Feb 14, 2025  
2018-2019 Undergraduate Catalog 
2018-2019 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Admission to the College

The following information applies only to undergraduate admission. Students interested in graduate programs should consult the Graduate Bulletin. In addition to information in this catalog, many departments publish brochures that may be obtained by contacting the Admissions Office. Admission to SUNY Oneonta is based upon academic and personal qualifications, without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, marital status, sexual orientation, age, disability, or status as a veteran.

Freshman Admission

Freshmen are defined as those students who have attempted no college course work, or whose only college courses were pursued before high school graduation. All candidates for admission to an undergraduate degree program must submit the SUNY application or the Common Application. Application materials are available online.

Applicants for both fall and spring semester admission are encouraged to submit applications as early in the fall of the previous year as possible. Spring decisions are usually made and applicants notified in early November; Fall decisions are made beginning in early December. Declaration of a major upon admission is encouraged but not required.

*Students who wish to major in Music must pass a required performance audition. For more information please refer to the Music Department website. Students who wish to declare Education as a major will need a grade point average of at least 3.0 or they must rank in the top 30 percent of their high school graduating class.

Freshmen Admission Decisions

Admission to SUNY Oneonta is selective. Admissions decisions are based on and overall enrollment goal for the college and the spaces available for new students. There is no single formula for decisions. Applicants are admitted on the overall strength of their applications. While academic criteria such as grades, quality and level of courses, test scores, and trend of grades are primary, involvement in leadership and school and community activities, recommendations, and how effectively an applicant communicates strengths and interests, are also important elements in an admission decision.

Applicants must be graduates of an accredited secondary school or have evidence of equivalent education. The following distribution of high school courses is preferred:

4 units of english
4 units of social science
3-4 units of mathematics
3-4 units of science
3-4 units of foreign language

To be considered for admission, applicants must present a minimum of 16 or more units from the areas listed above. Submission of standardized test scores from either the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) or the American College Testing Program (ACT) are also required. 

Notification Dates and Deposit Requirements

All candidates are notified in writing of the decision from the Committee on Admissions. Spring semester applicants will be notified as their application becomes complete. Fall semester applicants are notified beginning in early December, with all applications generally receiving notification by late March. The application contains specific information on recommended application and notification dates.

After acceptance, students must submit a $100 tuition deposit. Fall semester candidates must submit the $100 tuition deposit by May 1, or thirty days after acceptance, whichever is later. Spring semester deadline dates vary. Admitted students will receive notification of all deadline dates with the offer of admission.

Accepted applicants desiring on-campus housing must submit a $100 housing deposit. Fall semester entrants must submit the deposit by May 1, or thirty days after the date of acceptance whichever is later.

Fall semester deposits are refundable through May 1. Spring semester deposits are refundable through December 31.

After acceptance and before registration, a student must submit a Health Form to the Health Center. Health Forms are forwarded to every accepted student who submits a deposit. The services of the Health Center are available only to those who submit this form.

Early Admission

Students wishing to enter SUNY Oneonta after the junior year of high school may do so provided they meet all regular criteria and are able to clearly demonstrate that early admission will be to their educational benefit. The timetable for regular admission should be followed and the student should request that a transcript of mid-year grades be forwarded for review. In addition, students must submit a written statement from the applicant’s appropriate school official stating what specific courses at the college must be taken to fulfill high school graduation requirements.

Early Action

Early action is a non-binding early application/notification program for fall freshmen. Early action applications must be submitted by November 15 and notification will be sent no later than December 31. Admissions standards for early action will vary based on an overall enrollment goal for the College and the spaces available for new students. Early action consideration will generally parallel regular admission criteria.

Talented Student/Provisional Admission

The College does not reserve a set number of places for entering students on the basis of talent or other subjective factors. The College does, however, recognize the diversity of talents and different backgrounds among applicants and considers information submitted by each applicant. Students should ensure that information on any extenuating personal circumstances is available when their application is reviewed. Students with special talents in Music, Art and/or Theatre should review the special talent application process available on the admissions web site.

Applicants that do not meet one or more of the admission requirements may be considered for provisional acceptance to the College at the discretion of the Admissions Committee. Provisionally accepted students may be required to meet certain academic performance requirements beyond what is expected of regularly admitted students. Provisionally admitted students will be notified of any additional requirements at the time of acceptance.

Transfer Admission

Transfer students are defined as students who have attended college after high school graduation. The College enrolls a large number of transfers each year and encourages applications from qualified applicants.

All candidates for admission to an undergraduate degree program must submit the SUNY Application or the Common Application. Official transcripts from all institutions attended must be requested by the student and submitted directly to the Admissions Office. A high school transcript or evidence of equivalent education must be provided to Oneonta by all transfer applicants. Students dismissed by another college may not be admitted until at least one calendar year has passed since the date of dismissal and students must present evidence of successful study elsewhere during that period.

Transfer admission decisions are based on an overall enrollment goal for the College and the spaces available for new transfer students. For serious consideration, a student must have a cumulative grade point average of 2.5 or better with a strong record in their major and related fields. Students who wish to major in Education must have a 3.0 GPA. Students who wish to major in Music must pass a required performance audition. For more information please refer to the Music Department website.

Notification Dates and Deposit Requirements

Dates and requirements for transfers are the same as those listed for freshmen earlier in this chapter. Transfer decisions are made on a rolling basis and continue until all seats for a particular semester are filled. Please note: On-campus housing is not guaranteed for transfer students.

Transfer Credit Evaluation

Please refer to the section on “Degree Credit , Transfer of Credit From Other Institutions ” contained in the “Academic Policies and Standards ” chapter of this catalog.


Students who previously attended SUNY Oneonta, and who did not earn a degree from Oneonta, should refer to the section on “Readmission ” contained in the “Academic Policies and Standards ” chapter of this catalog.

Admission of Persons with Disciplinary Dismissals

State University of New York (SUNY) policy requires applicants for admission to report whether they have been dismissed from an institution of higher education for disciplinary reasons. Applications from such candidates are reviewed by a campus committee whose purpose is to decide whether an applicant with a disciplinary dismissal from an institution of higher education should be admitted. After review of all information the committee will determine whether to deny admission, admit or admit with certain conditions.

Granting of Two Baccalaureate Degrees

Students wishing to receive a second baccalaureate degree from SUNY Oneonta must meet all conditions in one of the following three options:

  1. The student’s first degree was granted by Oneonta. The second degree program must be from an academic department different from the one in which the first degree was granted and a significant amount of additional course work (approximately 30 s.h.) must be completed in the new major field.
  2. The student’s first degree was granted by Oneonta. The second degree program may be from the same academic department as the one from which the first degree was granted if a significant amount of additional course work (at least 30 s.h.) is required in the new major field and the department has received approval for a second degree program from the Council of Deans and the Provost.
    Graduates of SUNY Oneonta who pursue a second degree must satisfy a 30 s.h. residency requirement and all minimum requirements for the degree in the second major. The student’s transcript will reflect all courses taken at Oneonta. GPA’s and credits for all undergraduate course work will be cumulative.
  3. The student’s first degree was granted by a college other than Oneonta. The student must complete, at a minimum, all of the College’s residency requirements (at least 45 s.h.) and all minimum requirements for the second degree. The student’s GPA will reflect only those courses taken at Oneonta.

International Admissions

The State University of New York (SUNY) Oneonta welcomes qualified applicants from around the world. The college recognizes the intellectual and cultural contributions that international students offer while diversifying our campus. International students are defined as those who currently hold or are seeking F1 or other non-immigrant visa categories authorized to engage in full-time academic studies.

To be considered for admission international applicants must meet the academic standards for admission, show proficiency in English, and certify that they will have the necessary financial support required for each year of study. Additional information related to application requirements and application deadlines can be found on the International Admissions web site.

The following are minimum standards of English proficiency required for consideration:

IELTS 6.5 (no sub scores below 6.0)
iTEP 3.5
ELS Language Center report score of 112

Additionally, two semesters of community college coursework in good academic standing or successful completion of an accredited ESL program in the US or overseas, with TOEFL waiver are considered.

Students below the minimum English language proficiency scores may be eligible for a provisional acceptance and may be subject to English as a Second Language (ESL) coursework. (see talented students/provisional admission under freshmen admissions)

Supplementary English as a Second Language (ESL) courses are offered on campus, supported by a Language Lab with ESL multimedia software, The Student Learning Center, and professional and peer tutoring services.

Office of Opportunity Programs (EOP/ACE)

The Office of Opportunity Programs at SUNY Oneonta serves educationally and economically disadvantaged high school graduates. The goal of the Office of Opportunity Programs is to make higher education possible for students who are ineligible under traditional standards but who nevertheless have the potential for academic success. The Office of Opportunity Programs provides academic and financial support.

Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) Admission

Students applying to the College as part of EOP must:

  • be residents of New York State,
  • have a high school diploma or its equivalent,
  • complete an admission application form and the required EOP supplemental form,
  • meet the economic guidelines established by the State University of New York Office of Opportunity Programs,
  • show historic disadvantage and ineligibility for admittance to the College under regular admission standards, and
  • demonstrate potential for satisfactory completion of a degree program.

Using records, recommendations, special application information, and a personal interview, an evaluation of an applicant is made taking into account factors that are not considered in the traditional admission process.

The financial aid package of each individual in EOP is determined by the Financial Aid Officer. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and the EOP Supplemental application are used to determine a student’s financial status. The financial aid package is based on the student’s individual financial need, reflecting personal and family resources and obligations.

For information, contact the Director of Opportunity Programs.

Access to College Excellence (ACE) Admission

Students applying to the College as part of ACE must:

  • have a high school diploma or its equivalent,
  • complete the standard State University application form and the required ACE information form,
  • be approved for receipt of financial aid through ACE,
  • be of the first generation in your family to obtain a college degree,
  • demonstrate potential for satisfactory completion of a degree program.

Using records, recommendations, special application information, and a personal interview, an evaluation of an applicant is made taking into account data that is not considered in the traditional admission process.

The financial aid package of each individual in ACE is determined by the Financial Aid Officer. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and the ACE Supplemental application are used to determine a student’s financial status. The financial aid package is based on the student’s individual financial need, reflecting personal and family resources and obligations.

For information, contact the Director of Special Programs.


College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP)

The College Assistance Migrant Program, better known as CAMP, is a scholarship program designed to meet the special needs of students from migrant and seasonal farmworking families in pursuing higher education. In order to be given the scholarship, student must be an incoming freshmen and this is a one year scholarship.  This federally-funded program assists eligible students in applying, entering and succeeding at the college level. Students applying to the College must complete an admissions application in order to be considered.

In order to qualify as part of the CAMP program, students must qualify in one of the following ways:

  • Within the last 2 years, you, your parent or an immediate family member, have performed an agricultural activity, on a temporary or seasonal basis, related to: the production of crops, dairy products, poultry or livestock; the cultivation or harvesting of trees; fish farming for 75 days minimum.
  • You have been, or are a current participant in the Migrant Education Program (MEP).

For more information contact Pathy Leiva, Director of the CAMP Program at 877-256-2021.

Deferred Admission

Students who wish to defer their enrollment may request their admission be reconsidered for a future semester within one year of the date of their original request for admission. Applicants will be reevaluated for the requested future term. Students seeking deferred admission must contact the Office of Admissions.

Non-Degree Students

Undergraduate students who seek non-degree enrollment through the Office of Continuing Education do so for a number of reasons. The three main reasons students enroll through the office are 1) to qualify for eventual matriculation at this or another college or university; 2) to take courses as a visiting student from another college or university; and 3) to take courses for personal or professional enrichment.

Students wishing to pursue non-degree work follow a simplified admission procedure. An application is available from the Office of Continuing Education or on the Web https://suny.oneonta.edu/admissions/continuingeducation. Transcripts and other supporting documentation must be supplied for the applicant to be considered for admission as a non-degree student.

Further information regarding non-degree undergraduate admission can be found in this catalog under “Continuing Education .”