment, as appropriate). Candidates are encouraged to comment on unusual grading patterns.
    4. Self-evaluation, which will typically include a statement of pedagogic approach and expectation (teaching philosophy, goals, objectives, etc.). Candidates are also encouraged to provide data and comment on teaching assignment, enrollments, and advisement responsibility. Ideally, the self-evaluation will show how the candidate has sought systematic feedback on teaching performance and used that feedback to improve teaching effectiveness.
    5. Representative course outlines, examinations, and similar pedagogic materials. 

Emeritus Status

“Members of the University faculty who retire in good standing, in accordance with the provisions of Title B or C of this Article [of the Policies of the Board of Trustees] shall be entitled to append the term ‘Emeritus’ to the title of their academic or administrative post after the time of retirement.

Emeritus rank shall carry with it such of the following privileges which, in the judgment of the chief administrative officer, are feasible: use of library and study facilities, use of office and laboratory space, eligibility for research grants, and representation of the University in professional groups.” Article XV, Title D.

Extra Service, Part-Time Employment and Honoraria

The goal of the extra service policy at the College at Oneonta is to enable the campus to be responsive to employee needs, fully utilize its human resources, achieve greater administrative efficiency, maintain necessary accountability and provide for a system that would view and reward extra service equitably across divisions. This policy addresses extra service performed on the Oneonta campus; service performed off campus is handled differently.

Professional/Administrative Staff

For this group of employees, extra service is defined as service beyond that normally required by the professional obligation as defined by the individual’s performance program. If the extra service is to be performed on the College at Oneonta campus, the duties performed must be different from and in addition to an individual’s professional obligation. Example, a Director of Financial Aid could be paid extra service if asked to serve as a career counselor weekends or evenings. Extra service compensation may not be used in lieu of overtime for professional employees governed by provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act. If an employee has been determined to be exempt by the Office of Human Resources, the employee is not eligible for overtime compensation but would be eligible for extra service compensation if the above-noted criteria were met. Non-exempt or overtime eligible professional employees are few in number, but can earn overtime compensation.

The duties performed for extra service on the employee’s home campus may not interfere with the individual’s normal professional responsibilities. The duties performed generally are outside of regularly assigned working hours. No full-time employee of the State University may assume another full-time position or obligation either within or without the University while receiving compensation from the University. In addition, all extra service activities must conform to the ethical standards mandated by Section 74 of the Public Officer’s Law.

Compensation for extra service is not to exceed an amount equal to 20% of the employee’s base annual salary in any academic year beginning September 1st, or calendar year beginning July 1st.

Supervisors who wish to pay extra service compensation to any campus employee must complete an APP form identifying the duration of service, the amount of extra compensation and the account that will be charged. The request must receive the approval of the appropriate Vice President and the President of the College. Written approval for extra service assignments must be obtained prior to the commencement of additional responsibilities. Extra service performed in advance of approvals noted in this section will not be compensated.

Academic Staff

Employees holding academic titles will be eligible for extra service compensation either when asked to teach an overload or when performing other professional duties on campus not related to their normal professional duties within their academic department or division. Such assignments include but are not limited to teaching additional course work beyond the standard college teaching load, assisting in other campus offices performing a variety of tasks, etc. In the event that a faculty person asks to be paid extra service for research or public service activities, it must be clearly demonstrated that the activities exceed normal expectations of a faculty member under regular obligations. Additional compensation for research activities must be consistent with any policies of a grant sponsor.

Academic employees fall under the same dollar restrictions as professional employees; namely, 20% of base annual salary during any contract year.

For academic employees, the same method of approval must be followed as described for professional employees. The Provost, based upon recommendations from Department Chairs and Deans, shall devise an extra service payment schedule that will assure consistency across the division for these payments. For instance, payment for teaching of overloads would be arranged according to the number of credit hours taught and based on a standard payment schedule. Chairs and deans will forward all extra service requests in accordance with the agreed upon schedule on APP forms. This procedure will assure equity and at the same time, meet budgetary requirements that the funding is available in accounts designated.

Extra compensation for department chairs should conform to the UUP Agreement.

Part-Time Employment of Teaching Faculty

  1. The employment of adjunct professors and payment of overloads is to be authorized by the division dean with the approval of the Provost.
  2. Normal payment is indicated below, but exceptions may be made either upward or downward when authorized by the division dean.
  3. Guidelines for payment on a per section basis for standard three-credit courses are as follows:
    • Standard payment for adjunct professors is $2,500 per section;
    • Standard payment for overloads for full-time faculty is $2,750 per section;
    • Adjunct compensation for student teacher supervision is at the rate of $750 per student teacher supervised, which includes $100 of implicit compensation for travel.


Under the regulations of the Ethics Commission, employees (excluding academic employees engaging in activities within their discipline and employees providing services related to their official duties) who have received honoraria, without obtaining prior approval, must report honoraria to the College President or designee annually.

An honorarium is defined as a payment, fee or other compensation made as a gratuity, award or honor for services rendered which are not related to official duties. Honoraria are not compensation for outside employment.

Special Instructions for Faculty: The regulations provide an exemption for academic employees of SUNY insofar as the publication, speech or conference for which the honorarium or travel reimbursement is being offered is within the academic discipline of the employee.

If you have received a reportable honorarium: The report of honorarium should include the date received, source, nature of activity, description, location of activity, and the amount received.

Employees who have received prior written approval are not required to file the annual report. If you have any questions, please contact the Office of Human Resources (x2509).

Updated by Human Resources November 2005

Faculty Financial Disclosure

The New York Ethics Commission has concluded that State University Employees serving in academic titles, with the exception of the librarian series, who earn over $77,661 annually must file abbreviated financial disclosure forms under Section 73-a of the Public Officers Law.

Covered faculty will be required to file abbreviated disclosure forms in two situations:

  1. Within thirty (30) days of distribution by the campus of Form 1, those earning in excess of $77,661 must file a statement of the nature and source of outside employment, honoraria and lecture fees for the previous year and anticipated for the current year. Violations: If you knowingly and willfully fail to file this form, or give information that you know to be false on the statement, you shall be subject to a civil penalty in an amount not to exceed $10,000. The State University of New York may impose disciplinary action for failure to file or false filing and may refer individual cases of failure to file or false filing, or conflicts of interest presented by the information supplied, to the State Ethics Commission for investigation and disposition.
  2. At the time of filing of each application for sponsored program grants or contracts, faculty earning in excess of $77,661 must file a statement of their own and spouse’s investment holdings and business interests (form SUNY-2, which is available in Human Resources, 208 Netzer, or the Grants Office, 26 Bacon).

Completed forms will be reviewed to determine whether any conflicts or potential conflicts of interest exist, utilizing standards in section 73 and 74 of the Public Officers Law and the Policies of the Board of Trustees.

If you have any questions, contact the Office of Human Resources (x2509).

Discrimination Policy and Grievance Procedures for SUNY Oneonta Employees and Students

The State University of New York College at Oneonta completely subscribes to all Federal and State Civil Rights Laws prohibiting discrimination at institutions of higher education. The State University of New York College at Oneonta aspires to provide an environment of inclusion for all its employees and students.

It is the policy of our College to provide equal employment and educational opportunities for all qualified people. The College shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment or admission to the College because of race, color, gender, religion, age, pregnancy, national origin (including ancestry), disability, being a disabled veteran or veteran of the Vietnam era, sexual orientation, gender expression and gender identity, marital status, or any other protected category.

The College encourages the prompt reporting of any perceived violation of the Discrimination Policy to ensure that appropriate measures are in place to assure a working, living, and learning environment free of discrimination.

An act of discrimination shall be defined as violation of discrimination laws or the College’s discrimination policy. The State University of New York College at Oneonta takes violation of its discrimination policy seriously. The College will attempt to handle complaints and investigations with fairness to the rights of the individual perceiving discrimination and the rights of the individual being accused.

The College will maintain confidentiality throughout the process as appropriate and to the fullest extent allowed by law. All individuals involved are informed about the confidentiality and the consequences of retaliation, defamation of false accusation.

Research Foundation, Sodexho, O.A.S., and employees of College contractors should follow the policies and procedures established by their respective employers in compliance with Federal and State Laws. Please contact your Human Resources Office for assistance.

Concerns that are discussed with the above individuals or with an administrator, faculty, manager or supervisor concerning acts of discrimination shall be immediately referred to the Affirmative Action Officer. Claims and complaints shall be made directly to the Affirmative Action Officer.

The College uses the SUNY Discrimination Complaint Procedure. Please refer to the SUNY website at

Nepotism Policy

Nepotism is defined for these purposes as the making by an employee of any official employment decision concerning a member of the employee’s immediate family. Immediate family is defined as spouses, children, stepchildren, parents, siblings, in-laws, nieces, nephews or anyone else related by blood, marriage or adoption. Nepotism is prohibited.

No individual shall be part of any official employment decision concerning a member of his or her immediate family. An employment decision includes, but is not limited to, the screening of applications or resumes, telephone interviews, on-campus interviews, reference checks, hiring, promotion, tenure, demotion, transfer, layoff, conditions of work, compensation and selection for training.

No employee may be the immediate supervisor of an immediate family member. In such case, the immediate family member will be supervised by the next level supervisor.

Any questions about this policy should be referred to the Office of Human Resources for resolution.

Paycheck Distribution

Payroll checks will be sorted and available for distribution from the Payroll Office in Netzer 214 by 8:00 a.m. on payday. For employees working in buildings other than Netzer, packets of checks are delivered by Moving and Supply to departments the morning of payday. Within the Netzer Building, individuals designated by departments pick up checks directly from Payroll.

Designated individuals receive checks and direct deposit advices for faculty/staff in their departments and have the following options for distribution.

  1. Employees within departments may personally pick up their checks from the department designee by 3 p.m. If this option is chosen, employees need to sign and date the paycheck distribution list (name in full) indicating their check has been received.
  2. Designees may mail checks to faculty or staff, but only with the written permission of the employee. Under no circumstances may employee paychecks be placed in campus mailboxes for distribution.
  3. If the employee has direct deposit (indicated by a “D” on the advice), department designees may send the check stub to the staff member’s home address or leave the stub in his/her departmental mailbox.
  4. Checks and stubs must be kept secured from the time they are received by the department until properly distributed.
  5. At 3 p.m. on payday, unclaimed checks must be taken to the Accounting Office, Room 245 Netzer, to hold for employee pick up.
  6. Bring the office copy of the paycheck distribution list and ensure that the Accounting Office personnel sign for checks left with them.
  7. Faculty and staff may then claim checks in the Accounting office during normal business hours Monday-Friday. Identification must be presented before checks will be released.

We encourage the faculty and staff to investigate the advantages of direct deposit of their payroll checks. Electronic direct deposit is easily arranged with most local banks as well as banking institutions state wide. If you are interested, please contact any staff member in the Payroll Office at x2504 for the necessary forms.

Personnel Files

The College maintains personnel files in accordance with the Agreement between the State of New York and United University Professions (UUP). Refer to Article 31 for details.

Promotion and Tenure – Professional Staff

Most professional staff members are eligible for permanent appointment; exceptions are Appendix A titles which are limited to five-year appointments. In order to receive a permanent appointment, an individual must have served seven years, with the last two years being in the title in which the appointment will be granted. Prior service at other SUNY institutions may be granted for up to three years, upon the request of the employee.

Timelines for notification of deadlines for renewal or non-renewal are found in Article XI (D) of the Policies of the Board of Trustees.

No employee may receive a continuing or permanent appointment by the failure to meet the notification deadlines. Those appointments must be approved by the Chancellor before they are final.

The regulations governing the promotion of professional employees are found in Article XII of the Policies of the Board of Trustees. There are no established deadlines for applying for promotion. Questions should be directed to the Office of Human Resources (x2509).

Rehabilitation Act – 1973

The State University College at Oneonta will take affirmative action to ensure the recruitment, employment, and retention of qualified persons without regard to their physical or mental disability. The College will treat qualified disabled persons equitably in all employment practices relative to compensation, benefits, transfers, layoffs, institutionally sponsored training, education, tuition assistance, and social and recreational programs.

Employees and applicants are protected from coercion, intimidation, interference, or discrimination for filing a complaint or assisting in an investigation under this act.

Searches and Appointments

Searching for faculty and staff to become members of our College is one of the most important activities in which we engage. This procedure is established to provide uniformity and consistency for filling vacancies at the College. These procedures apply to all full-time positions and, in certain instances, to part-time positions (if requested by the department) as determined by the Associate Vice President of Employee Services in consultation with the Division Vice President. Search procedure information is shared with the Search Committee Chair as soon as the chair is identified.

  1. Following preliminary authorization in accordance with divisional staffing plans, the Department Chairperson/Supervisor will complete a Request to Conduct a Search (APP-1) and an Affirmative Action Recruitment Plan (AARP).
  2. When the APP-1 and the AARP have been signed, this signifies the search, the advertisement, and the membership of the Search Committee have been approved. The Search Committee, including the Committee Chairperson, will consist of a minimum of three members from the Division/Department, and when appropriate, at least one member from another Division or Department. The Search Committee should reflect the diversity of the campus community. When recruiting for College-wide positions, the Search Committee should reflect all segments of the campus community.
  3. The Department will coordinate advertising through the Employment Opportunities Office, after consultation with the Division Dean/Director, and in accordance with the recruitment plan. All advertisements must be approved by the Department Chair, Division Dean/Director, and the Employment Opportunities Office. The Employment Opportunities Office will be responsible for placing position announcements in newspapers depending on the type of search conducted – national, regional or local. The Department Chair can place the announcement in other departmental journals, publications, web sites or list serves after the Employment Opportunities Office has reviewed and assigned a box # to the advertisement.
  4. The Division Dean/Director and a representative from the Employment Opportunities Office will meet with the Search Committee at its first meeting to discuss and further develop recruitment plans and strategies, if needed, and to review affirmative action issues. The Division Dean/Director or Chair of the Search Committee will initiate the first meeting.
  5. Applications will be addressed directly to the Chair of the Search Committee for faculty searches. Application information will be forwarded to Employment Opportunities Office. For professional searches, applications will be addressed directly to Employment Opportunities Office. In some instances, materials will be handled according to the “Internal Search Procedures” for professional positions which are UUP positions. Employment Opportunities Office will acknowledge the receipt of application materials by sending an acknowledgement letter and the Applicant Response form to each applicant.
  6. The Search Committee will review all applications for the position. Before interviews are conducted, the Chairperson of the Search Committee will forward to the Division Dean/ Director and the Employment Opportunities Office the following:
    • the Selection Criteria Checklist with ratings of all applicants against the required and preferred qualifications listed in the advertisement.
    • recommendation of the top candidates for on-campus interviews or, in some cases, phone interviews.
    • brief reasons for discontinuing consideration of the other candidates. 

In addition the Chair of the Search Committee will forward all resumes to the Employment Opportunities Office for review.

  1. The Division Dean/Director and the Employment Opportunities Office will review the information provided. Both offices will then inform the Search Committee Chair when to proceed with the interviews. The approval of Employment Opportunities Office certifies that the College affirmative action policies have been followed.
  2. Candidate interviews will be arranged to include meetings with the Division Dean/Director and the Division Vice President when appropriate.
  3. Subsequent to interviews and prior to written recommendations being forwarded, the Chair of the Search Committee will consult with the Division Dean/Director to discuss the format for a final departmental recommendation, noting strengths and weaknesses of the candidates interviewed. Consultation will also take place with the Employment Opportunities Office noting strengths and weaknesses of candidates interviewed and ensuring Affirmative Action guidelines have been followed. The search can then proceed with a recommendation for hire.
  4. A successful search is not an automatic approval to hire. The Search Committee Chair will submit a formal written recommendation to the Division Dean/Director who, based on consultation with the divisional Vice President, budget availability, as well as division and College-wide priorities, will inform the Department of his/her decision as soon as possible. If approval to hire is given, the Department will then prepare the Request to Appoint (APP-2) and Affirmative Action Final Report (AAFR) forms. Final correspondence with the candidate, either verbal or written, related to terms of employment will be conducted by the Division Dean/Director.

Note: Departments are responsible for maintaining appropriate records, including Search Committee minutes and files of all applicants. Because the files must be kept for three years, after the cutoff date at the end of the calendar year, storage arrangements may need to be discussed with the Division Dean/Director.

Harassment and Sexual Harassment Policy and Grievance Procedures for SUNY Employees and Students

It is the policy of the State University of New York College at Oneonta to provide an environment where employees and students are free from harassment, including sexual harassment. No member or group of the College community shall harass another member or group. Additionally, sexual harassment is an unlawful offense as defined by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, and the New York State Executive Law.

Within our College, a state of civility, trust, respect, and openness among members of the campus community is indispensible to full pursuit of the mission of the institution. Harassment, including sexual harassment, breaks the bonds of civility, trust, respect, and openness.

Harassment creates a hostile environment. Harassment can be created by verbal, written, graphic, or physical conduct that is severe, persistent and/or pervasive and interferes or limits the ability(ies) of a person or persons to work or learn.

Sexual harassment is usually defined as repeated unwelcome and unwanted sexual advances, or sexual allusions, unwarranted references to sexuality or sexual activities, requests for sexual favors, and other speech or conduct of a sexual nature. Sexual harassment can occur among peers, supervisors and supervisees, faculty/staff and students.

Research Foundation, Sodexho. O.A.S. and employees of College contractors should follow the policies and procedures established by their respective employers in compliance with Federal and State Laws. Please contact your Human Resources Office for assistance.

The College encourages a person(s) who perceives harassment/sexual harassment (Complainant) by a member(s) of the campus community (Respondent) to notify the College promptly.

The College uses the SUNY Discrimination Complaint Procedure, which also applies to harassment and sexual harassment. Please refer to the SUNY website at: Claims must be filed with the Affirmative Action Officer (607) 436-2830.

Sexual Orientation

The State University College at Oneonta will take affirmative action to protect persons from judgments relating to sexual orientation. This includes actual or perceived sexual orientation. It is the policy of this College and the expectation of the Board of Trustees of the State University of New York that no discrimination against or harassment of individuals will occur on any of the campuses or in the programs or activities of the University. Consistent with this policy, the College at Oneonta expects that all judgments about and actions toward students and employees will be based on their qualifications, abilities, and performance. Attitudes, practices, and private expression of sexual orientation are unrelated to performance/evaluation and provide no basis for judgment. The College expects all employees and students to take appropriate action to implement this policy of non discrimination. If you experience sexual orientation discrimination, please contact the Affirmative Action Officer.

Tuition Waivers for Faculty and Staff

UUP Tuition Waiver. UUP offers tuition waivers on a “space available” basis, for one course per term (spring, summer, fall), up to 4 credits each course at state-operated SUNY campuses. Each campus has its own form which must be signed by the employee, the instructor and the employing campus. Other fees and charges must be paid by the employee.

SUNY Tuition and Fee Assistance. All employees with other than temporary or adjunct appointments are eligible. The amount of assistance is determined on a case by case basis. Amounts for part time employees are prorated accordingly.
Forms for both are available in the Office of Human Resources (Netzer 208).

Scholarship Awards for Dependents of UUP Employees. Dependent children enrolled in the UUP Benefit Trust Fund who meet specific eligibility requirements and criteria may qualify for a $500 scholarship. Applications are available ONLY from UUP. Contact UUP at 1-800-887-3863 or visit their website at: for an application or further information.

Vietnam Veterans Act – 1974

The State University College at Oneonta will take affirmative action to ensure the recruitment and employment of qualified persons who are disabled veterans and veterans of the Vietnam era. The College will treat qualified veterans and veterans of the Vietnam era equitably in all employment practices relative to compensation, benefits, transfers, layoffs, institutionally sponsored training, education, tuition assistance, and social and recreational programs.

Employees and applicants are protected from coercion, intimidation, interference, or discrimination for filing a complaint or assisting in an investigation under the act.

United University Professions

United University Professions is the selected collective bargaining agent for the faculty of the State University including teachers, librarians and professionals. UUP, the largest public higher education union in the country, is affiliated at the state level with New York State United Teachers and nationally with AFT, AFL-CIO. Each State University campus has a UUP chapter. For information on benefits, membership, and contractual obligations and protections contact: UUP Office (x2135).