Sep 12, 2024
2021-2022 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
CART 215 - Photographic Image Manipulation, Compositing, and Enhancement 3 s.h. Digital Imaging is the art of creating custom images using state of the art digital software to edit, manipulate or combine primarily photographic images to create a new or improved image. It includes image editing that remains true to the original photographic record with adjustments strictly for correction and aesthetics, to major manipulations and composites of multiple images to create things that don’t exist or would be extremely difficult or impossible to photograph. The resulting images appear to be photographically correct, whether or not they are based on fact. These images are used heavily in both fine art and commercial art applications. Most images that appear in advertising of any kind have been highly manipulated. From magazine layouts and company brochures to the entertainment industry and late night T.V. manipulated images are in high demand. A-E Only. Offered Spring only. Prerequisite(s): SoS and CART 101 .