Mar 10, 2025  
2021-2022 Undergraduate Catalog 
2021-2022 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Policies and Standards

Academic Advisement Center

The Academic Advisement Center works closely with the academic departments, administrative offices, and faculty to assist with registration advisement and provide continuing advisement for matriculated undergraduates. In its function as a central clearinghouse of academic information, it provides reliable up-to-date advisement through online advisement documents, the web page, and related informational sources. The Academic Advisement Center also monitors curriculum declarations (e.g. declarations and changes of major) and other components of the advisement operation.

Advisement of New Students

All newly matriculated students are required to participate in orientation prior to their first semester at the College. During this orientation, students will have opportunities to review and adjust their course schedules and/or degree plans with advisors.

Freshmen may declare a major upon acceptance to the institution. Although freshmen are not required to declare a major, doing so will provide the student and the advisor with more direction for course selection during the first year of study. Students must declare a major before they have earned 56 s.h. toward a degree. Until a major is declared, designated faculty or staff serve as academic advisors. When a major is declared, students are assigned a faculty advisor in their major.

Transfer students are admitted to the College in a specific major. Transfer credit evaluations are based on the requirements for that major, so it is essential that final transcripts of all previous college work be received well in advance of the registration date.

Because of the changing professional school requirements and the sequential nature of many required courses, students in Education, Pre-professional, and Cooperative Programs must plan their first-year courses very carefully (see “Special Academic Programs & Opportunities ” for information about these programs). Appropriate faculty advisors will help students in their planning.

Continuing Academic Planning

Academic planning and scheduling are ongoing processes. Students work with advisors and other campus personnel to craft academic plans that focus on degree completion, as well as career or graduate school preparation. Students can be proactive in this process by regularly reviewing their DegreeWorks, scheduling ongoing meetings with their advisors, and selecting a major early in their degree progress. Students’ responsibilities include:

  1. Becoming familiar with requirements for their program of record. Students must use up-to-date information. Advisement documents (DegreeWorks) are available to students online through myOneonta.
  2. Maintaining a record of the progress made toward the completion of program and degree requirements.
  3. Initiating conferences with advisors to discuss academic matters.
  4. Initiating and following through with the specified procedures for changes in schedule or program. And, if necessary, gaining credit through some means other than the completion of regularly scheduled courses at the College.

Academic advisors are not able to offer advice regarding financial aid. Students should consult with the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships for this type of information.

Declaration of Curriculum Majors

In accordance with the policies of SUNY Oneonta, freshmen and transfer students are admitted into their program of choice provided they meet admission requirements for the major. Students are cautioned that admission to a specific curriculum may be dependent upon additional criteria such as availability of classroom space, sequence of courses offered, and a grade point average (GPA) acceptable to the academic department. Continuing students must be in an approved major, with an assigned faculty advisor, before they have completed 56 s.h. toward a degree (including accepted transfer credits). Students majoring in one of the teacher education fields must be properly enrolled and have completed necessary requirements for entry into the methods sequence.

Designation of Major for Transfer Students

The Office of Undergraduate Admissions evaluates transfer credit and makes assignments to specific programs based upon the student’s request. Requests are granted provided the student meets departmental criteria for entrance into the major. If departmental criteria are not met, the student is asked to designate another major.

Transfers who wish to have a course re-evaluated will need the previous institution’s syllabus and course description from the college catalog.

Change of Major Curriculum

Requests for change of curriculum are made on a standard request form available in the Academic Advisement Center and online. When students transfer from one curriculum to another, their academic records are evaluated based on the new program requirements. This may result in a loss of credit. In general, it is the practice to approve a transfer of curriculum only if the student has at least a 2.0 GPA in the courses required in the new program. Students are expected to complete, with a minimum 2.0 GPA, the major requirements in effect at the time of matriculation. Majors in the fields of Education, Business, and Dietetics follow the requirements in place at the time of declaration. Some majors require higher GPAs. Students may choose to follow more recent major requirements. Students should work with their advisors for clarification of their specific degree requirements.

Declaration of More Than One Major

Students may declare as many as two majors if they meet all requirements for eligibility in both majors. They must subsequently meet the retention requirements of both majors, and all current policies relating to the satisfaction of degree requirements pertain. One major must be designated as the primary major and the other as the secondary major. Adolescence Education majors (except Adol. Ed. Social Studies) are automatically assigned the required dual major in the content area. An education major is always designated as the primary major. Financial Aid is usually determined upon the primary major requirements (dual majors are degree applicable for federal aid and Excelsior).

All program requirements for both majors must be completed satisfactorily for students to graduate; however, only one degree will be awarded. To satisfy all degree and program requirements in some combinations, it may be necessary for a student to complete more than the minimum 120 s.h.

Dual-major students:

  • must satisfy all requirements in both majors.
  • are permitted a maximum of 6 s.h. of course overlap between the major field requirements. Any additional overlap must be supplemented with additional course work in the majors. Students should contact the Academic Advisement Center for detailed information concerning dual majors. At present, dual majors that include an Education major with a non-Education major are exempt from the 6 s.h. overlap rule.
  • must satisfy the degree requirements for the B.A. degree when a dual major combines a B.A. major with a B.S. major.
  • It is possible that the same course may be a requirement in each of the two major programs. If so, the credit earned in that course can be counted only once in total credit accumulations and GPA.

Criteria for Retention in the Major

The major is defined as the courses in the academic discipline or approved interdisciplinary sequence and does not include required supporting (“related area”) courses unless these courses are counted in the major.

In addition to the College retention standards, many departments require students maintain a minimum GPA of 2.0 in their majors as a criterion for remaining enrolled in that major. Students may be dropped from their major by their department if they fail to meet specific department standards for retention in the major and/or at the end of their junior year if they do not have a 2.0 GPA in their major. They may also be dropped from their major if they receive three initial grades of “D” or “E” in courses required in the major. Students will be informed of their status by their department. Students are responsible for officially changing their major after notification of not meeting required standards. Failure to complete necessary paperwork may result in the loss of financial aid. Students will not receive their degree unless they have achieved a 2.0 GPA in all work taken in their major as well as overall. Education and Dietetics majors are required to earn higher GPAs. See the department for information.

Departments wishing to impose standards that are not a part of any course, but that are related to competence or skills needed in the program, may submit proposals for inclusion of these standards to the Curriculum Committee.

Criteria for Completion of a Major

Students must complete all required courses in the major with a minimum major GPA of 2.0 (some majors require higher GPAs). One half of the major must be completed with Oneonta coursework. The established maximum number of credits in the major may not be exceeded. For Adolescence Education majors, the major field is the subject area. Students must also complete all General Degree requirements to be awarded the major and a degree. All courses in the major field must be taken for a letter grade unless offered P/F only. Related Work is part of the major program, but is not calculated in the major GPA.

Curriculum Minors

A curriculum minor constitutes a program of study less extensive than that of a major. Although minors do not qualify as degree programs, approved minors are recorded on the transcript of a student who successfully completes the requirements. Minors are awarded only with the completion of a degree. Students may declare a maximum of two minors.

Minimum standards for acceptance into and completion of minors are the same as for majors. Specifically:

  • one half of the minor requirements must be completed in residence
  • minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 must be earned in the courses used for the minor
  • no more than two courses may overlap between/among majors and/or minors. Any additional overlap must be supplemented with additional coursework.

Within a broad range of purposes, a minor may:

  • provide an academic emphasis in a department or enable exploration in an interdisciplinary area,
  • offer students an opportunity to pursue interests different from their major field, and
  • help students to enhance their job potential upon graduation.

Undergraduate Degree Requirements

College Writing Requirement

The College has a program of writing requirements for all students.

  1. The writing skills of incoming freshmen will be based on several forms of assessment, including SAT or ACT scores (currently optional), English Regents Exam scores, high school GPA, and their academic records. Based on the College’s evaluation of these records, students may be placed into and required to complete either a skill-building course (e.g. PROF 111 ) or a co-requisite supported course (e.g. COMP 100  and COMP 090 ) their first semester. Students placed into PROF 111  must pass that course before taking any COMP courses.   
  2. COMP 100  is the required course for all students who have not completed the SUNY Basic Communication (BC) requirement at a prior institution.

Policy Statement on Mandatory Placement

The College may require students to participate in testing to determine course placement in selected subjects. Based on performance indicators including testing results, the College may require students to complete identified courses. The Student Learning Center has the authority to determine mandatory placement for any student based on available records and materials, and other assessments. At present, testing and/or placement are carried out in the subject areas of writing, reading, mathematics, and English as a second language.

SUNY General Education 3

All undergraduate students at the College are required to satisfy the College’s General Education requirements. The requirements have been carefully devised to give students opportunities to enrich their own personal intellectual development and contribute to the quality of life of our larger community. General Education courses are designed to help students learn to appreciate a multiplicity of perspectives concerning a wide array of topics and issues while mastering the skills of effective thinking, problem solving, and communication.

SUNY General Education 3 Requirements

Complete 7 of 10 areas for a total of 30 s.h. All courses must be taken for a letter grade. Courses may overlap with other degree requirements.

I. Complete one course from each area:

Mathematics (M3 attribute)

Basic Communication (BC3 attribute)

Note: COMP 100  is the required course for all students who have not completed a Basic Communication course at a previous institution.

II. Complete a minimum of five of the following eight areas. Note: Students should select an NS3 or SS3 as one of their courses to overlap with the Additional Oneonta Requirements section.

Natural Sciences (NS3 attribute)** (NS3 or SS3 required)

Social Sciences (SS3 attribute)** (NS3 or SS3 required)

Humanities (H3 attribute)

The Arts (A3 attribute)

American History (AM3 attribute)

Western Civilization (WC3 attribute)

World Civilizations (OW3 attribute)

Foreign Language (FL3 attribute)

III. Complete additional courses from any of the areas to complete a minimum of 30 s.h.

SUNY General Education 3 Learning Outcomes and Requirements

Students must complete courses in at least 7 of the 10 general education areas listed below and a minimum of 30 semester hours total in General Education courses. The following areas must be included among the minimum 7 areas: Mathematics, Basic Communication, and at least one of Natural Sciences or Social Sciences.

Gen Ed areas met at one SUNY will meet the same Gen Ed areas at SUNY Oneonta. Note: Where courses/credits are listed, it is possible a requirement may be met via exam. In such a case, credit is not earned, but the requirement is considered met.

Mathematics (M3) Students will show competence in the following quantitative reasoning skills: arithmetic, algebra, geometry, data analysis, and quantitative reasoning.

Basic Communication (BC3) Students will produce coherent texts within common college-level written forms; demonstrate the ability to revise and improve such texts; research a topic, develop an argument, and organize supporting details; develop proficiency in oral discourse; and evaluate an oral presentation according to established criteria.

Natural Sciences (NS3) Students will demonstrate an understanding of the methods scientists use to explore natural phenomena, including observation, hypothesis development, measurement and data collection, experimentation, evaluation of evidence, and employment of mathematical analysis; and application of scientific data, concepts, and models in one of the natural sciences.

Social Sciences (SS3) Students will demonstrate an understanding of the methods scientists use to explore social phenomena, including observation, hypothesis development, measurement and data collection, experimentation, evaluation of evidence, and employment of mathematical and interpretive analysis; and knowledge of major concepts, models, and issues of at least one discipline in the social sciences.

Humanities (H3) Students will demonstrate knowledge of the conventions and methods of at least one of the humanities in addition to those encompassed by other knowledge areas required by the General Education program.

The Arts (A3) Students will demonstrate an understanding of at least one principal form of artistic expression and the creative process inherent therein.

American History (AM3) Students will demonstrate knowledge of a basic narrative of American history: political, economic, social, and cultural, including knowledge of unity and diversity in American society; knowledge of common institutions in American society and how they have affected different groups; and an understanding of America’s evolving relationship with the rest of the world.

Western Civilization (WC3) Students will demonstrate knowledge of the development of the distinctive features of the history, institutions, economy, society, culture, etc., of Western civilization, and relate the development of Western civilization to that of other regions of the world.

World Civilizations (OW3) Students will demonstrate knowledge of either a broad outline of world history, or the distinctive features of the history, institutions, economy, society, culture, etc., of one non-Western civilization.

Foreign Language (FL3) Students will demonstrate basic proficiency in the understanding and use of a foreign language and knowledge of the distinctive features of culture(s) associated with the language they are studying.

SUNY General Education Competencies

Note: The following two competencies have been infused throughout this General Education program:

  • Critical Thinking (Reasoning): Students will identify, analyze, and evaluate arguments as they occur in their own or other’s work and will develop well-reasoned arguments.
  • Information Management: Students will perform the basic operations of personal computer use; understand and use basic research techniques; and locate, evaluate, and synthesize information from a variety of sources.

Important Notes on SUNY General Education

  • Only courses that carry an attribute in the Schedule of Classes in the semester they are taken may be used to satisfy SUNY-GER areas. Check the attribute column in the Schedule of Classes for general education attributes.
  • A course fulfills a SUNY-GER if it carries at least 2.66 credits.
  • Transfer courses that fulfilled SUNY-GER at another SUNY school will fulfill the corresponding general education areas at Oneonta.
  • SUNY-GER courses may overlap with major and minor courses unless specified otherwise in the major.
  • Oneonta SUNY-GER courses must be taken for a letter grade.

Additional Oneonta Requirements

All students must complete one course in each of the following two areas. Courses used in this area may overlap with other degree requirements, including SUNY General Education.

I. Scientific Reasoning (NS3 or SS3 attribute)

II. Oral Communication Skills (OCS attribute) – Learning Outcome: Students will develop proficiency in oral discourse and evaluate an oral presentation according to established criteria.

General College Degree Requirements – A Summary

Refer to the section on Academic Departments, Majors & Degree Programs  for specific major requirements.

Total Credits

Completion of a minimum of 120 s.h.

  • Some majors require more than 120 s.h. See specific program requirements for more information.
  • Students are limited in the number of PHED activity credits they may earn as part of their degree.
Liberal Arts (LA)

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - completion of a minimum of 90 s.h.

Bachelor of Science (B.S.) - completion of a minimum of 60 s.h.

Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A.) - completion of a minimum of 30 s.h.

Upper Division (UPPR) Completion of a minimum of 45 s.h. of 200 & 300 level coursework.
SUNY General Education

Completion of a minimum of 30 s.h.

  • 7 of 10 areas must be met including three required areas: Mathematics, Basic Communication, and at least one of Natural Sciences or Social Sciences.
Additional Oneonta Requirements

Completion of two areas. These courses may overlap with all other degree requirements.

  • Scientific Reasoning (NS3 or SS3)

  • Oral Communication Skills (OCS) 

Residency - Overall

Completion of a minimum of 45 s.h. of SUNY Oneonta coursework. 

30 of the last 60 s.h. must be SUNY Oneonta coursework.

Residency – Major/Minor One half of any major/minor must be completed with SUNY Oneonta coursework.
Maximum Credits in the Major Department

Students are permitted a maximum of 60 s.h. in the department of the major for a B.A. and a B.S., and 90 s.h. for a B.F.A.

  • Exception: Majors in the departments of Human Ecology; Economics & Business; Foreign Languages; English; Mathematics, Comp. Sci & Stats; and Communications may have no more than 60 s.h. in any one discipline.
Minimum Credits Outside the Major Department

Students must complete a minimum of 60 s.h. of non-major (department) coursework for a B.A. and a B.S., and 30 s.h. for a B.F.A.

  • Exception: Majors in the departments of Human Ecology; Economics & Business; Foreign Languages; English; Mathematics, Comp. Sci & Stats; and Communications need at least 60 s.h. outside a single discipline from their field of study.
Grading for Majors/Minors All courses for majors/minors must be taken for a letter grade unless offered Pass/Fail only.
Overlap Among Curricula

No more than two courses may overlap between or among majors/minors. Any excess in overlap requires the completion of additional coursework in the field.

  • Exception: Education majors with a non-education dual major or a minor have no overlap restrictions.
Grade Point Average (GPA)

A minimum 2.00 GPA is required in all areas. Some majors have higher GPA requirements. 

  • OVERALL GPA – calculated using all the courses completed through SUNY Oneonta.
  • MAJOR GPA – calculated using the highest SUNY Oneonta grades earned to complete the minimum major requirements.
  • MINOR GPA – calculated using the highest SUNY Oneonta grades earned to complete the minimum minor requirements.


Degree Credit

Credits for regularly scheduled courses satisfactorily completed at this College are assigned on a semester hour (s.h.) basis. Other credits may be granted as shown below.

Imputed Credit:  SUNY Oneonta offers developmental courses that carry imputed credit. These courses have course numbers that begin with a zero (PROF 090 , COMP 090 , MATH 001 , etc.).  They carry credit for the term and are used when calculating full-time status, tuition, and financial aid.  Once grades are assigned, the course coverts to zero credits.  Developmental courses may be required, but at no time do they earn college credit toward degree completion. 

Transfer Credit and Grading Policies for Course Work Completed at Other Institutions

The transcript of each student who has completed coursework at another institution prior to admission to SUNY Oneonta is evaluated by the Admissions Office to determine the number of semester hours and the appropriate course equivalents. Only credit satisfactorily completed at regionally accredited institutions of higher education, institutions accredited by the New York State Board of Regents, or through approved external programs will be accepted. Credit is granted on a semester hour (s.h.) basis. Students transferring from institutions using a credit system other than semester hours will have their credit converted to semester hours. Credits transfer, but only grades earned at SUNY Oneonta are used in computing the Oneonta grade point average. Credit will be granted to a maximum of 75 s.h. when earned grades/scores meet the minimum standards:

  • Traditional Courses: Credit will be granted for courses with passing grades (P; D- or higher).  Note:  Some programs require grades higher than those acceptable for transfer.  Students in such programs may need to repeat coursework to meet minimum grade standards.  In such cases, the transfer credit will be removed from the record once the repeat is completed.  Minimum grade requirements may be found under each program’s requirements in the College Catalog.
  • Advanced Placement (AP):  Credit is granted for AP exams where the grades earned are 3, 4, or 5.
  • College-Level Examination Program (CLEP): credit is granted for scores that meet or exceed the American Council of Education recommendation for the exam.
  • International Baccalaureate (IB): Students who have completed an International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma will be awarded credit for all standard level and higher level exams with a grade of 4 or higher.  Students who have not completed an IB diploma will receive credit for higher level exams with grades of 4 or higher.
  • Armed Forces Credit: Some training courses provided by the Armed Forces may be equivalent to college courses and transfer credit may be granted by presenting certificates or form DD295 describing the training received. The American Council on Education Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Services is used to determine the acceptability of satisfactorily-completed courses and the level they are to be accepted. Credit is granted only in disciplines where the College has academic programs or departments.
  • Noncollegiate-sponsored Instruction:  Early in 1974, the New York State Education Department developed a system for evaluating formal learning experiences sponsored by non-collegiate institutions; that is, by organizations whose primary focus is not education. They include private industry, professional associations, labor unions, voluntary associations, and government agencies. The American Council on Education (ACE) and the National College Credit Recommendation Service (NCCRS) administer an evaluation system and recommend the awarding of credit earned through these learning experiences. These guides are used to determine the acceptability of credit earned for successfully completed courses/learning experiences/training.
  • International Coursework: Credit will be granted as approved by evaluations from a credential evaluation service that is a member in good standing with the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES). 

Students wishing to attend another college during the summer or winter, while on an Academic Leave of Absence, or concurrent with Oneonta course work, must contact the Academic Advisement Center to obtain prior approval. See restrictions under Post-matriculation Transfer Credit Policies.

Degrees and General Education:  Students who have earned A.A. or A.S. degrees from a SUNY institution or a B.A. or B.S. from any regionally accredited institution will be considered to have completed the SUNY General Education requirement. 

SUNY Transfer Credit Appeal: This process is designed for pre- or post-matriculated students transferring from a two-year SUNY Associate’s degree program into a SUNY four-year institution. If you have questions concerning the evaluation of your credit and/or whether or not you qualify for the SUNY appeal process, please contact a transfer counselor in the Office of Admissions.

Post-matriculation Transfer Credit Policies

Students must obtain Prior Approval from the Academic Advisement Center before taking courses through another institution. If students are taking courses through another institution during a fall or spring semester and are not registered in any courses at Oneonta, they must request an Academic Leave along with their Prior Approval. Prior Approval may be granted through the cross-registration  process or on a standard Prior Approval form.

  • Students may take approved course work at any regionally accredited college provided the transfer of the course work is required and does not place the student in violation of SUNY Oneonta residency requirements:
    • 45 s.h. must be earned in residence.
    • 30 s.h. of the last 60 s.h. must be earned in residence.
    • At least one-half the credits required for a major must be earned in residence.
    • At least one-half the credits required for a minor must be earned in residence.

Note: Credit earned through a SUNY study abroad program not requiring an academic leave is considered credit earned in residence.

  • Students must obtain a grade of “D-” or higher for the transfer credit to be awarded.
  • General Education categories fulfilled at one SUNY institution will be considered fulfilled at SUNY Oneonta regardless of whether transfer credit is granted.

Course Challenges

The College recognizes that some students have acquired knowledge and skills equivalent to those normally acquired through course work. In such cases, students may receive credit for appropriate classes by “challenging” those courses. To challenge a course, students must be full-time, matriculated students and must apply to the department chair. Each department decides under what circumstances a course may be challenged, as well as the time of course challenges. Students are encouraged to obtain a course outline or prospectus before challenging.

Course challenge requirements are prepared by the instructor and subject to approval of the department or a subgroup thereof. The passing or failing of a challenged course is determined by the instructor and reported to the Registrar. Credits granted on the basis of course challenges are acknowledged on student transcripts with a grade of CH. Credit earned for challenged courses does not count toward full-time enrollment status.

Students may not challenge particular courses more than once. Students may not challenge a course and then enroll in it for additional credit; nor may they earn credit for a course and then challenge it to earn additional credit. Students also may not challenge a course in which they have already taken and received a failing grade.

If students transfer from institutions where credit has been given on the basis of course challenges, such credits will be reviewed and evaluated in the same manner as other transfer credit.

Grading System

Within each course, the instructor determines the basis for evaluation and the system used is founded upon academic performance professionally judged and not on matters irrelevant to that performance such as personality, race, religion, degree of political activism, or personal beliefs.

Grading Scale

  A = 4.00 quality points C = 2.00 quality points  
  A- = 3.67 quality points C- = 1.67 quality points  
  B+ = 3.34 quality points D+ = 1.34 quality points  
  B = 3.00 quality points D = 1.00 quality points  
  B- = 2.67 quality points D- = 0.67 quality points  
  C+ = 2.34 quality points E = 0.00 quality points  

Quality Point System (or Grade Point Average)

Academic standing is based on the cumulative quality point index or grade point average (GPA), which is determined by assigning a numerical value for each letter grade earned. For each semester, grades of “A” through “E” yield the quality points listed above. No other grades carry quality point values.

The GPA for one semester is determined by dividing the number of quality points earned during the semester by the number of credit hours carried during the semester for all courses in which weighted grades were received. The following example illustrates how the GPA is determined for one semester.

Course Semester Hours Carried Grade Quality Points Semester Hours Earned Total Quality Points
ARTH 109 3 B+ 3.34 3 10.02
PHED 168 2 A 4.00 2 8.00
PSYC 100 3 C 2.00 3 6.00
CHEM 111 4 C- 1.67 4 6.68
HIST 101 3 B 3.00 3 9.00
Totals 15       39.70
GPA = Quality Points Earned = 39.70 = 2.64
  Semester Hours Carried 15  

The cumulative GPA is determined by dividing the total number of quality points earned by the total number of credit hours carried for all courses in which weighted grades were received.

Cumulative GPA = Total Quality Points Earned  
    Total Semester Hours Carried  

Passing (“P”), failing (“F”), pending (“PEN”), incomplete (“I”), and withdrawal (“W”) grades are not computed in the GPA. When “PEN” or “I” grades are replaced by a permanent grade, the semester and cumulative GPA’s are recomputed. Only grades earned for course work completed at SUNY Oneonta are included in the computation of the GPA. GPA’s are truncated, not rounded. For example, a 2.64666 mathematical computation means the student’s GPA is 2.64.

GPAs in the Major and Minor

The major GPA is calculated using the highest grades earned to fulfill the requirements of the approved curriculum, excluding related course work.  Students must earn a minimum 2.00 GPA in their major.  Individual programs may require higher GPAs. 

The minor GPA is calculated using the highest grades earned to fulfill the requirements of the approved curriculum.  Students must earn a minimum 2.00 GPA in their minor.  Minors are only awarded if they are completed at the time the degree is awarded.


Incomplete grades may be assigned only on request by the student and only under the following conditions:

  • A majority of the course work has been completed
  • Completion was not possible due to circumstances beyond the student’s control
  • Course work can be completed without additional faculty instruction.

Faculty may not assign an incomplete in circumstances where the student’s performance to date clearly indicates an inability to pass the course as originally structured in the syllabus. Faculty may not assign an incomplete grade in place of a failing grade or because the student stopped attending class.

An example of acceptable circumstances would be a student who missed the final exam or final paper because of an illness or family emergency that can be documented.

Faculty may not assign an incomplete grade without the student’s knowledge.

An understanding of the remaining course requirements and the deadline for completion of them must be established between the student and faculty member prior to assigning the incomplete.

Faculty must complete an Incomplete Grade Agreement Form and submit it to the Registrar’s Office at the same time end-of-term grades are submitted.

Students must not re-register for the course in order to complete the course work. If they do, a failing grade will be assigned for the first course registration.

Deadlines for completing incompletes are determined by the course instructor. However, they must be within College designated deadlines noted below.

  • For incompletes received in spring or summer terms, the deadline for completion is usually in November unless course instructor determines an earlier date.
  • For incompletes received in fall or winter terms, the deadline for completion is usually in April unless course instructor determines an earlier date.

Specific dates are posted in the Key Dates and Deadlines which are on the Registrar’s website.

Extension of the deadline beyond the College designated one should not be necessary. However, under extreme circumstances, a student may submit a Petition for Extension of Incomplete form. The petition must state reasons for the request, and contain documentation supporting the request. The student submits the petition to the course instructor and advisor for signature indicating support of the request. The petition is then submitted to the school’s dean for final approval. The approved forms are submitted to the Registrar for recording.

The Registrar will send notification of outstanding incompletes to students and their instructors, indicating specific deadlines and any approved extension dates.

Any incomplete grades not resolved by the College deadline via incomplete extension form or grade change form will be converted to failing grades. These failing grades will not be changed back to incomplete grades, so both faculty and students must be attentive to these deadlines.

Incomplete grades may not be changed to “W” grades at a later date.

Degrees will not be awarded to students who have Incomplete grades. The student must opt to change the Incomplete to an “E/F” or complete the course work and reapply for the degree during the semester in which the course requirements are completed.


The grade “PEN” indicates that the course work has been satisfactory but there is some persistent inadequacy in writing or reading. Instructors should refer a student to the Student Learning Center as soon as a problem is discovered and not wait to assign a “PEN” grade at the end of the term.

The “PEN” grade may be used when an instructor discovers a specific skill or deficiency (writing or reading) in a student’s work, but not in place of an “E” grade or an “I”. Students who receive a “PEN” grade are required to start remediation during the next semester in residence.

When a “PEN” grade is given in a course, the deadline for completion of the course is the same as that for an Incomplete. The date by which an Incomplete must be made up falls in November for the fall semester and in April for the spring semester. Failure to complete the “PEN” by the deadline would result in a failing grade for the course. With the student’s consent, an instructor may extend the “PEN” grade whenever there is an educational advantage in doing so.

A form that specifies the remedial work that must be undertaken by the student must be filled out by the instructor for that course. The faculty member issuing a “PEN” grade must provide a brief, but clearly written statement of the exact skill to be mastered in order to pass a course. Students are not permitted to graduate with a “PEN” grade. Upon notification of the completion of a referred remediation, it is the instructor’s responsibility to remove the “PEN” grade via a grade change form.


Withdrawals from individual courses: The deadline for withdrawing from a semester-length course is one week after the published mid-semester date. A “W” will appear on the transcript. After the above date no individual course withdrawals will be permitted; students are committed to each of their courses for the remainder of the semester and will receive grades in them. Equivalent dates apply to mini-courses and half-semester courses.

Exceptions to this policy in individual circumstances for personal (nonacademic) reasons may be granted by the Student Development Office, in consultation with the instructor. Under such circumstances the determination made by Student Development and the instructor is final. 

The provisions of this section do not apply to students who withdraw from the College.

Non-attendance — First Week of Classes

  • Students must attend one of the first two class hours in each course as well as the first laboratory (if applicable) or the instructor may declare the student’s place in a course “vacant”.
  • If an illness or unavoidable circumstance prevents the student from meeting this attendance requirement, the student must notify the instructor or the academic department office of his/her intention to attend the course. If neither can be reached the student may ask the Office of Student Development to notify the instructor or department office. Such notification must occur during the first three class days of the semester.

Flagrant Non-Attendance

  • Students missing 25% or more of class, any time from the second week of class up until the last day to withdraw from an individual course (see Key Dates and Deadlines for specific dates) may be removed from the course by the instructor.
  • This removal from the course is accomplished by notifying the Registrar via e-mail or via faculty web.
  • Registrar will assign “WI” (Involuntary Withdrawal).
  • E-mail is sent to instructors approximately two weeks prior to the deadline for this action with a reminder to take action, if appropriate.
  • Students appearing on the final grade webpage must be assigned a final grade (not a “W”, Incomplete or Pending grade), regardless of student’s class attendance.


Grades of “P” or “F” are assigned when such grades are authorized in accordance with faculty-established policy. That policy is as follows:

Faculty Option: A department may designate a course or courses in which only the Pass/Fail grading system shall be used. A department may designate a course or courses in which only the conventional letter grading shall be used. (Not subject to student option.)

Student Option: A student may elect to receive Pass/Fail grading in a course, provided the following conditions are met:

  • A student must have successfully completed one full semester’s work at the College.
  • Except in courses for which a department has designated only Pass/Fail grading, a student may elect only one course per academic semester or summer session for a total of four such semester or summer session courses for the student’s entire college program.
  • A student may not elect Pass/Fail grading for required courses in their major or specialization, minor, courses taken to satisfy a General Education requirement, or for courses designated by a department as not subject to student option.
  • A student may take a Pass/Fail option in a required supporting course that is not listed as part of the major field requirement.
  • A student who has completed their major field requirement may take additional hours in their major department for Pass/Fail credit.
  • The student must request Pass/Fail grading during the designated Add/Drop period. A student indicating Pass/Fail status may change to a graded basis by requesting this change from the instructor before two-thirds of the course has been completed. The final date for these changes shall be set by the Registrar. (See Key Dates and Deadlines, a list of important dates published each semester.)
  • The criterion for a “P” will be achievement of the minimum requirements of the course.
  • The “P” or “F” will be entered on the student transcript and hours successfully completed will count as credits for graduation. Hours graded “P” or “F” will not be included in the computation of the student’s GPA.

Pass/Fail Grading and General Education

Courses taken to satisfy General Education requirements must be taken on a letter grade basis only.

Undergraduate Course Repeat Policy

For a course initially taken prior to Fall 1994 and subsequently repeated, the transcript will reflect both courses and grades; both grades will be calculated in the grade point average.

For a course initially taken in the Fall of 1994 or thereafter and subsequently repeated, the transcript will reflect both courses and grades; only the higher grade will be calculated in the grade point average.

In both cases, credit will be granted only once. In courses that are allowed to be repeated (e.g., COMP 100  to a maximum of 6 semester hours), the repeat rule will be applied after the maximum credits are achieved. Exceptions to this (e.g., student fails COMP 100  the first time and wishes to improve GPA via the repeat rule) may be directed to the Committee on Student Progress and Status via the College Registrar.

Students may not repeat a course using the Pass/Fail grading option, a course challenge, or with an individual course enrollment registration. Students may not use transfer courses to replace a grade at SUNY Oneonta.

Students will be permitted a maximum of one repeat per course. Only the higher grade will count in the student’s GPA. Credit will be earned once. Students who attempt to repeat a course a second time will be dropped from the course by the Registrar and/or denied Prior Approval.

Appeals: Students who wish to appeal the repeat rule may do so in consultation with the student’s faculty advisor. Students will use the Appeal to the Undergraduate Course Repeat Policy Form to outline their request. The student’s faculty advisor and the chairperson of the student’s major each review the form and make recommendations. The Student Progress and Status Committee makes the final decision.

Repeating courses may have an impact on financial aid. Students considering repeating courses should discuss it with their financial aid counselor.

Grade Change Policy

Letter grades on file with the Registrar at the end of a semester are final unless an error in calculating the grade or a data entry error is discovered. If so, the instructor must file a grade change request, explaining the error. This request requires the approval of the department chair and is then processed by the Registrar’s Office. Grade changes not consistent with academic policy will be reviewed by the appropriate dean. The student will receive an email alerting them to the grade change. Permitting a student to submit missing work or extra credit to improve a grade is not acceptable.

It is the student’s responsibility to call the instructor’s attention to a possible grading error in a timely manner, typically during the semester following that in which the questioned grade was received. If twelve months have elapsed since the grade was issued, no grade change will be made.

Academic Grievance Policy

A grievance may only be submitted when a specific academic decision or action has affected the student’s final course grade and has:

  1. violated published college policies and procedures,
  2. departed from the criteria for determining grades as described in the course syllabus, and/or
  3. been applied to the student (grievant) in a manner different from that used for other students.

A final course grade is not grievable based merely on a student’s perception of course difficulty, or dislike of teaching method or course content.

Step 1: Informal Attempt to Resolve a Final Grade Concern

A) Concerns about final course grades must be communicated through email to faculty members within 10 business days of course grades being posted. Faculty members are expected to respond in a timely fashion.

B) Should students not be satisfied with the faculty response, or should 10 business days pass without any faculty response, students may express concern through email to the department chair.

C) Should students not be satisfied with the chair’s response, or should 10 business days pass without any chair response, students may express the concern—through email—to the academic dean (of the school that houses the department delivering the course), who will attempt to facilitate a resolution.

Step 2: Formal Grievance Process

Students dissatisfied with the results of Step 1 may submit a formal grievance by completing and submitting the Student Academic Grievance Form to the Provost’s Office. Students are responsible for describing grievances and desired outcomes in as much detail as possible, and they are responsible for submitting all supporting materials, such as course syllabi, medical excuse notes, graded assignments/exams, as well as any relevant e-mails concerning the grievance. Inadequate documentation may result in the denial of the appeal.

In cases with extraordinary extenuating circumstances or extreme time sensitivity (e.g. a grievance occurs in a class needed for degree completion), if it is established that the Subcommittee on Student Academic Grievances cannot be convened quickly enough to make a recommendation to the Provost, the school dean may do so instead. In all other cases, the dean must refer grievable cases to the Provost’s Office so that the Subcommittee may be convened.

The Subcommittee on Student Academic Grievances, consisting of three teaching faculty members elected through a College Senate voting process, the Associate Provost (ex-officio), and two undergraduate representatives, typically meets when classes are in session. Upon receiving a grievance, the Subcommittee reviews the supporting materials for the grievance, including typically syllabi, course assignments or exams, gradebooks, and any relevant correspondence between the instructor and the student. Sometimes it is necessary for the Subcommittee to ask for additional information from the grievant or professor to determine a fair outcome. Faculty teaching the course are assumed to be experts within their own fields.

After reaching its decision, the Subcommittee makes a recommendation to the provost, who issues the final decision on the grievance. The provost’s decision is final.

The student, as well as the members of the subcommittee, will be notified via email of the provost’s final decision. 

Interim Progress Reports

Each term faculty are required to rate undergraduate student progress in semester-length courses. This process takes place near the midpoint of the term. The results are available to students by logging into In addition to the Interim Progress Reports, faculty may send individual mid-term warnings to students.

Academic Progress

It is the responsibility of all students to be aware of the quality of their academic work and to maintain satisfactory progress toward curriculum completion. When students are in doubt concerning the quality of their work, they should request a conference with the instructor (or instructors) concerned.

Although students are encouraged to complete their undergraduate programs in four years, the College sets no time limit on the number of semesters a continuously enrolled student may spend in pursuit of a degree. Students can accelerate and complete their programs in a shorter time if their personal circumstances and the availability of offerings permit.

Class Year Definitions

The following defines class year by completed semester hour(s):

  0 - 24 s.h. Freshman
  25 - 56 s.h. Sophomore
  57 - 89 s.h. Junior
  90 or more s.h. Senior

Probation or Academic Dismissal

Student academic performance is evaluated by the Committee on Student Progress and Status. The evaluation is used to determine a student’s eligibility to continue at the College.

At the end of each semester (Fall, Spring, and Summer) the records of all students are reviewed. Students who fail to make satisfactory progress toward an undergraduate degree are dismissed from the College. All students who are properly authorized to register for the next semester as degree candidates are considered to be in good academic standing and making satisfactory progress toward a degree.

Any student whose cumulative GPA either falls below or remains below 2.00 is placed on probation, continued on probation, or dismissed from the College. Students whose cumulative GPA is above 2.00, but whose semester GPA is below 2.00, are placed on probation or dismissed.

Students may be dismissed whenever they fail to make reasonable progress toward the completion of the requirements for graduation in the program for which they are registered, even if their cumulative GPA is above 2.0. It is not necessary for a student to be on probation before being dismissed.

The factors considered when determining whether a student is eligible to continue in college are: cumulative GPA, GPA for the most recent semester(s), number of semesters on probation, unsatisfactory grades in courses required by the program for which the student is registered, and/or the number of semester hours of work completed.

The following cumulative GPAs are used to identify students who are subject to routine dismissal for academic reasons. These may not necessarily apply in instances in which the student’s most recent semester average is above 2.0:

  1st semester freshman 1.25
  1st semester transfer 1.50
  All 2nd semester students 1.75
  All other students 2.00

*Exception: Readmitted students – refer to the section on “Readmission.”

Students’ GPAs are calculated using grades earned at Oneonta. Transfer grades do not affect the Oneonta GPA.

Academically dismissed students may submit a written appeal. This appeal must be submitted to the Student Progress and Status Committee and must contain a report of documented extenuating circumstances contributing to poor academic performance. Students whose appeals are not granted and those who do not appeal their dismissal are eligible to possibly return to the College after one full calendar year. Refer to the section on “Readmission” for policy details and deadlines.

Superior Performance

Dean’s List

The Dean’s List is a roster of superior scholars. Students achieve the Dean’s List if they earn a 3.5 or higher term GPA for any semester in which a minimum of 12 s.h. of work are completed with a qualitative (A-E) letter grade and no more than one incomplete or pending grade. The student receives a congratulatory letter from the Provost of the College recognizing the achievement.

Honors Degree

To be eligible for honors designations at graduation, SUNY Oneonta students must complete 45 A-E graded semester hours in residency and earn a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 or higher. The three categories of honors designations are:

  Cum laude GPA of 3.50-3.69
  Magna cum laude GPA of 3.70-3.89
  Summa cum laude GPA of 3.90-4.00

Academic Department Honors

Graduating students who meet all degree and major requirements, who also have a 3.50 or higher major grade point average may be recommended by the department chair for department honors. Students awarded department honors in their major will have the comment “Department Honors in [major]” placed on their academic transcript. Students may not qualify for department honors in an academic area other than their declared major(s).


Pre-enrollment is a procedure that allows students to select a schedule of courses prior to actual registration. The procedure includes consultation with the assigned faculty advisor to ensure proper selection of courses. Pre-enrollment is limited to 17 s.h.

Pre-enrollment appointment hours are scheduled in descending order on “semester hours completed” basis. Essentially, it is a seniority system allowing upper class students who have progressed further in their programs to have first access to their specific remaining degree requirements.


Registration is comprised of paying all obligations to the College and making any necessary changes before the end of the Add-Drop period. During this period, matriculated undergraduates may register for a up to 18 s.h. without additional permission needed. See Schedule Changes for more details.

All students (including student teachers, interns, etc.) are expected to go through the registration process.

Registering properly establishes the student’s status as one of the following:

  • Full-time degree candidate: a student who has been accepted by this College as a degree candidate and is enrolled for 12 or more s.h. of undergraduate/graduate work.
  • Part-time degree candidate: a student who has been accepted by this College as a degree candidate and is enrolled in less than 12 s.h. of undergraduate/graduate course work.
  • Non-degree: a student who is being permitted to take courses but who has not been accepted as a degree candidate. Enrollment as a non-degree student does not guarantee nor does it imply that the student will be accepted as a degree candidate if application is made.

Schedule Changes

Students are encouraged to make the correct course choices at pre-enrollment. This is the time when the individual has the highest priority and best access to the courses needed. Course additions are not normally made after the deadline dates established for the semester; see Key Dates and Deadlines, a list of important dates published each semester.  Courses less than a semester in length (half-semester courses, mini courses, etc.) should also be chosen at pre-enrollment. While students may sign up for them later, they have to compete with other students who may have a higher priority.

The following applies to students’ total course enrollment whether the registration is at Oneonta, through another institution with Prior Approval, or any combination thereof.  Maximum hours permitted for enrollment overall do not override the rules regarding contact hours for internships; all rules regarding contact hours for internships apply.

Matriculated undergraduate students may register for a maximum number of credits as follows:

  • Fall and Spring semester
    • 18 s.h. when the student has a cumulative GPA below 3.00.
    • 21 s.h. when the student has a cumulative GPA of 3.00 or higher and receives approval of the Department Chair of their major.
  • Summer and Winter terms (Each 3 s.h. limit usually represents one course.  For traditionally offered courses that carry 4 s.h., these are permissible as meeting the one course limit.  Internships, Independent Studies, and Individual Course Enrollments are not considered regularly scheduled courses.)
    • 3 s.h. for sessions less than 5 weeks.
    • 6 s.h. for 5-week sessions and/or overlapping session.
    • 13 s.h. for an entire summer term.

Non-Degree undergraduate students may register for a maximum of:

  • Fall and Spring semester
    • 12 s.h.
  • Summer and Winter terms (Each 3 s.h. limit usually represents one course.  For traditionally offered courses that carry 4 s.h., these are permissible as meeting the one course limit.  Internships, Independent Studies, and Individual Course Enrollments are not considered regularly scheduled courses.)*
    • 3 s.h. for sessions less than 5 weeks.
    • 6 s.h. for 5-week sessions and/or overlapping session.
    • 13 s.h. for an entire summer term.

Note: Students who fail to register or take a leave of absence will be administratively withdrawn from the College and will risk losing scholarships, social security benefits, or other financial aid. Students who have been administratively withdrawn must apply for readmission to the College through the Admissions Office. Applications are reviewed by the Academic Advisement Center.

Grade Reports

At the end of each semester, students may view grades via the web at Students must use their username and password to access this information. Grades are not available to students with outstanding financial obligations to the College.

Applying for a Degree

In order to receive a degree, students must file an Undergraduate Diploma Application in the semester prior to the one in which the degree will be awarded. Normally this would occur when there are 16 s.h. or less to complete toward the degree. It is the student’s responsibility to confer with an advisor, determine the remaining requirements and file the application by the proper time. Early attention to this procedure allows final semester schedule adjustments to be made.

Leave of Absence

Academic leaves may be granted to students who are interested in academic pursuits at an institution other than SUNY Oneonta. To be eligible for an academic leave, the student must be matriculated, have completed at least one semester at the College, and have at least a 2.00 cumulative GPA. For more information, an application, and Prior Approval contact the Academic Advisement Center.

Non-academic leaves may be granted to students for reasons deemed financial, military, health, or personal. Information and applications are available in the Student Development Office or at

SUNY Oneonta adheres to the Higher Education Relief Opportunities for Students (HEROES) Act of 2003 by ensuring that service members have flexibility toward obtaining a degree when the pursuit of the degree is interrupted by military service.  Course extensions and/or course withdrawals will be processed as appropriate for activation or deployment.  Students called to service will be placed on a non-academic leave for the entire period of deployment and their degree requirements will remain unchanged.  Active duty students will have access to advisement and registration throughout their absence.  For more information on HEROES and call to duty, see:

Withdrawal from the College

Student-Initiated or Voluntary Withdrawal

Liability for certain College expenses begins on the first day of classes. Students who withdraw are entitled to refunds of personal funds paid according to set schedules determined by appropriate offices (e.g., Student Accounts for tuition liability; Housing for room liability, etc.). Specifics are available from the Student Accounts Office.

Voluntary Withdrawals. Voluntary withdrawals should be pursued if a student is transferring to another college, will be absent for more than one year, or has decided not to continue his/her education at Oneonta. This does not prevent such student from applying for readmission to SUNY Oneonta. Students who do withdraw and who subsequently wish to return to the College must follow the procedures for “Readmission”.

Students leaving the College who do intend to return after one semester should check the criteria for Leaves of Absence (academic and non-academic) which do not require readmission.

Students who find it necessary to withdraw from the College must do so by filing a “Voluntary Withdrawal” form with the Student Development Office, Netzer 119. Information and applications are also available at

Withdrawal Prior to Midterm. If a student officially withdraws from the College prior to the deadline for individual course withdrawals (one week past the midpoint of the semester), “W” grades will be assigned to all courses. No credit is earned for a grade of “W”. Mini-courses and half-semester courses that end prior to withdrawal will be graded.

Withdrawal After the Midterm. If students officially withdraw from the College after the deadline for individual course withdrawals and up until two weeks prior to the beginning of final exams, they will receive a “W” with a parenthetical grade for each course, indicating the quality of their work up to the time of withdrawal. No credit is earned for a grade of “W”. Mini courses and half-semester courses that end prior to withdrawal will be graded.

Deadline for Withdrawal from the College. Full-time students who are eligible to be enrolled during a semester, have not done so, and have not notified the Registrar’s Office that they are pursuing their degree on a “part-time” basis (nor have they graduated, withdrawn, or taken a Leave of Absence) will be “Administratively Withdrawn” from the College by the Office of the Registrar. Students who are administratively withdrawn and who wish to return must follow the procedures for “Readmission”. Note: Students in some majors, by virtue of program registration with the State Education Department, may be required to fulfill the most recent program requirements. Administrative Withdrawal may impact a student’s financial aid. Students should contract the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships (Netzer 123, 607-436-2532) if they have questions.


Students who have not earned a SUNY Oneonta degree and who withdrew, were administratively withdrawn, or were academically dismissed must apply for readmission to be considered for enrollment at the College. Readmission is not guaranteed. Education records, availability of courses at the College, and College and program enrollment capacity are all considered.

Applications for readmission are available on the Admissions website under Readmission. Questions regarding readmission may be directed to the Academic Advisement Center. Applications and the associated fee must be submitted by the established deadlines.

Readmitted Students and their Degree Requirements:

Students will be required to complete the degree requirements in place at the time of their readmission. If no more than two years have elapsed since the student’s last attendance at SUNY Oneonta and the student needs six or fewer credits for degree completion, then the student may return under the previous requirements unless the student is a major in an Education program, Dietetics, or Business. Students must meet the requirements for admission to the chosen major. Decisions regarding readmission will be made upon a complete application and receipt of all final transcripts of coursework taken since separation from the college.

Information Specific to Academically Dismissed Students:

Students who were academically dismissed must meet one of the following:

1.  At least one full calendar year will have elapsed between the date of dismissal and the beginning of the term of readmission AND a minimum of 12 s.h. of college coursework will have been completed with at least a 2.5 cumulative GPA at another regionally accredited institution. If more than 12 s.h. are completed, all coursework will be considered in the application review.

2.  At least two full calendar years will have elapsed between the date of dismissal and the beginning of the term of readmission AND the student provides evidence of alternative actions taken that demonstrate the capacity to succeed at the college. If any college coursework was completed since dismissal, the grades earned will be considered in the review process.

After meeting these conditions, academically dismissed students may seek readmission under one of two options:

  • Option I — Reinstatement Record: Previously earned grades will be forgiven as necessary to raise the cumulative GPA to 2.00. If grades of D- to C- are forgiven, students will forfeit the credit earned in those courses. 

  • Option II — Original Academic Record: Readmission is based on the previously-earned cumulative GPA with all semester hours earned counted toward the degree. The cumulative GPA is not recomputed.

The process for how decisions are made for forgiving grades are outlined on the Student Progress website.

All courses in a student’s academic record remain on the transcript. Grades removed from the cumulative GPA are noted with a Z in front of the original grade.

Readmitted students who were previously academically dismissed must maintain a 2.00 cumulative GPA in all coursework taken since readmission and must complete a minimum of 12 s.h. of coursework at Oneonta (post readmission) to be eligible for degree candidacy. Failure to maintain this GPA will result in a second dismissal. Students who are academically dismissed after readmission will not be eligible for readmission in the future.

Students who decline their readmission will have their Oneonta academic record returned to the academic record in place at the time of their last attendance at the College.

Course Auditing

The auditing of courses is considered most appropriate when used to expand the educational experience of enrolled students, faculty, members of the College and members of the community.

The priority of auditors shall be as follows: SUNY Oneonta students; SUNY Oneonta employees; others. A $50.00 course audit fee will be charged for each course audited. Those exempted from the course audit fee are SUNY Oneonta employees, currently enrolled SUNY Oneonta students, and persons age 55 and over. Course audit fees are not refundable. More information regarding auditing and the audit form can be found at:

College Policies

SUNY Oneonta enforces the following policies regarding course auditing:

  1. Prospective auditors must have the permission of the instructor of the course and the department chair.
  2. Students may not audit a course in order to prepare for subsequent enrollment in that course.
  3. Students may not audit a course in order to make up work as a result of an incomplete.
  4. Students will be assessed a course audit fee if they are not enrolled at SUNY Oneonta at the time they audit a course.
  5. Course auditors will not be required to meet the requirements of the course, will not be officially enrolled in the course, will not be listed on course roster, will not earn any credit for the course, will not earn a grade for the course, and will not receive recognition for the course.
  6. Course auditors will not ordinarily be permitted to audit studio courses or the laboratory or field work portion of courses, or other course experiences which require individual attention or special arrangement.
  7. Course auditors may not register as an auditor until regular registration is completed and may not use space or equipment needed by regularly enrolled students.
  8. High school students may not audit courses without specific written permission from high school authorities.
  9. Course auditors not affiliated with the College will have only the privileges of library visitors; they may qualify for “community borrower” status.
  10. Matriculated SUNY Oneonta students may not audit study abroad courses.
  11. Course auditing is limited to fall and spring semesters.

Those who audit courses must also purchase a parking permit.

Seniors Taking Graduate Level Courses for Graduate Credit

Undergraduate students who are in their last year of resident work at Oneonta, who have completed 90 or more semester hours, who have a minimum overall GPA of 3.0 and a GPA of 3.2 in their major may take up to two graduate courses for graduate credit. Undertaking graduate-level work must not delay completion of undergraduate degree requirements. Graduate credits cannot be applied toward a bachelor’s degree. Students choosing this option should understand that this does not admit them to graduate study in a master’s program. Some graduate level courses may not be open to undergraduate students under any circumstance. Students must file a “Senior Enrollment in Graduate Course” form signed by the course instructor, the Academic Advisement Center, the student’s advisor, the chair of the department in which the course is offered, and the dean of the school in which the course is offered with their registration form at the time of registration. The ratio of seniors to graduate students in a graduate course should normally not exceed 10%; however, in classes with enrollments of less than ten students, one or two seniors may be permitted.

International students, student-athletes and those who receive financial aid generally must be in 12 s.h. of new undergraduate coursework to maintain their eligibility/status. Any undergraduate student considering taking a graduate course should discuss the implications with their financial aid counselor.

Note: This policy does not apply to students who have been accepted into an accelerated undergraduate-graduate degree program.

Student Records

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 permits current or former students to inspect certain college educational records pertaining to them as individuals and to obtain copies for a fee. Students are also accorded the right to question the content of a record and to receive a formal hearing if dissatisfied with the responses to such questions.

Written consent from a student is required before personally identifiable information can be released from the individual educational record in all cases except tuition and fee obligations and those specifically exempted by law.

There is certain directory information which the College may release without the student’s permission. Directory Information at SUNY Oneonta is defined as the following:

  • student name, postal addresses (not residence hall addresses), phone numbers and electronic mail addresses
  • major field(s) of student, class year, academic advisor, dates of attendance, full/part-time enrollment status; degrees and awards received
  • previous educational agencies or institutions attended
  • participation in officially recognized activities and sports; height, weight, and photographs of members of athletic teams.

A student wishing to prevent directory information from being released must contact the College Registrar, in writing or in person, to request that a “confidential” flag be placed on their record. These confidential flags will be placed within 48 hours of receipt of request and will be in effect until the student provides the College Registrar with a written request to remove it or no longer attends the institution. 

The Institutional FERPA Policy Statement, containing complete College policies and procedures for exercising student rights under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, is available from the College Registrar. Inquiries or complaints may be filed with the Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20202-4605.


Copies of student transcripts sent from colleges previously attended become the property of SUNY Oneonta. They are used for admissions decisions and transfer evaluations. Students are advised to retain their own copies of academic work taken prior to their admission. The Registrar’s Office cannot transmit academic records from another institution in a secondary manner.

Complete official copies of the student’s record (transcript) are provided only upon signed (physical or through secured website) request from the student. Copies to be issued to third parties must also be accompanied by signed releases from the student. The College does not issue unofficial transcripts.

Absence from Class (Religious Beliefs)

224.a. Students unable because of religious beliefs to attend classes on certain days.

  1. No person shall be expelled from or be refused admission as a student to an institution of higher education for the reason that he is unable, because of his religious beliefs, to attend classes or to participate in any examination, study or work requirements on a particular day or days.
  2. Any student in an institution of higher education who is unable, because of his religious beliefs, to attend classes on a particular day or days shall, because of such absence on the particular day or days, be excused from any examination or any study or work requirements.
  3. It shall be the responsibility of the faculty and of the administrative officials of each institution of higher education to make available to each student who is absent from school, because of his religious beliefs, an equivalent opportunity to make up any examination, study or work requirements which he may have missed because of such absence on any particular day or days. No fees of any kind shall be charged by the institution for making available to the said student such equivalent opportunity.
  4. If classes, examinations, study or work requirements are held on Friday after four o’clock post meridian or on Saturday, similar or makeup classes, examinations, study or work requirements shall be made available on other days, where it is possible and practicable to do so. No special fees shall be charged to the student for these classes, examinations, study or work requirements held on other days.
  5. In effectuation the provisions of this section, it shall be the duty of the faculty and of the administrative officials of each institution of higher education to exercise the fullest measure of good faith. No adverse or prejudicial effects shall result to any student because of his availing himself of the provisions of this section.
  6. Any student, who is aggrieved by the alleged failure of any faculty or administrative official to comply in good faith with the provisions of this section, shall be entitled to maintain an action or proceeding in the supreme court of the county in which such institution of higher education is located for the enforcement of his rights under this section.
    6-a. A copy of this section shall be published by each institution of higher education in the catalog of such institution containing the listing of available courses.
  7. As used in this section, the term “institution of higher education” shall mean schools under the control of the board of trustees of the state university of New York or of the board of higher education of the city of New York or any community college.