Mar 10, 2025  
2018-2019 Graduate Catalog 
2018-2019 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

The College Community

The Campus

SUNY Oneonta’s 250-acre campus overlooks the scenic Susquehanna River Valley in central New York about halfway between Albany and Binghamton. On nearby Otsego Lake in Cooperstown, the college maintains a complex that houses its Biological Field Station and Graduate Program in History Museum Studies.

The Oneonta Area

Visitors to SUNY Oneonta enjoy the area’s natural beauty, outdoor recreational opportunities, and many historic sites. Cooperstown offers the National Baseball Hall of Fame and many museums. Within a 30-minute drive are two state parks (Glimmerglass and Gilbert Lake) and several popular ski areas. Oneonta offers a shopping mall, a distinctive downtown business community, a wide range of shops and restaurants, and convenient public transportation.

The college is located on the outskirts of the City of Oneonta. In addition to being an educational center, the city offers diverse housing, shopping, cultural, and recreational opportunities. SUNY Oneonta contributes significantly to the cultural and intellectual life of the community.

Major cultural activities at SUNY Oneonta include theatrical productions and musical events offered by student groups, community organizations, and national touring companies. Art exhibitions are shown regularly in the college galleries. A wide variety of speakers address provocative and timely topics throughout the year.

The campus is within walking distance of Oneonta’s shopping district. Public transportation, connecting the campus with the City of Oneonta, runs on a regular schedule seven days a week. The city is served by Trailways bus company. Chartered buses take students to and from the New York Metropolitan Area and other parts of the state for vacation periods. The Binghamton airport is about 60 minutes away, and the Albany airport is about 90 minutes away.

Weather in Oneonta is variable. Winters are usually brisk and snowy. Spring and fall bring beautiful, sunny days interspersed with occasional rain. Spring flowers and fall foliage attract many visitors to the area and make these seasons exceptionally beautiful. Warm days and cool nights make summer extremely popular.

The College

Founded in 1889, SUNY Oneonta became a charter member of the State University of New York in 1948. The college has grown into a nationally regarded liberal arts institution with a pre-professional focus. The college is noted for an outstanding and accessible faculty, students committed to both academic achievement and community service, excellent facilities and technology, a beautiful campus, and a modern library with exceptional resources.  Annual enrollment is around 6,000 students.


SUNY Oneonta’s main campus consists of 36 buildings. The 284-acre College Camp, located about two miles from campus, features an observatory, lodge, and outdoor recreational facilities. In nearby Cooperstown, on the shores of Otsego Lake, the college has 2,600 acres of woodland, pond, and shoreline that serve as an aquatic and terrestrial ecological research area for the Biological Field Station.

The James M. Milne Library is a five-story building where students access information and research materials in a technology-rich environment. The library provides access to traditional library services, including research help, circulation, and interlibrary loan. The Milne Technology Center offers over 100 computers with a wide range of productivity software, digital video editing suites, and a presentation rehearsal room with self-video capability. Under one roof, students are able to retrieve information, write papers, and create presentations in a collaborative environment.

The college’s Fine Arts building houses programs in the visual and performing arts. The north section of the building contains art studios, a computer art lab, and student artwork displayed along the walls. The Laurence B. Goodrich Theater and the Hamblin Arena Theater share the central section of the building with the Martin-Mullen Art Gallery and the Project Space Gallery. Music Department’s studios, music labs, rehearsal halls, and performance spaces include soundproofing, acoustically tunable paneling, industry-grade recording equipment, and secure, climate controlled storage.

The Evelyn R. Hodgdon Instructional Resources Center (IRC) contains nine lecture halls for large classes and public service activities, a television studio used for the production of video programming, and computer laboratories. The lecture halls are fully equipped electronic classrooms with complete computer, audio-visual, video, and large-screen projection capabilities.

The college provides a robust technology environment in support of student learning. All traditional classrooms are equipped with multimedia capabilities. The college has over 700 networked computers dedicated to student use in about 50 different labs on campus. Many of the labs, including those in each residence hall, are open seven days a week.

The Charles W. Hunt College Union is the focal point for many activities, including student government, leadership programs, Greek affairs, feature films and comedy shows, literary and musical performances, and current affairs programming including speakers and exhibits, as well as faculty functions and educational conferences. It has conference rooms, a lecture hall/movie theater, a snack bar, multimedia lounge, dining room, and club and student organization offices. The Union’s 900-seat ballroom is used for speakers, concerts, craft shows and special events.

The Outdoor Resource Center, located in Hulbert Hall, is the campus headquarters for the Outdoor Adventure Club and for a wide assortment of outdoor activities and wilderness programming.

One of the busiest places on the campus is the Alumni Field House, which features three basketball courts, a dance studio, an elevated indoor track, a weight training and fitness center, and two racquetball courts. The Dewar Arena in the field house hosts major academic, entertainment, and athletic events. In addition, the G. Hal Chase Physical Education Building contains a gymnasium, fitness center, handball/racquetball courts, a quarter-mile track, and a swimming pool. Tennis and basketball courts, athletic fields, and a lighted all-weather track and field are also available on campus for recreational and scheduled sports activities.

The college’s 15 residence halls provide housing for over 3,000 students, while five additional buildings have office space and classrooms for other academic departments and programs. Fitzelle Hall houses the Education, Mathematics, Philosophy, Africana and Latino Studies, Computer Science and Statistics, and Psychology Departments. Schumacher Hall contains classrooms for the History, English, Foreign Languages and Literatures, Geography and Environmental Sustainability, Economics and Business, Political Science, and Sociology Departments. Two well-equipped science buildings provide laboratory, classroom, office, and research space for Biology, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Chemistry and Biochemistry, and Physics and Astronomy, while the Human Ecology Building provides its department with laboratories, a CAD, Child Development Center, and special purpose rooms.

The Morris Conference Center is a full-service, year-round residential conference center available to college, community, business, and professional organizations. The Center’s comfortable, climate-controlled conference rooms are equipped to support teleconferencing and a variety of audio-visual presentations. Computers with Internet access are also available.

The Center for Multicultural Experiences, located in Lee Hall, provides social, spiritual, and academic support to students of color and international students. Open to everyone at SUNY Oneonta, the CME is the perfect place for meetings, discussions, receptions, or quiet study.

The Center for Social Responsibility and Community

The Center for Social Responsibility and Community (CSRC) provides students with a wide variety of volunteer and service-learning opportunities, connecting students to a rich learning laboratory of nonprofit organizations and agencies off campus. Located at Alumni Hall in Room 101C, the CSRC office is student-led. Throughout the school year, the Center hosts a number of events, beginning in the fall semester with Freshman Service Day when students first arrive on campus. In November, CSRC holds its Annual Conference on Volunteerism and Social Responsibility, partnering with neighboring institutions of higher education. Students are encouraged to participate in CSRC-sponsored activities on campus, such as American Red Cross blood drives, and American Cancer Society and Kidney Foundation fundraising events. Each May, CSRC’s Into the Streets event brings the campus and local community together through a full day of service that benefits area organizations and residents. Over 20% of the SUNY Oneonta student body participates in volunteer and service-learning activities, averaging 50,000 hours of community service each year in serving over 90 nonprofits and organizations in our region. Upon graduation, the Center recognizes students for their service at a ceremony attended by College administrators and faculty, with certificates and awards given to those who have reached 350, 500 or 750 hours of service.

The Alumni Association

Established in 1890, the SUNY Oneonta Alumni Association is made up of more than 60,000 alumni who have distinguished themselves in their careers and their service to our College. The Alumni Association can provide you with the tools you need to stay connected, engaged and involved with SUNY Oneonta and each other. Ongoing involvement with the Association can help promote your career and business, increase your professional contacts and lead to other opportunities. The Office of Alumni Engagement works with the SUNY Oneonta Alumni Association Board of Directors to develop programs and services that support the Association’s mission. The Office, located in Alumni Hall, Room 128, is open Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

The College Foundation

Established in 1982, the State University College at Oneonta Foundation Corporation, Inc. raises, receives, and manages all gifts and grants from alumni, parents, friends, faculty, staff, foundations, and corporations. It is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors. The principal assets of the Foundation constitutes nearly all of the college’s endowment, which has grown to $60 million and provides financial support for scholarships, academic programs, faculty development, lectureships, student research, and a wide range of other college activities. Gifts and grants are made to the College Foundation on an annual basis and through estate planning.

Oneonta Auxiliary Services (OAS)

The mission of Oneonta Auxiliary Services is to support SUNY Oneonta through our commitment to exceptional customer service as we establish, operate, manage, enhance and promote programs and auxiliary services for the benefit of the College community. OAS is governed by a Board of Directors consisting of students, faculty and administrators. Services provided either directly by OAS or through a subcontract include: Dining Services, the Red Dragon Outfitters (supplies, clothing, memorabilia), Damascene Book Cellar (textbooks), the College Camp educational and recreational facility, vending services (snacks and soda), residence hall washers and dryers, check cashing services, campus spending accounts, summer storage solutions, and ID/dining card operation. OAS is a not-for-profit corporation that returns $2 million annually to the College through scholarships, utilities, program accounts and capital improvements.

Student Health Services

Appointments: Services at the Student Health Center are available to all registered students who pay the health fee. Students are encouraged to make appointments, which can usually be scheduled within 24 hours of calling. Appointments can also be made through the health center portal. If a student prefers to be seen without an appointment, an urgent care clinic is available most afternoons. Waiting times for walk-in services vary and are difficult to estimate.

Providers: Services at the health center are provided by a physician, physician’s assistant, nurse practitioners and registered professional nurses.

Health histories and immunizations: New York State Department of Health requires the college to monitor the vaccine status of all registered students. Therefore, it is mandatory to provide a copy of immunization records to the Health Center within 30 days of the start of your first semester in attendance at SUNY Oneonta. This includes measles, mumps and rubella, and meningitis information. Students who fail to provide these records will be stopped from registering for classes and status as a registered student at SUNY Oneonta may be affected. If a student intends to utilize the Health Center and pays the health fee, it is also required that the student complete a health history form which is located on the Health Center portal.

Services and fees: Student Health Center services are covered under the comprehensive fee and include the following for no additional charges: assessment and treatment for medical illnesses, minor injuries, nebulizer treatment, cryo-surgery, comprehensive male and female reproductive health, preparation for overseas travel, follow-up and counseling for chronic illnesses and healthy life-style assessment, referrals to specialty care, limited on-site laboratory testing, limited prescriptions and over the counter medications, annual influenza injections and health education programming.

The following services are available for an additional nominal fee: several types of contraception, sexually transmitted disease testing, Hepatitis A, and Yellow Fever vaccinations. If a student needs comprehensive laboratory or x-ray services, the hospital that provides the services will bill the student or parents directly. Specialty medical care and emergency services are available in the community and at local hospitals.

Office of Health Education

The Office of Health Education is dedicated to fostering a campus climate that promotes low-risk choices, harm reduction, social norming and disease prevention. The Office of Health Education encourages students to work toward optimal wellness through the following services:

Wellness Outreach Programs: The Office of Health Education offers a variety of outreach program that include: events, workshops and presentations for Residence Halls, campus clubs, organizations and/or athletic teams and a health newsletter. Programs include but are not limited to the following topics: wellness, sexuality, alcohol and other drugs, tobacco, nutrition and exercise, relationships, sleep, body image, eating disorders, contraception, sexually transmitted infections including HIV/AIDS, sexual assault, relationship violence, sexual harassment, stalking, stress management, and bystander training. Smoking cessation support is also available to students through this office.

Advocacy: The Health Educator acts as an advocate for students concerning any issues regarding personal health and health care. Students are encouraged to schedule an appointment by calling 607-436-3540.

Wellness Resources: The Office of Health Education is a clearinghouse of information concerning a variety of health topics including pamphlets, posters, videos, electronic resources and books. The Health Educator acts as a resource person and consultant for students requesting topical materials for class work, service projects or personal use.

Internships: Students have the opportunity to earn one to three credits working with the Office of Health Education. Internships can focus on specific health topics or provide a broader view of health promotional activities on the college campus.

For more information please visit us on the web at or call 436-3540.

Counseling Center

The Counseling Center, located in the Counseling Health and Wellness building on Ravine Parkway, provides supportive, problem focused, professional counseling for students. Counseling provides students with a safe place to resolve difficulties and cope with the multi-dimensional challenges of personal growth. In a counseling relationship, students can improve self-esteem, adjust to changes, clarify thinking and values, manage stress, express strong emotions, change negative habits, grieve a loss, develop assertive skills, work through family issues, make reasoned decisions, or resolve social dilemmas. Student must pay the health fee in order to be eligible for Counseling Center services.

  • Students are seen by appointment on a voluntary basis.
  • Counseling is confidential.
  • There is no charge for services (for students who have paid the health fee).

In addition to providing counseling services, counselors also offer consultation to friends, roommates and family members who may be concerned about a student. Confidential information cannot be discussed, but counselors can help to evaluate concerns, discuss options, and assist in problem solving.

Campus Safety Report

In compliance with the federal law, Title 11 “Campus Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act”, SUNY Oneonta provides reports about campus safety and security programs, incidents of crime on campus, and information regarding registered sex offenders. In accordance with changes to the Higher Education Opportunity Act (P.L. 110-315) in 2008, the College annually includes information on campus fire safety procedures and standards. This report is available on line at:

You may obtain a paper copy of this report from the Vice President for Student Development, 119 Netzer Administration Building, State University of New York Oneonta, Oneonta, New York 13820, 607-436-2513, and at these additional locations:

  • Admissions Office, Alumni Hall, State University of New York Oneonta, Oneonta, New York 13820, 607-436-2524;
  • University Police Department, Alumni Hall, State University of New York Oneonta, Oneonta, New York 13820, 607-436-3550;
  • At our University Police website ( at the tab labeled Campus Crime Report;
  • Student Education and Community Outreach, 135A Netzer Administration Building, State University of New York Oneonta, Oneonta, New York 13820, 607-436-2665;

Campus crime statistics are available from the United States Department of Education web site at

Information concerning registered sex offenders is transmitted to the campus by the New York State Department of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) and may be obtained from the Chief of Police, c/o University Police Department, or on the University Police website.

The Student Learning Center

The Student Learning Center provides a wide range of services to help foster academic success for students at all stages of their academic careers. It provides individualized tutoring in writing and study skills as well as critical reading strategies. For information, contact The Student Learning Center at (607)436-3010, or at

Services for Students with Disabilities

SUNY Oneonta is committed to ensuring access and equity to all students. Students diagnosed with a disability may be entitled to a wide array of accommodations to meet specific needs. These needs are supported through individualized accommodation plans formulated in a collaborative effort by the Student Learning Center and the student. These plans must be supported by a current evaluation from an appropriate professional. Accommodations may include, but are not limited to, classroom assistance, testing assistance, adaptive technology and individualized accommodations as needed. It is strongly suggested that all new students register with the Student Learning Center at the beginning of their first semester.

Career Development Center

The Career Development staff is professionally trained to assist students and alumni in career decision-making, career planning, job search, and graduate school search. The Center’s philosophy is to encourage and enhance student development through career counseling, workshops, and support services. Services are available to current students and alumni. Specific services include:

  1. Career Counseling: Appointments are scheduled daily to help students work through concerns or problems associated with any aspect of career development.
  2. Credential Files: Available students and alumni to support their efforts to obtain employment or admission to graduate/professional school. Credential files are maintained electronically via DragonLink.
  3. Career Library: Resources in a number of areas for exploring careers, job searching, and exploring educational alternatives.
  4. Job Listings: All students have access to DragonLink, the Center’s on-line information system. Part-time, full-time, and internship opportunities are updated daily for current students and alumni to view.
  5. Mock Interviews: Students who would like to practice their interviewing skills may schedule an interview with a career professional. This gives students the opportunity to practice answering typical interview questions while being video taped which will then be reviewed to discuss areas needing improvement. Students can also use Interview Stream for on-line practice interviews.
  6. Resume and Cover Letter Critiques: Students and alumni who need to improve the appearance and content of their resume and/or cover letter when applying for jobs, internships and scholarships. The resumes and cover letters may be dropped off and picked up typically within 4 business days.

Child Care

The Bugbee Children’s Center, a full day, full year day child care program for infants, toddlers, and preschool children, operates at Bugbee Hall. Children of students, faculty, and employees of SUNY Oneonta are given priority for enrolling in this program. Fees are charged based on a sliding scale. Additional assistance is available for students. School age care is available for school holidays and vacations.

Interested students may write for information and an application to:

Bugbee Children’s Center
Bugbee Hall, State Street
Oneonta, New York 13820
or call (607)436-2484
or email

Athletic, Intramural and Recreation Facilities

The college’s Athletic, Intramural and Recreation facilities include:

  • 2 all weather turf facilities
  • 2 fitness centers
  • a free weight space with state of the art equipment
  • outdoor tennis courts
  • baseball, softball and soccer facilities
  • 2 gymnasiums
  • 2 dance studios
  • 2 intramural fields
  • an outdoor 8-lane track
  • a 2-lane indoor track
  • An indoor 6-lane swimming pool
  • racquetball courts
  • several acres of green space for outdoor team sports
  • miles of hiking and off-road bking trails for the outdoor enthusiast

SUNY Oneonta is an NCAA Division III member institution supporting 21 varsity athletic teams.  We also boast 20 different competitive intramural offerings and more than 500 individual recreational classes annually to include; aerobics, kickboxing, yoga, pilates and boot camp conditioning just to name a few. Interested students may obtain information at our website: Locker and shower facilities are easily accessible.


The College’s residence facilities consist of 15 halls that provide living arrangements with one- to six-student occupancy styles. A variety of optional lifestyles are offered for students to choose from, including first year experience, community service housing, a transfer living community, outdoor recreation residence, and living/learning centers. The halls are self-contained units where the daily needs of students can be conveniently met. There are washing machines and dryers, as well as vending machines in each hall. Lounges are equipped with study tables, and recreation rooms have televisions and a variety of recreational equipment. Additionally each residence hall has at least one computer lab, and all bedrooms are hardwired for voice, video, and data.

Inquiries about campus lifestyle options should be directed to the Residential Community Life Office.

The College does not own or operate any off-campus housing, nor does it inspect or approve available housing, or become involved in private landlord-tenant matters. However, to assist students and faculty, the Housing Office does maintain some listings and informational services regarding available private housing for rent.


SUNY Oneonta is proud to recognize service to our country and to assist Veterans and eligible family members in reaching specific academic and career goals.  Whether you need help with your benefits paperwork or you need assistance navigating your campus experience, there are many people invested in your success.  The primary contact for all things related to Veterans’ support is the Veterans Certifying Official (VCO).  The VCO is located in the Academic Advisement Center. 

SUNY Oneonta is a signatory to on both the EXECUTIVE ORDER 13607, establishing Principles of Excellence for Educational Institutions Serving Service Members, Veterans, Spouses and Other Family Members and the 8 Keys to Veterans’ Success.