Mar 10, 2025  
College Handbook 
College Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Faculty and Student Services

Academic Advisement


The Academic Advisement Center, located in 100 Netzer (x3390), reports to the Office of Student Development and serves faculty, staff and matriculated undergraduate students through the following:

  • Coordinating and distributing up-to-date advising materials to students and advisors
  • Providing advising materials and training to faculty and staff
  • Providing advising support through programs, and individual and group advising
  • Processing all declaration/change of major/concentration/degree forms
  • Processing all assignments and changes of advisors
  • Processing all course substitutions and waivers
  • Processing all course re-evaluation and updating the computer database as required
  • Coordinating group and individual advisement for all new and readmitted students prior to course registration
  • Processing all pre-set scheduling for new entering freshmen
  • Designing and implementing all new and readmitted student orientation programs
  • Overseeing the Academic Leave of Absence process
  • Assisting students in obtaining prior approval for transfer course work
  • Reviewing and processing all readmission applications
  • Supervising the Academic Team Member program
  • Exploring new processes and delivery systems for improved advising practices.


The graduate advisory program aims to help the student plan a program of study that will improve professional competence and maintain a close liaison between the student and the College. Each graduate program has a departmental program director or coordinator. Contact the Office of Graduate Studies in Netzer 135 for the names of these individuals.

Upon admission to a master’s degree program, each graduate student is assigned a faculty advisor from the academic department of the major field of study. It is the function of the advisor to assist the student in planning a graduate program and the selection of appropriate courses. The student is responsible for being familiar with graduate policies and procedures and for fulfilling all degree requirements.

Graduate students may request a change of academic advisor by contacting the program director, and sending a written request to the Graduate Office. The Graduate Office will notify students in writing when such requests are granted and will send students the name of their new advisor.

While non-degree graduate students are not assigned faculty advisors, they are encouraged to consult individual faculty members or academic department chairs with respect to the appropriateness and availability of courses.

Academic Information Technology Services

The mission of Academic Information Technology Services is to inspire, encourage, and support students, faculty and staff in their use of technology as a foundation for teaching and learning at SUNY Oneonta.

Academic Information Technology Services provides technology support to students, faculty and staff through the Information Technology Help Desk, configures and maintains, hardware/software including consultation on procurement, general-purpose computer labs, provides support and development for using technology in teaching through the Teaching, Learning and Technology Center, provides classroom support, and repairs computer and electronic equipment. ACS also provides basic support and consultation for departmental labs on campus. More information is available at x2735.

Information Technology Help Desk

Located in the basement of Milne Library, the Information Technology Help Desk is available to assist students, faculty and staff with technology problems on campus. Services provided include: hardware/software installations, email and disk quota problems, software or printing troubles, user account concerns, PIN resets for faculty web services, computer lab information and requests, recommended computer configurations and any technology-related questions. Problems are either addressed over the phone or referred to the appropriate support personnel. The Help Desk cannot support personally owned computer technology. For more information or to log a problem, call x4567.

Teaching, Learning and Technology Center (TLTC)

The TLTC, located in the basement of Milne Library, supports faculty using technology in teaching, research or other scholarly activities. Instructional support is the TLTC’s highest priority. The Center offers a variety of equipment and software, along with staff expertise in instructional design, image scanning and manipulation, and the creation and integration of multimedia (text, graphics, sound and animation) into learning materials. Examples of the TLTC’s programs and services include:

  • Technology training and discovery programs (individual, small group, and workshops in a variety of formats)
  • Course management software (ANGEL) support and training
  • Faculty Expos and other forms of “What’s Happening” related to educational technology
  • Forums for faculty to share ideas about technology and teaching
  • Consultation on projects, research, teaching ideas, etc., and purchasing
  • Faculty Computer Purchase Programs that provide faculty with computers through the Provost and the Educational Technology Committee..

Technology Services

Academic IT’s Technology Services department provides support for educational technology through the following means:

  • Equipment distribution—classroom setups, permanent installations, over-the-counter sign-outs
  • System design and installation—in classrooms, labs, and other facilities
  • Repairing computers and many other kinds of electronic equipment.

Call x3316 for additional information.

Laptop Computers

The State University College at Oneonta has available to its faculty a limited number of laptop computers for short term loan for College related business both on and off campus. These laptops are purchased to be used for registration and other purposes but are available for individual loan when not committed for their primary purpose.

  1. Laptop computers are usually available during the fall and spring semesters on a first-come, first-served basis. Arrangements are made through Technology Services in the Instructional Resources Center (IRC B-11, x3318 or x3316).
  2. A maximum loan period of 7 days will be adhered to when signing out these computers. Extensions between 7 days to 2 weeks can be authorized by the Technology Services Manager and will be based upon existing requests. If a longer period of time is necessary, special permission must be granted. Decisions may be reviewed by the Associate Provost for Library and Information Services. Requests for extended loans (beyond 7 days) must be submitted 2 weeks prior to anticipated use.
  3. Any software that is loaded on these machines must be a legal copy and should be removed before returning the computer. The hard disk drives on these machines may be reformatted after their return, so you must save anything you need on a floppy disk before returning the machine.
  4. All College, SUNY and State regulations governing the use of College owned equipment off campus apply to these machines.
  5. The proper forms must be completed prior to borrowing these machines.

African American, Latino, Asian and Native American (AALANA)

The demographics of the College are changing. African American, Latino, Asian, and Native American (AALANA) students currently comprise nearly 10% of the overall enrollment for the college. Consistent with Oneonta 2008 Strategic Action Plan on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, it is the College’s goal to continue to increase the recruitment of AALANA students to SUNY Oneonta.

The Office of Multicultural Student Affairs, a program in the Division of Student Development, seeks to enhance the quality of life for and academic success rates of African American, Latino, Asian and Native American students. The office also provides leadership on issues related to valuing diversity on campus and offers programs and training on multicultural education.

The AALANA Mentorship Program is organized through the Office of Multicultural Student Affairs. It is a peer mentorship program designed to assist freshmen and transfer students with the transition to college life through interaction with peer groups of mentors. The peer groups are composed of six to eight freshmen mentees and are led by four upper-class mentors. Program participants are required to attend monthly meetings with their peer mentor group as well as attend a minimum of two programs hosted by the Office of Multicultural Student Affairs each semester.

The Office of Multicultural Student Affairs is located in 119 Netzer (x3353)..

Center for Academic Development and Enrichment

The Center for Academic Development and Enrichment (CADE), which comprises the Learning and Writing Centers, provides a wide range of services to help foster academic success for students at any stage of their academic career—from first year students to graduate students:

  • Developmental coursework and professional tutoring in WRITING
  • Professional tutoring in STUDY SKILLS
  • Credit-bearing courses in learning strategies and study skills
  • Developmental coursework and professional tutoring in MATH
  • Developmental coursework and professional tutoring in CRITICAL READING
  • Peer tutoring in most 100-level courses and some 200-level courses
  • Tutor training courses.

Our professional tutors hold advanced degrees in English, education or a related field. In both the Writing Center and Learning Center, these dedicated professional tutors work with students to help them develop appropriate strategies to achieve academic success.

Developmental education serves a range of student needs. The basic philosophy of developmental education is to serve students’ academic needs whenever students reach a period of transition in which prior experiences do not match the academic expectations they encounter. With that philosophy in mind, we meet the students where they are and aid them as they work to move to the next level. Sometimes that means we help those who struggle with reading critically or studying effectively in their first year of college, which is, historically, what the Learning Center was designed to do. More often, though, we’re finding that those periods of transition occur throughout a student’s academic career. Writing in a scholarly voice while remaining clear and concise, for example, is a real challenge for some juniors. Some students excel at writing and liberal arts courses, but find that they need assistance in math courses.

Students who use CADE’s services do so for a number of reasons. Some are placed in our developmental courses via the placement testing we administer during First Year Orientation. Others are referred by their professors for writing, reading or study skills assistance.

To assist your students in availing themselves of our free services, you might begin by including the following in your syllabus. (This statement is also available on the Teacher’s Resources Page of the CADE website,, if you would like to cut-and-paste the text.) For information, contact CADE in 225 Alumni Hall, (607)436-3010 or at

If you are a student with disabilities, like all students on campus you are welcome to use CADE’s services. Student Disabilities Services is, however, a separate office, and they can be reached at (607)436-2137 or


To refer students for assistance with writing, faculty members need to provide written permission. It helps the CADE tutors to have the faculty explain to students that the Writing Center does not provide simple proofreading of papers. We strive to support students’ overall development of writing processes. Our website provides a FAQ section on writing tutorials. A handout with an explanation of our services is also available on the web. If you would like to provide blanket permission to all students in your courses, you will also find a form for that purpose on our site.

To refer students for assistance with 100-level or 200-level courses, reading, study skills or basic math, please have them visit our website to learn about services and register on-line for peer or professional tutoring.

If you have questions at any time, we welcome all faculty members to contact CADE at 436-3010 to speak with one of our staff about our services.

Center for Multicultural Experiences

The purpose of the Center for Multicultural Experiences (CME) is to support and promote social and academic events that celebrate, embrace, and enhance one’s knowledge and understanding of individuals and groups from other nations and the various ethnic and racial communities that comprise the mosaic of American society. The CME provides students of color and international students with the social, spiritual and academic support they need. It serves as a vehicle for building bridges among various campus constituencies. The Center is located in Lee Hall (x2617 or x2663). Monthly program activities are on the web at:

Center for Social Responsibility and Community

The Center for Social Responsibility and Community (CSRC) provides opportunities for students to become involved in organizations and issues through a wide variety of volunteer opportunities, including course-based service learning, special events, and ongoing opportunities that serve over 90 partnering nonprofit agencies. CSRC looks forward to working with faculty on service learning programs and will help place students in the field. In addition to making a difference in our local community, CSRC hosts several events annually. Freshman service day held in August connects incoming freshmen to the community by volunteering even before classes begin. Each November CSRC hosts the conference on Volunteerism and Social Responsibility. In addition, Into the Streets each May brings 400-600 students together with the community for a day of service. Over 20% of the student body is involved annually, providing over 50,000 hours of volunteer service to nonprofits. The Center is located in 101C Alumni Hall (x2098). To find out how to get involved, visit the website at:

College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP)

The CAMP program is designed to provide students from migrant and seasonal farm working families, or their immediate family member, with a comprehensive array of support services which will enable them to successfully complete their first year of college. CAMP also provides follow-up services to students entering their second year of college. The office is located in 111B Wilsbach Hall, x3110.

Counseling Services for Students

Currently enrolled students can receive professional, confidential counseling on campus at the Counseling Center. Counseling can help students derive the maximum benefit from their opportunities at the College. Over 80% of the students coming to the Counseling Center say that their problem is interfering with their education. The Counseling Center supports the academic mission of the College by helping students manage their problems and their feelings, and to become more clear and focused in their academic work.

Faculty are encouraged to consult with the Counseling Center about any concerns they have regarding a student’s psychological well-being. In such situations the faculty member can contact the Counseling Center at x3368 and consult with a counselor, or refer the student to contact the Counseling Center directly.

Counseling is free of charge to students. The Counseling Center is located in the round building on Ravine Parkway, known as the Counseling, Health, and Wellness Center.

Hours: Monday - Friday
  8:00 a.m. -12:00, 1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
  Closed Weekends
Summer Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 12:00, 1:00 - 4:00 p.m.
  Closed Weekends

Students are seen at the Counseling Center on a voluntary basis only; students cannot be required to attend counseling. The counselors are all professionally trained and well-experienced practitioners, who specialize in helping college students and can assist with the broad range of problems that students may have.

Counseling at the Center is generally short term. Some students may require more specialized, intensive, or longer-term treatment, in which case referrals are made to appropriate professionals in the community.

Confidentiality is an important part of the counseling process. All student contacts with the Counseling Center are confidential in accordance with legal and ethical standards. No information is released on or off campus without a student’s written consent. There are legal exceptions to confidentiality that may apply in unusual circumstances when a person is a danger to self or others, or when there is reported child or elder abuse.

Professional staff at the Counseling Center is available for questions and to consult about concerns. Please do not hesitate to call. For appointments, phone x3368 or stop by Room 101 in the Counseling, Health and Wellness Center.

Counseling Center information for faculty is available through our Faculty and Staff web pages at:

Educational Opportunity Program (EOP)

The Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) at the College at Oneonta serves educationally and economically disadvantaged high school graduates. The goal of EOP is to make higher education possible for students who lack traditional credentials for college admission but who have the potential for academic success. The EOP Office supports students with academic advisement, counseling, tutoring, academic support courses and a peer counseling program. Offices are located in Netzer (x2407) and in Alumni Hall (x2496).

Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

The NYS Employee Assistance Program was established in 1983 to help state employees balance the demands of work, home and life. EAP is a Work-Life Services benefit sponsored jointly by labor and management. EAP is a strictly confidential, voluntary support referral service. EAP provides confidential information, assessment, and referral services to community resources to address a broad range of issues and concerns. It also provides orientations and training for all employees, managers, supervisors, and union representatives on benefits and use of EAP. All contact with the EAP Coordinator is absolutely confidential. The College’s EAP Coordinator may be reached at x2452.

Faculty Web Services

All instructional faculty have access to web services at

Services include:

  • Up-to-the-minute class rosters including students’ major, degree, and class year
  • Access to addresses and phone numbers of students in your classes
  • On-line grading (interim grades as well as final grades)
  • Ability to down load e-mail addresses of students in your classes
  • Ability to down load class rosters to EXCEL
  • Ability to withdraw students from your class for reasons of poor attendance
  • Ability to override registration restrictions permitting individual students to enter your class
  • Access to on-line academic records of your advisees

Access to web services requires your social security number or College ID number and PIN. If you have questions or difficulties, contact the Registrar’s Office at x3216.

First Year Experience and Orientation

At the College at Oneonta, we believe that the more connected our students are to our campus community, and to our faculty and staff, the more likely it is that they will be successful students. It comes through loud and clear in national research that connections between faculty and freshmen students are both imperative and valuable when it comes to students having a successful first year. The College’s First Year Experience and Orientation Office offers various methods of connecting students to our community. The College at Oneonta’s First Year Experience and Orientation Office has several ways for faculty to become involved in assisting our freshmen students with a successful transition to life at the college.

Orientation: The primary purpose of our orientation program is to introduce new students and their families to the College at Oneonta community. Students and their families will have the opportunity to meet and talk with a variety of academic and student support personnel. Students will meet other students and begin the process of making the transition to their new environment. Along with this fostered interaction, students will receive academic information, engage in individualized academic advisement, register for courses, receive their advisor assignment, and receive a College at Oneonta student identification card. Students accepted for the fall term attend either a Summer Orientation session or the August Orientation session immediately prior to the start of classes. Students accepted for the spring term attend orientation in January prior to the beginning of classes.

First Year Seminar: The First Year Office collaborates with Academic Affairs on the First Year Seminar. This is a one semester hour course taught by faculty. The FYE Office provides Peer Educators (Very Influential Peers – VIPs) to assist the faculty by mentoring the freshmen students in each class. If faculty are interested in teaching this class, contact the Lead Faculty for the First Year Seminar, Dr. Theresa Russo.

Early Warning and Intervention Program: Research shows a connection between attending class and grade in the class: the more missed classes, the lower the grade. Faculty Members can participate in the College’s Early Warning and Intervention Program by using Faculty Web-Services. This program gives faculty members the opportunity to refer students who have missed a number of classes to a professional staff member who will reach out to the student to determine if assistance is needed.

Success Series: One way for faculty to become active with FYE is to utilize the Student Success Series, a series of programs presented during the fall semester by faculty and staff from campus. These programs focus on issues that can impact a student’s ability to be an active and productive learner. Faculty members are encouraged to refer students to these programs. A list of programs will be provided at the beginning of each semester. Faculty members are also encouraged to become active by presenting programs.

If you, or your department, are interested in learning more, please contact the Director of the Office of First Year Programs (x2255).

Creative Media Services

Creative Media Services is unit of professional creative staff in the areas of television and electronic media production, graphic design, printing and instructional support operating under the Director of Communications for the College. The primary mission of Creative Media Services (CMS) is to support the educational and public service mission of the college through the creation of commercial quality electronic and print media and the dissemination of such media to various outlets and services. CMS operates under all College policies and Federal laws governing the use of copyrighted materials for education and other means.

Creative Media Services Resources include:

  • Fully digital video and media production plant that consists of two television studios, mobile production unit, sports production facility, and HD field production and editing.
  • A media library of videotapes and DVDs.
  • Audio and Video duplication of various media formats including CD, VHS, DVD, digital video formats and conversion to Mp4, Mp3, Flash, QT, WMV, and AVI.
  • Space for viewing and/or listening of media formats supported by CMS.
  • Internet Streaming and Electronic Media Storage.
  • Satellite downlink (reception) and Closed Circuit Television Delivery Network.
  • Recording of electronic visual media via satellite, Internet, and cable television.
  • A Public, Educational, Governmental access channel available on the Time Warner Cable system.
  • Design and production of video based media for television, classroom presentation, Internet streaming, web pages.
  • Full graphic and design services for print based media such as posters and brochures for display and informational purposes.
  • Reproduction of print based media in black and white and full color.
  • An Instructional Support and Copy Center for duplication of classroom materials.
  • Scantron grading of exams.
  • Mounting and laminating for approved projects.
  • Consultation, assistance and training for those who wish produce their own designs, visual media, or are working on grants or special projects.

Detailed information regarding how to access services through Television and electronic media, Graphic Design and Publications, Printing, or the Instructional Support and Copy Center may be found by visiting the Creative Media Services web site at and clicking on the link for the department name. You may also contact Creative Media Services by calling the main office at x3314 or stop by the office located in room 104 of the Hogdon Instructional Resource Center Building (IRC).

Milne Library

Milne Library serves as an intellectual center providing a wide range of resources and comprehensive services that improve student learning and advance faculty teaching and research. The College’s instructional program is the library’s primary focus. In addition to this document, the library website and the Information Guide Series offer an introduction to the facility, its collections, and services. Faculty members can consult the Faculty Services web page ( or call the Research Help Desk (x2722) for additional assistance.

Library Web Site

The library web site serves as the main gateway to Milne Library’s online resources. The web site makes available Milne’s services and collections, electronic resources, databases, instructional guides, and online exhibits. Interlibrary loan requests, faculty requests for instruction and document delivery, and reference questions can be submitted through the site. A proxy server allows off-campus access through the library’s main page to the library’s online resources. AskUs reference service is provided 24/7.

Ordering Materials

Each academic department has an allocation from the library budget to order books and A-V materials to support the departmental curriculum. Each department chooses a faculty member who coordinates the ordering for the department. The library uses an automated ordering system called GOBI for the majority of ordering. Training and assistance for using the automated system are available from the Acquisitions Librarian at X2727. An electronic request form is also available on the library’s web site. Allocations are determined by means of a formula approved by the College Library Committee each spring. The formula is based on FTEs, the number of courses taught, materials use, and a fixed ratio. For periodicals or online resources, faculty members should contact the library bibliographer assigned to the department.

College Library Committee

The College Library Committee consists of the Library Director, members from academic departments and the student body. Established by the faculty bylaws, it assists the Library Director in guiding the development and growth of the library, in formulating policy for the use of the library, and in allocating library funds to academic areas. The members of the Library Committee also serve as liaisons to the academic departments, bringing departmental concerns to the committee and sharing information on library matters and new resources with their departments.

Librarian Bibliographers

A librarian is assigned to each academic department to provide an avenue for faculty in the department to learn about library resources and services and to work with the department to build a strong collection in the department’s curricular areas. The list of librarians assigned to academic departments is on the library web site under Faculty Services.


Faculty members can borrow most circulating items for 120 days, although special collection items often circulate for shorter periods or not at all. Reference books and periodicals do not usually circulate. To borrow materials, users must present a valid College I.D. card. Items can be renewed by phone or online and are subject to recall. Faculty members and staff will be charged for loss or damage, but faculty are not subject to fines.

Adult members of a faculty member’s family can borrow from the library collection, but with their own community borrowers’ cards. Faculty are responsible for all items signed out on their cards. Questions about circulation should be addressed to the Head of Circulation (x2725). Faculty members have borrowing privileges at Hartwick College library and at other SUNY libraries. In addition to a College I.D. card, other SUNY libraries may ask faculty to show a recent paycheck stub as proof of current employment.


Traditional reserves are located at the Circulation Desk. Heavily used course-related materials can be placed on reserve to ensure that all class members have access to them. Loan periods range from 2 hours to 7 days. Materials eligible include personal copies and most library materials.

Electronic reserves will be posted to the instructors’ Angel course pages. In both cases, with traditional materials and electronic reserves, the instructor is responsible for interpreting the “fair use” guidelines under the copyright law when placing material on reserve. The instructor is also responsible for securing permission from the copyright holder to use material that exceeds “fair use.”

Reserve requests are processed in the order in which they are received. Traditional reserves are entered in the online catalog under title, course number and professor’s last name. Faculty members should allow 3-5 working days for materials to be processed. Reserve forms and guidelines are available at, the Circulation Desk or by calling x 2466.

Faculty Publications

The library invites faculty to present copies of their publications for the Faculty Publications Collection in Special Collections. The Acquisitions Librarian (x2727) can provide more information.

Research Carrels

A limited number of carrels are located in the library. Requests should be sent in writing to the Associate Provost for Library and Information Services, Milne Library 116.

Library Instruction

One of Milne Library’s goals is “ensuring that SUNY Oneonta students develop core competencies of information literacy.” The library’s instructional program includes both a one-credit course, INTD 150: Library & Internet Research, offered each semester, and single classes offered at the request of faculty members. Librarians tailor instruction to the specific academic needs of each class, creating bibliographies and other educational materials that list appropriate resources and guide research. In the library’s electronic classroom, students have the opportunity to practice library and research skills under the joint guidance of the librarian and the course instructor. Because of the heavy demand for instruction, faculty members should request instruction well in advance of the date needed. Those interested in arranging instruction for their classes should contact Michelle Hendley by phone at x3341, or email at

Interlibrary Loan (ILL)

ILL provides access to material not owned by Milne Library. Requests are submitted through ILLiad, the online interlibrary loan/document delivery system accessible from the library’s home page. The length of time required to fill a request depends on the type of material and where the item is located. There is usually no charge for ILL; however if a lending library or a vendor charges, costs beyond normal expectations will be shared with the borrower. For more information, faculty members can contact the Head of Access Services (x2998, or check the ILL FAQ on the library website (

Faculty Electronic Delivery Services (FEDS)

All SUNY Oneonta faculty are eligible for Faculty Electronic Delivery Services (FEDS). There are three types of FEDS.

  • Milne Library staff will scan articles and book chapters from personally owned, interlibrary loaned or Milne Library items. Each request is limited to 30 pages.
  • Often one can access electronic journals directly. Availability of a journal article is determined through the Articles or Journals link on the library’s home page. Embedded in most of the electronic indexes and article databases are buttons that say “360 Link to Full Text” which is a tool that creates links from the citations in one database to the full text, when it is available, in another database. When electronic full text is not available, ‘Request document via ILLiad (Interlibrary Loan)’ will appear as one of the 360 Link to Full-Text options.
  • Scanning for electronic reserves can be requested through the IDS Office, using the Electronic Reserve Form located at the Circulation Desk or the IDS Office. Items will be scanned and sent to the ERES ILLiad account for the Reserve clerk to post to the appropriate Angel account.

Questions concerning FEDS should be directed by e-mail to or by phone to x2726. For more information on faculty electronic delivery services (FEDS) see

Student Disability Services

The Office of Student Disability Services (SDS) is an advocate for faculty and staff as well as students. Its charge is two-fold: to evaluate each student’s diagnostic materials to ascertain that there is a disability; and to make recommendations to College faculty about accommodations. When recommending which accommodations any student receives on campus, the staff at SDS follows guidelines that are set forth by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act. This is to ensure that faculty act consistently with Federal law.

Faculty Responsibility

Each faculty member is personally responsible for providing reasonable accommodations and can become personally liable for refusing to provide such accommodations. The SDS office will help with a range of services including acquiring note-takers and providing testing accommodations. It is entirely up to the faculty member to decide whether to provide the accommodations on his/her own or to seek the assistance of the SDS Office.

Student Responsibility

It is the student’s responsibility to register with SDS and provide current, appropriate diagnostic information to SDS; to identify himself/herself to you and provide you with an Accommodation Plan from the SDS office. This establishes that the student has provided the necessary documentation of the disability and states exactly what accommodations the student is entitled to by law. The student will provide you with a Test Accommodation form for each test for which they request assistance. If you do not receive such a form you may assume that the student has chosen to take the test with the rest of the class in standard format.

Any student asking for services who does not have an accommodation plan should be directed to SDS as soon as possible (209 Alumni Hall, x2137).