Jan 14, 2025  
2017-2018 Faculty Handbook 
2017-2018 Faculty Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Programs

Academic Affairs Organizational Chart–2017  

Curriculum Development

Developing New Programs

Before proceeding with a program proposal draft, departments should consult SUNY’s Guide to Academic Program Planning. These documents are also available in the Provost’s Office.

The relationship of any new program proposal to the jurisdictional specialties of other units of the University, its compatibility with College-wide priorities, and its potential cost in terms of staffing, operating budget and equipment are all factors that are considered by both the College administration and the appropriate faculty governance committees involved in the campus review process for new programs.

New program proposals must first secure approval from the chair(s) of the proposing department(s) in consultation with the Dean(s). Consultation with the chair(s) of any programs impacted by the proposal must also be made. The Finance Office and Accreditation Liaison Officer must also be consulted in the early phases of undergraduate and graduate program development.

Undergraduate program proposals next must secure the approval of both the College Curriculum Committee and the Committee on Academic Planning and Resources Allocation (CAPRA). Graduate program proposals must secure, as a second step, approval from the Graduate Studies Committee.  The third step for all program proposals is to seek approval from the College Senate, issued in the form of a recommendation to the Provost. New program proposals approved by the Provost undergo review by the SUNY Office of Academic Program Planning; if approved, they next undergo review by the New York State Education Department (SED). Final approval for a new program proposal typically ends with receipt of SED approval. However, additional steps may be required if the proposed program takes the college into new disciplinary areas or new degree offerings. (The Accreditation Liaison Officer can advise on such matters.) Proposed programs may not be advertised or promoted to prospective or enrolled students, in any manner, prior to formal approval by SED.

SED approval of new programs will be forwarded by the Provost to the dean(s), department(s), the Office of Admissions, the Office of Academic Advisement and the Registrar’s Office among other campus units.

Important Regulations of the Commissioner of Education

Part 52 Registration of Curricula: §52.1(g): Each curriculum for which registration is required shall be registered before the institution may publicize its availability or recruit or enroll students in the curriculum.

Part 53 Information for Students and Prospective Students: §53.3(d)(1): The instructional programs of the institution shall be accurately described. A list of degree, certificate and diploma programs shall be provided. The list shall be consistent with the inventory of registered degree and certificate programs maintained by the State Education Department. The list shall contain at least the official approved program title, degree, and HEGIS code number and shall be preceded by a statement that enrollment in other than registered or otherwise approved programs may jeopardize a student’s eligibility for certain student aid awards.

Revising Existing Programs

The State Education Department (SED) requires re-registration of a registered program when any of the following significant changes have been made:

  • cumulative change from the last SED approval of the registered program of one-third or more of the minimum credits required for the entire degree award (e.g., 40 credits in a Bachelor’s program requiring 120 credits);
  • changes in the program’s focus or design (e.g., eliminating management courses in a business administration program), including a change in the program’s major disciplinary area; 
  • adding or eliminating one or more options, concentrations or tracks (these terms are synonymous);
  • eliminating a requirement for completion, including an internship, clinical placement, cooperative education, or other work- or field-based experience; and altering the liberal arts and sciences (LAS) content in a way that changes the degree classification, as defined in Section 3.47 (c )(1-4) of Regents Rules.

The following changes also compel program re-registration:

  • revision of program title;
  • change of program award (e.g., change in degree from B.A. to B.S.);
  • change in mode of delivery (e.g., from traditional to online);
  • change in format that alters financial aid eligibility (e.g., from full-time to part-time, or to an abbreviated or accelerated term);
  • change in the total number of credits of an undergraduate certificate or a graduate advanced certificate program;
  • any change to a registered program leading to professional licensure, or the addition of licensure qualification to an existing program, except that changes to courses or credits that do not satisfy one of the required content areas in the profession do not need SUNY approval and SED registration unless required by one of the other categories above.

Proposed revisions of existing programs must first secure approval from the chair(s) of the proposing faculty, in consultation with the appropriate school dean(s). Consultation with the chair(s) of any programs impacted by the revision proposal must also be made. Program revision proposals must then secure formal approval from the dean(s). Such proposals then undergo evaluation by the Curriculum Committee and the Committee on Academic Planning and Resource Allocation (CAPRA). Approved revisions are forwarded to the College Senate for further consideration. The Senate’s recommendation is forwarded to the Provost. The Provost’s approval is the final step for program revisions that do not compel re-registration as described above, and the academic department, College Registrar and Director of Academic Advisement will be notified in writing upon the Provost’s approval of the program revision.

For program revisions that trigger re-registration, after the Provost has approved the proposed program revision, the proposal will be sent by the Provost’s Office to the SUNY Office of Academic Planning, Policy & Evaluation. Upon receipt of SUNY approval, the proposed program revision must secure final approval and re-registration from SED. Program revisions may not be advertised in any manner prior to formal approval by NYSED.

Curriculum Minors – Development & Revision

Curriculum minors may be developed or revised without approval from outside agencies. New or revised minors must go through the same College curriculum approval processes as do new or revised majors.

New Course Proposals

Approval Process – Undergraduate Courses

Once the New Course Proposal has been approved by the department chair, the form should be forwarded to the appropriate dean(s) for review of content and course attribute designation. Careful attention is paid to qualifications and number of instructors able to teach new courses.

Note: Courses may not carry SUNY General Education attributes until formal approval of such has been received from the SUNY Office of Academic Planning, Policy & Evaluation.

Proposals are submitted by the dean to the Course Review Sub-committee of the Curriculum Committee. The Sub-committee makes recommendations to the dean(s) for approval or revision.

The dean will notify the department and College Registrar of final action. The College Registrar will update the College Course Master File, as appropriate.

Approval Process – Graduate Courses

Once the New Course Proposal has been approved by the department chair (or chairs in the case of interdisciplinary courses), the form should be forwarded to the appropriate division dean(s) for review of content and course attribute designation. Careful attention is paid to qualifications and number of instructors able to teach new courses.

Deadlines for Submission

January 15th For new courses to be offered in the fall
January 15th For courses to be offered in the summer
September 1st For courses to be offered in the spring

Criteria To Be Used in Developing New Courses

The New Course Proposal form is available on Online Forms section of the College Registrar’s website. Detailed criteria are outlined there.

Course Numbering

100-199 Lower-division undergraduate-level courses
200-299 Upper-division intermediate undergraduate-level courses
300-499 Upper-division advanced undergraduate-level courses
500-699 Graduate-level courses

Prior to fall of 1996 some 300-level and all 400-level courses were graduate courses.

The Provost will make actual designations. Departments may provide a logical ordering of courses by using the second digit ‘Y’ of the three-digit course numbering ‘XYZ’.

For each hundred-level category of courses, a sequence of digits such as the following would be reserved from use or used as appropriate for each field of study:

X94 Special Topics, Selected Projects, Projects
X95 Field Experience, Student Teaching, Internship
X96 Field Experience, Student Teaching, Internship
X97 Field Experience, Student Teaching, Internship
X98 Senior Seminar, Thesis Research
X99 Independent Study

Re-Use of Course Numbers

Reusing course numbers is strictly prohibited as it compromises College course-repeat regulations as well as computerized degree-requirement files.

Course Titles

Course titles are strictly limited to 30 characters (including punctuation and spaces).

Cross-Listed Courses

These courses are different in subject abbreviation and sometimes course number; however, they must carry the same course attributes and the same course descriptions [e.g., CONS 252 and LAW 220 – Personal Law]. These courses are taught by one instructor in one classroom at one time.Important Note: No undergraduate and graduate courses may meet simultaneously with the same instructor.

Equivalent Courses

These courses are different in subject abbreviation and sometimes course number but may be deemed equivalent for the purposes of meeting degree requirements. This is usually as a result of a rubric or number sequencing change [e.g., SPCH 100 is now COMM 100].

Interdisciplinary Courses

Courses designated “Interdisciplinary Studies INTD” embrace a range of subjects from general courses related to college life and adjustment to courses that include multi-disciplinary content. When appropriate, similar courses that combine disciplinary content should be dual labeled and dual listed. The appropriate division dean(s) shall approve new course proposals and course changes in the area of Interdisciplinary Studies.

Special Topics Courses

“Special Topics” course designations are used to offer courses on an experimental basis. A particular special topics offering for a semester must be cleared with the appropriate division dean using the new course proposal form. The same special topics course can be offered only twice. A new course proposal creating a regularly offered course must be submitted if the course is to be offered a third time.

Revising Existing Courses

Minor changes to existing courses should be submitted with justification on the appropriate form and must be approved by the appropriate division dean. These changes include course number, title, course description, grade mode, course attributes, etc. Details and form are available at the Online Forms site.

Distance Learning Policy

[The policy and descriptions that follow were under review at the time this Handbook was published. The activities/language below represent best practices and those forthcoming policy/procedures….]

Policy Statement

Distance learning must adhere to existing policies of Middle States Commission on Higher Education, Americans with Disabilities Act, regulatory and industry standards, Universal Design for Learning (UDL), the State Education Department (SED), Board of Trustees of the State University of New York, and the College at Oneonta as well as conform to any negotiated agreements. The college’s academic standards and requirements for traditional courses and programs apply to distance education as well.


The role of distance learning (DL) at the State University of New York – College at Oneonta is one that is connected to the mission of the College and the current priorities of the SUNY administration, and involves expanding student access to quality educational opportunities beyond traditional offerings.

Applicability of the Policy

This policy applies to all SUNY Oneonta faculty who teach blended/hybrid and fully online courses.

Policy Elaboration

The regulatory, legal, and industry standards for distance learning have been amended and it is necessary to have our policies and procedures up to date.


Distance learning is defined as instruction between a teacher and students when they are separated by physical distance and communication is accomplished by one or more technological media (American Association of University Professors, 2007; Oregon Network for Education, 2000). 

Distance learning programs are certificate and/or degree programs in which coursework in the program is available to students in technologically-based formats.

Distance learning courses are classes, taught for credit or otherwise, required for a program in which students are separated, in the majority or entirety of the course, by time and/or space from the instructor and/or the campus from which the course originates. Modes of instruction and communication are by technological means, now known or hereafter developed. The policies and procedures outlined here will apply regardless of the format or method of distance learning.

  • Blended/Hybrid Course - An individual course in which some instruction and engagement of class activities is delivered face-to-face (in class) and via distance learning. In-class seat time is reduced, typically by approximately 30%.
  • Fully Online Course - An individual course in which all instruction and class activities are conducted via distance learning. Depending on the program, there may be some required live sessions.
  • Correspondence Course - Correspondence courses are not forms of distance education. Instruction is self-paced, and there is limited communication between the instructor and student. Similarly, web-enhanced courses in which instruction is delivered fully face-to-face and is supplemented with materials and/or activities that are delivered via distance learning are not distance learning courses per se. (In class seat time is 100%.) 

Procedures for Academic Issues

Academic Calendar

The offering of distance learning courses will correspond with the Academic Calendar in all respects including beginning and ending dates, final examination schedule, submission deadline for final grades and other existing policies. Exceptions must be approved by the department chair and academic dean and communicated by the dean to the College Registrar (fall and spring terms) or Director of Continuing Education (winter and summer terms).

When submitting schedules to the Registrar or to the Director of Continuing Education, departments must clearly indicate which courses will be delivered in a distance learning format.

Accreditation and Program Approval Issues

All programs must comply with SED Guidelines pertaining to program registration. For example, any programs in which more than 50% of coursework is offered online must seek SED approval for delivery for DL mode. Similarly, the institution must also align with Middle Status’s requirements for programs delivered in alternative modes.

Directors of accredited programs are expected to ensure that quality assurance requirements of accrediting agencies’ standards are met. This includes mission appropriateness, resource commitment, assessment, learning outcomes, and matters of course equivalency.

Enrolling in Distance Learning Courses

Enrolling in a distance learning course will follow existing prerequisite restrictions and procedures for pre-enrollment and enrollment. Because distance learning media vary in delivery and technical sophistication, and because students enrolled in DL courses must often assume much greater independent responsibility, special restrictions such as technical skills, equipment, cohort requirements, and other expectations could be required as conditions of enrollment in a course or programs. These and all other program requirements should be clearly communicated to, and kept current for, students in publications, advertisements, and program websites.


Distance learning courses are expected to produce the same learning outcomes as comparable classroom-based courses. These learning outcomes are clearly identified in terms of knowledge, skills, or credentials in course and program materials. The means chosen for assessing student learning are appropriate to the content, learning design, technologies and characteristics of the learners.

Course Approval and Implementation

All DL courses to be offered in a DL format must be submitted through the existing College course approval process.

Effective Spring 2010 – any existing course in which at least one section will be offered in a DL format requires a course change approval form to be submitted to the department chair and then to the academic dean for approval. Any new course in which at least one section will be offered in a DL format requires a New Course Proposal Form, indicating all methods of course delivery.

Academic departments will engage in due diligence to determine resource requirements of a DL course in advance of submitting course approval or course change forms. To ensure sufficient technology hardware, software, and support, the academic dean will communicate the needs of approved DL courses to the campus sources of technical support for DL. The original course approval or course change form should detail these needs.

Course Design and Development

All courses should be designed for compliance with federal disability laws. The instructional design of the course is the responsibility of the faculty member who works in conjunction with an instructional designer to assist with course design and ADA Compliance. In general, faculty should use institutionally supported technologies for developing and delivering distance learning courses. Resources are available on campus for faculty who seek guidance in developing distance learning courses. Faculty who are developing distance learning courses must work with the appropriate academic technology personnel within the Teaching, Learning and Technology Center (TLTC) for instructional design support.

Faculty are to work with their assigned instructional designer to meet course development milestones and are responsible for completing the newly developed or revised course by the scheduled due date. Please see dates below.

Developing a blended or fully online course takes time. It is recommended that faculty course developers are given at least 4-6 months to get their courses ready. When developing new courses (courses being run the first time online or blended), if the course shell is not yet available for faculty to develop their courses in, a provisional (or “developmental”) course shell is issued to facilitate the work of faculty. Once completed, the provisional shell is copied into the course shell that will ultimately be used for instruction. The following dates have been established for the completion of newly developed or redesigned courses in a blended or fully online format to allow sufficient time for review.

  • Fall completed course draft due:               6 weeks before the start of the semester
  • Spring completed course draft due:          6 weeks before the start of the semester
  • Winter completed course draft due:          6 weeks before the start of the semester
  • Summer completed course draft due:       6 weeks before the start of the semester

Within two weeks of a completed course draft, faculty with the assistance of an instructional designer should review courses using the Open SUNY Course Quality Rubric, OSCQR, making any adjustments in order to ensure compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, SUNY and Middle States.

After the OSCQR review performed by the instructor and instructional designer, to ensure compliance with Middle States, courses will be reviewed by their respective department subject matter expert or department course review committee. This review should be done within two weeks of receiving the completed OSCQR rubric in order to allow for any final revisions before the course is launched to students. See the appendices section the SUNY Oneonta Distance Education Program Evaluation Criteria for Fully Online and Blended Courses worksheets. 

General Course Content

Course content should be accessible. Textbooks, if used, should be selected well in advance of the semester in order to leave sufficient time for alternative formats to be made available. Speak with the Accessibility Resources office about alternative formats of your chosen textbook(s).

Academic Units

Faculty in academic units are responsible for revising courses for accessibility/ADA compliance. Faculty who are teaching online or blended courses should be certified by the summer of 2018 to remain eligible to teach in these delivery modes.  Faculty should register for and successfully complete the following two College-approved training courses:

  1. Blackboard Training (newly expanded to include accessibility)
  2. Best Practices for Blended and Fully Online Teaching (prerequisite is Blackboard Training)

A waiver will be granted only in the case where a faculty member can show that he or she has taken another distance education certification course that addresses ADA issues. For more information on waivers, please contact the Associate Provost of Academic Programs.

For regulatory compliance, courses are evaluated on a regular basis for their effectiveness and the evaluation results are used for improvement. The Open SUNY COTE Quality Rubric (OSCQR), and the SUNY Oneonta Distance Education Program Evaluation Criteria for Fully Online and Blended Courses worksheets should be used. See the appendices section. The schedule of review will align with other college and accreditation review cycles.

Transfer Credit

For current students, credits from distance learning courses transferring into an Oneonta degree program are subject to prior-approval by the department chair and processed through the Academic Advisement Office.

Receipt of DL transfer credits from other institutions will be evaluated for acceptance according to existing policies pertaining to transfer courses and credits.

Procedures for Faculty Issues

Protection of Course Materials

Course materials for DL courses are subject to the State Education Department, SUNY, and College’s record keeping and review policies. The College will not use instructors’ DL materials for subsequent or derivative uses.

Teaching Appointments

Teaching distance learning courses will be considered in a manner equivalent to traditional courses in the processes of reappointment, promotion, tenure, and discretionary salary decisions.


Any faculty member teaching a distance learning course (blended or fully online) must have completed College-approved training (BlackBoard and the Best Practices workshops), which includes ADA Compliance and Universal Design for Learning. Consult the Distance Education Coordinator for details.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

Faculty are expected to conduct business in alignment with FERPA. See the College’s policies.

Given the nature of distance learning, an educational record of student activity is automatically created within the learning management system. This record is subject to FERPA.

Grades and graded work should not be exchanged via email. Email is not considered a secure environment for such exchanges.

Operating with consciousness of FERPA guidelines, administration or staff for legal and regulatory purposes may have access to courses.

Workload and Compensation

It is required that a course be fully developed before being implemented. Based on the exceptional involvement in preparation required for distance learning course development, this may be appropriate justification for a course load reduction. Issues of workload and compensation should be directed to the respective academic dean.

Procedures for Institutional Issues

Institutional Governance and Policy Review

The rules governing distance learning, and any future changes to them, will be approved by vote of the College Senate, and then officially recommended for adoption College-wide. This policy, and any subsequent amendments, will be published and distributed to all concerned at the College (e.g., inclusion in the Handbook).

A comprehensive review of the distance learning policy and process should be conducted on a regular basis. An important component of the review process should involve policy planning, which includes anticipation of upcoming needs of students and faculty, as well as consideration of growth and development issues (e.g., how to mediate growth).

Institutional Support for Technology

It is important that the institution demonstrates a commitment to ongoing technical support for both faculty and students. It is expected that the institution will work to maintain technical and service reliability, to keep pace with technological and pedagogical advancements, to provide timely notification of such changes, and to continue to provide various means of support as technology and learning modes change.

Procedures for Intellectual Property and Copyright

Regarding intellectual property and copyright for distance learning course materials, the definitions, guidelines, and policies of the Board of Trustees of the State University of New York shall be followed.

The College policies applicable to faculty-authored materials in traditional classroom instruction should apply equally to distance learning formats. These policies include: a) Faculty ownership of scholarly/aesthetic works, including lecture, course handouts and syllabi, and b) Faculty control of methods of presentation and selection of course materials.

Faculty members are cautioned to comply with all copyright regulations in developing materials to be published in any DL format or delivery mode.

Procedures for Student Issues and Services

Services for students taking distance learning courses will be provided according to the policies and procedures of the offices and facilities providing those services. These services include, but are not limited to, academic advisement, bookstore, disability services, enrollment/registration, financial aid, library, technical help, and tutoring. Faculty are required to apprise students of available services. It is expected that personnel in these services will make appropriate and reasonable efforts, within the limits of available staff and resources to accommodate distance learning students as is done for on-campus students.

Academic Integrity: Students are expected to comply with current College policy on Academic Integrity. Faculty are encouraged to familiarize their students with the policy and the concept of academic integrity, including college approved proctoring services that ensure student verification, privacy, and confidentiality.

Training: It is important to ensure that students understand how the course interface works so that the technology does not present students with unnecessary barriers to learning. Therefore, instructors teaching distance learning courses should provide their students with an orientation, either in person or through the distance learning format, to the particular interface being used.

Teaching Issues

Faculty members should be involved in the oversight of distance education courses to the same extent as in other courses with regard to factors such as course development and approval, selection of qualified faculty to teach, pedagogical recommendation about appropriate class size, and oversight of final course offerings by the appropriate faculty, department, and dean to ensure conformity with previously established procedures and policies of course quality and relevance to programs.

Course Completion

Existing College policies concerning deadlines for course completion and incompletes shall apply to distance learning courses.

Academic Grievance for Blended and Fully Online Students

Academic grievance complaints by undergraduate and graduate students will follow the same procedures outlined for traditional courses.

Distance Learning Course Archives

Distance learning courses will be archived in electronic format for at least one year following their completion. Faculty can request access to these archived formats (for courses for which the faculty member is the instructor of record) at any time through the Information Technology Help Desk. SED, SUNY and College policies governing record keeping and access to the archives of courses apply to the digital archives of courses.

Class Participation

Student participation in online courses can be measured using different methods including

  • Discussion forum postings
  • Submission of Assignments/Exams/Quizzes
  • Participation in virtual classroom activities

Note: logging into a course is not equivalent to participation as outlined above and should not be counted as meeting attendance expectations

If there is a drop in participation in online work (drop in participation in online discussions, submitting work late or not submitting work at all), please use the school’s early alert system.

Office Hours/Faculty Presence

A faculty member teaching a distance learning course shall conduct the normally expected total number of office hours. Faculty presence is an integral component of quality instruction, as well as a leading indicator of student satisfaction. Faculty will make clear to students the days or times that students can expect that the instructor will be active or present in the course. (Active faculty presence can be accomplished through regular announcements; instructor participation in forums; timely, substantive, and constructive feedback on student work; unit summaries; and email messages to students.) Faculty must also clearly communicate to students on syllabi their expected response time to student questions and submitted work.

Student Course Evaluations

DL courses will be evaluated using a College-approved form that includes questions that are appropriate to the delivery modality.

Procedures for Selection of Materials

Technical Support

SUNY Oneonta is responsible for the technological delivery of distance learning courses. This support is considered part of the usual and customary equipment and resources available to support all faculty teaching. This includes ensuring, as part of the course change or new course approval process, that:

  • Distance learning courses should not drain campus resources and not deter students from coming to campus.
  • Basic and necessary technology and equipment are identified and in place to develop and teach distance learning courses, from instructor’s assigned workspace.
  • Resources for distance learning represent the current state-of-the-art technology available, contingent upon available funding.
  • The College provides appropriate and timely training and technical support for faculty members.
  • Continued technical and curricular training courses for potential users will be available as new technologies become available.
  • The College will provide appropriate forms of assistance and support personnel to faculty members to develop distance learning courses.


  • Open SUNY COTE Quality Rubric (OSCQR)
  • SUNY Oneonta Distance Education Program Evaluation Criteria for Fully Online Courses worksheet
  • SUNY Oneonta Distance Education Program Evaluation Criteria for Blended Courses worksheets

Open SUNY Course Quality Review (Rubric) – OSCQR

Required Elements for Fully Online and Blended Courses

Training in the use of the OSCQR rubric is delivered the Best Practices for Fully Online and Blended Courses workshop. The instructional designer assists faculty in the use and implementation of the OSCQR rubric, particularly with ADA compliance, and reviews courses with faculty using the rubric.


SUNY Oneonta Distance Education Program Evaluation Criteria for Fully Online Courses
(Worksheet for Subject Matter Expert/Review Committee)

SUNY Oneonta defines a fully online course as the following:

Fully Online Course – An individual course in which all instruction is engaged online.


Name of Course Instructor:__________________________

Course Number:____________________________

Semester course is to be given:_______________________

Name of Reviewer:_____________________________ Date:___________________

Instructions - Please answer the following:

  1. Is the course well organized, i.e., logical flow? What improvements might you make to its organization?
  2. Is the course content clearly written?
  3. In each learning unit/module of the course, do the activities and assessments align with the stated outcomes/objectives? Are the activities and assessments appropriate for the course delivery mode?
  4. Does the course set clear and appropriate expectations?
  5. Does the overall course align with the respective program’s goals/outcomes?
  6. Does the course contain the same academic quality and rigor as a traditionally delivered version?
  7. Do course discussion questions and other assignments move beyond rote learning to foster critical thinking and problem solving?
  8. Is the class designed as a correspondence course?
  9. Is the syllabus complete?
  10. Does the course employ appropriate copyright clearance?
  11. Is the student workload in terms of both hours of direct instruction and student work outside the classroom in compliance with the Federal Credit Hour Policy?

Additional comments:




SUNY Oneonta Distance Education Program Evaluation Criteria for Blended Courses
(Worksheet for Subject Matter Expert/Review Committee)

SUNY Oneonta defines a Blended course as the following:

Blended Course – An individual course in which some instruction is delivered face-to-face (in class) and via distance learning. In-class seat time is reduced by around 30% and is replaced with class activities engaged in online.


Name of Course Instructor:__________________________

Course Number:____________________________

Semester course is to be given:_______________________

Name of Reviewer:_____________________________ Date:___________________

Instructions - Please answer the following:

  1. Is the course well organized, i.e., logical flow? What improvements might you make to its organization?
  2. Is the course content clearly written?
  3. In each learning unit/module of the course, do the activities and assessments align with the stated outcomes/objectives? Are the activities and assessments appropriate for the course delivery mode?
  4. Does the overall course align with the respective program’s goals/outcomes?
  5. Does the course contain the same academic quality and rigor as a traditionally delivered version?
  6. Do course discussion questions and other assignments move beyond rote learning to foster critical thinking and problem solving?
  7. Is the class designed as a correspondence course?
  8. Is the syllabus complete?
  9. Does the course set clear and appropriate expectations?
  10. Is there a balance between the face-to-face and online mediums? (There should be a seamless integration between the two learning mediums so that two courses are not inadvertently created.)
  11. Does the course clearly delineate face-to-face and online delivery dates, times and activities, documented in each learning unit/module?
  12. Does the course employ appropriate copyright clearance?
  13. Is the student workload in terms of both hours of direct instruction and student work outside the classroom in compliance with the Federal Credit Hour Policy?


Additional comments:




Definitions & Course Listings

Liberal Arts Credit

Liberal Arts courses are primarily directed toward general intellectual enlargement. Liberal Arts courses are usually classified as arts, humanities, social and behavioral sciences, or natural and mathematical sciences. Liberal Arts courses may also be courses whose content is history, philosophy or appreciation of the subject.

Non-Liberal Arts courses are primarily vocational or commercial in nature. Non-Liberal Arts courses are considered professional training in that they develop narrowly applicable or technical skills, or are directed toward specific occupational objectives. Physical activities, internships, and studio courses are examples of Non-Liberal Arts courses.

Definition of Semester Hours

15 hours of lecture = 1 semester hour
30 hours of lab = 1 semester hour
40 hours of independent study or internship = 1 semester hour

Course Listings in the College Catalog

A course will be listed as “offered on an individual basis” in the College Catalog and without a course description if that course has not been offered for three years.

A course will be considered “inactive” and will not be listed in the College Catalog if that course has not been offered for five years.

A department may restore a course to “active” status by notifying the College Registrar. The Course Change Proposal form may be used at that time if modifications are to be made to the course.

Degree Requirements – Undergraduate Students

The College offers a broad array of courses in the liberal arts, pre-professional, and selected professional programs leading to a B.A. or B.S. degree, as detailed in the current Undergraduate Catalog.

Majors are offered in Accounting, Adolescence Education (Grades 7-12: Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, English, Family & Consumer Sciences [all grades], French, Mathematics, Physics, Social Studies, Spanish), Africana and Latino Studies, Anthropology, Art, Biology, Business Economics, Chemistry, Child and Family Studies, Communication Studies, Computer Art, Computer Science, Dietetics, Earth Science, Economics, programs in Elementary Education (Early Childhood Education Birth-Grade 2, Childhood Education Grades 1-6, and Dual Program Birth-Grade 6), English, Environmental Sciences, Food Service and Restaurant Administration, French, Geography, Geology, Gerontology Studies, History, Human Ecology, International Studies, Mass Communications, Mathematics, Meteorology, Music, Music Industry, Philosophy, Physics, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology, Spanish, Statistics, Theater, and Water Resources. Companion programs, in which Oneonta students complete their advanced course work at other colleges and universities, include Accounting, Engineering, Fashion, Management, Medical Technology, Nursing, Optometry, Physical Therapy, and Respiratory Care. Pre-professional programs are available in Law, Dentistry, Medicine, and Veterinary Science. The College awards approximately 1,300 undergraduate degrees annually.

Requirements for B.A. and B.S. Degrees

In some instances, a student may choose either the Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) or the Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree for a given major. However, one or the other degree is mandated for a few majors. While most students have the option of completing either one or two majors, a few programs require students to take a second major (i.e., Pre-professional and Cooperative Programs).

The following general requirements are common to both B.A. and B.S. degrees:

  1. At least 122 semester hours of approved course work
  2. Minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 overall, and in the major field(s). Some majors have higher GPA requirements
  3. Completion of General Education appropriate to the B.A. and B.S. degree (see below)
  4. At least 48 semester hours of upper division courses (course numbers 200 and above)
  5. Completion of approved curriculum major(s) with all required supporting work
  6. Passage of the College Writing Exam
  7. Completion of residency requirements as outlined in the “Residency Requirements” section below

General Education

All students at the College must complete a required group of General Education courses. The General Education component gives students a broad educational background. Requirements are outlined in the Undergraduate Catalog, and classes that fulfill the requirements are found with the course descriptions for each department. A course fulfills the General Education requirement if it carries the appropriate course attribute in the semester in which the student takes the course. For additional information, please contact the Office of Academic Advisement, x3390.

College Writing Exam

Before earning a bachelor’s degree from the State University College at Oneonta, each student must pass the College Writing Examination. The exam consists of a multiple-choice test of the mechanics of writing and an impromptu essay of 400 words. Students have three hours to complete the exam and have a choice of four essay topics. They may use a dictionary and the Prentice Hall Handbook for Writers while they are taking the exam. Both the multiple-choice test and the essay are evaluated according to the standards set forth in the Prentice Hall Handbook for Writers, the College’s descriptive standard for formal writing. Students may schedule the exam or get further information at the College Writing Center (Alumni Hall, x3691).

Residency Requirements

Undergraduates must meet residency requirements as outlined below. Residency credits are those defined as credits earned at the College at Oneonta, credit earned through the Hartwick Exchange Program, and credit earned through any SUNY overseas program.

  1. 45 semester hours must be earned in residence;
  2. 30 semester hours of the final 60 semester hours must be earned in residence;
  3. at least one-half of the credits required for a major must be earned in residence; and
  4. at least one-half of the credits required for a minor must be earned in residence.

Degree Requirements – Graduate Students

The College offers a number of graduate-level programs, leading to the Master of Arts and Master of Science in Education. The M.A. degrees are in History Museum Studies and Earth Sciences; the M.S. degrees are in Biology and Nutrition and Dietetics; the M.S.T. degree is in Foreign Language Education (Grades 7-12); the M.S.Ed. degrees are in Childhood Education (Grades 1-6), Literacy Education (Birth-Grade 6; Grades 5-12, Birth-Grade 12), Adolescence Education (7-12); School Counselor (K-12); Special Education: Adolescence Education; Special Education: Early Childhood Education; Special Education: Childhood Education; Educational Technology Specialist; and Family and Consumer Science Education. A Certificate of Advanced Study (C.A.S.) program associated with the M.S. Ed. in School Counselor is also offered. Graduate degree requirements are detailed in the current Graduate Catalog.

The minimum number of semester hours for program completion, their distribution, and any specific course requirements are designated in each graduate program. In order to receive a degree or certificate, candidates must meet all the qualifications for that degree or certificate within six calendar years. The time limit begins from the date when the earliest enrolled course is credited to the degree program.

Residency Requirements

Refer to individual program descriptions in the Graduate Catalog  for the number of credit hours that must be completed while in residence. If a student pays tuition and fees to the College at Oneonta, the credit for the course is considered as residence credit, whether or not the course is taken on the campus.

Statute of Limitations

In order to receive a degree or certificate, candidates must meet all requirements within a period of six calendar years. The time limit begins the term in which the earliest enrolled course is credited to the degree program. Courses completed prior to admission to a degree or certificate program that are accepted toward the degree cannot be more than six years old at the time the degree is awarded. This requirement may be modified only in special circumstances. In some circumstances, when students are admitted to a program, they may be given less than six years to complete their course of study.

Procedures for extending the time limit are as follows: The student must initiate a written request through his/her department. The department must forward the request with a departmental recommendation for action to the Divisional Dean. The Divisional Dean may approve an extension of up to one year in length or deny the request. The student (or department) may appeal the Dean’s decision to the Provost.

Academic Program Policies – Undergraduate Students

Policy on Department Acceptance of Students to a Major

Time of Application and Acceptance

Students may make application for admission to a major upon their acceptance to the College by the Admissions Office. Students should make application before compiling 56 credits. Students are encouraged to declare their majors as soon as possible to avoid any delays in completing degree requirements in a timely manner. TAP-eligible students will be decertified if they have not declared a major by the time they earn 56 credits.

Within 30 days of receipt of the application, departments and the Academic Advisement Center should notify the student of the action taken.

Department Criteria for Acceptance of Students

Except as noted below, students will be accepted into the academic program of their choice, unless they have a record of substandard performance in their requested major field. This record may be at either the high school or college level depending on the time of application. (Examples of substandard performance: low high school average and/or low test scores in the area of the major, college grades in the major which would preclude retention in that major.)

Students are placed under the major requirements of the most recent Catalog. Students with majors in the Divisions of Education and Economics and Business are responsible for completing the degree requirements in place at the time of their graduation.

Method of Application

A form is secured from the Academic Advisement Center.

After the appropriate department chair has signed the form, it is returned to the Academic Advisement Center where the information is duly recorded. Distribution of copies is made from the Office of Academic Advisement.

Admission and Department Designation Procedures for Transfer Students

The Admissions Office admits students to majors as requested, in consultation with academic department chairs. Admission to specific majors may be based on academic history.

The Admissions Office evaluates transfer credit for transfer students in accordance with course-by-course articulation as determined by departments.

Declaration of More Than One Major

Students may declare as many as two majors. One must be designated as the primary major, and the other as the secondary major. Since only one degree will be awarded and some majors can only be a B.A. or a B.S., the degree conferred will be based on the primary major.

All program requirements for both majors must be completed satisfactorily for students to graduate. To satisfy all degree and program requirements in some combinations, it may be necessary for a student to complete more than the minimum 122 semester hours.

Change of Major


Requests for change of major are made on a standard request form available in the Academic Advisement Center. Approval is required by the chair(s) of the major department(s) concerned and the completed form is submitted to the Director of Academic Advisement. When a student transfers from one curriculum to another, the academic record is evaluated on the basis of the new program requirements. This may result in a loss of credit or an effective loss of credit; i.e., completion of program requirements may increase the total number of hours required for graduation. In general, it is the practice to approve a change of major only if the student has at least a 2.00 average in the field to which the transfer is to be made. There are some exceptions, for example, the Education Department requires a GPA of 2.80.


If a degree student wishes to transfer from one program or major to another (e.g., from Childhood Education to Literacy) a written request must be submitted to the Graduate Office.

Retention in an Undergraduate Program/Major

In addition to the College retention standards, many departments require that students maintain a minimum GPA of 2.00 or higher in their majors as a criterion for remaining enrolled in that major. Students may be dropped from their major by their department at the end of their junior year if they do not meet the minimum major GPA stipulated by the department. They may be dropped from their major if they receive three initial grades of “D” or “E” in courses required by their department. Students are responsible for officially changing their major after notification of not meeting required standards. Failure to complete the necessary paperwork to declare an alternate major may result in the loss of financial aid.

Curriculum Minors

A curriculum minor constitutes a program of study less extensive than that of a major. Minors consist of a minimum of 18 semester hours. One-half of the semester hours required for a minor must be completed in residence.

Minimum standards for acceptance into and completion of minors are the same as those for majors. Students may complete a maximum of two minors. Non-business majors are restricted to only one minor offered by the Division of Business and Economics.

Within a broad range of purposes, a minor may (1) provide an academic emphasis in a department, or provide a program of study in an interdisciplinary area; (2) offer students an opportunity to pursue interests different from their major field; and (3) help students to enhance their job potential upon graduation.

Department chairs must verify completion of minors. The Registrar will provide the academic history of graduating students to minor departments, which must certify completion and return them by the established deadlines at the end of the term in which students graduate.


Concentrations, except those required as part of the Education majors, are to be treated in the same manner as Related Work in an academic major and as such are not subject to minimum GPA requirements, pass-fail restrictions, or minimum residence requirements. Concentrations within the Education majors are subject to g.p.a. , minimum grade requirements, and course statutes of limitation. Students declare or change their concentrations on a standard request form available in the Academic Advisement Center (Netzer 100).

Course Re-Use

Courses used to fulfill General Education requirements may also be used to fulfill other degree requirements.

In some instances, a course may be used to fulfill two General Education requirements. Exception: Any course used to fulfill the Humanities General Education 2 requirement may not be used to fulfill any other General Education 2 requirement.

A maximum of six semester hours of course work may overlap between one major and another major and/or minors. Any additional overlap requires additional course work in the major or minor discipline equivalent to the excess overlap.

Maximum Credits Permitted in Discipline Areas

B.A. degree. Maximum credits allowed in any one discipline area - 45 semester hours.

B.S. degree. Maximum credits allowed in any one discipline area - 60 semester hours.

Exceptions. A student may accumulate as many as 75 semester hours in any one of the academic departments offering the subject matter areas listed below, toward the 122 semester hours total degree requirement.

Communication Studies, Theater, Mass Communication
Literature, Linguistics, Composition
Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science, Mathematics Education
Human Ecology
Food and Nutrition, Fashion and Textiles, Family and Consumer Sciences
Each of the Foreign Languages

Students majoring in the Division of Economics and Business may accumulate as many as 71 semester hours in course work offered by the Division.

Thus, a student may complete 75 semester hours in the English Department, but must keep within the limit in any of the three subject/disciplines (max 45/60 semester hours Literature; 45/60 semester hours Linguistics; 45/60 Composition). In this same context, provision also is made for a student majoring in Adolescence Education: Social Studies to apply as many as 75 semester hours in the various social sciences toward the degree.

Note: No more than 30 s.h. of course work offered through the Division of Economics and Business may be taken by students whose majors are outside of the Division.

Granting of Two Baccalaureate Degrees

Students graduating with two majors are granted only one degree. That degree is associated with the primary major.

Students who have a previously earned bachelor’s degree and who wish to receive a second baccalaureate degree from the College at Oneonta must meet all conditions set forth in one of the following three options:

The student’s first degree was granted by Oneonta. The second degree program must be from an academic department different from the one in which the first degree was granted and a significant amount of additional course work (approximately 30 semester hours) must be completed in the new major field. Graduates of the College at Oneonta who pursue a second degree must satisfy a 30 semester hour residency requirement and all minimum requirements for the degree in the second major. The student’s transcript will reflect all courses taken at Oneonta. GPAs and credits for all undergraduate course work will be cumulative.

The student’s first degree was granted by Oneonta. The second degree program may be from the same academic department as the one from which the first degree was granted if a significant amount of additional course work (at least 30 semester hours) is required in the new major field and the department has received approval for a second degree program from the Council of Deans and the Provost. Graduates of the College at Oneonta who pursue a second degree must satisfy a 30 semester hour residency requirement and all minimum requirements for the degree in the second major. The student’s transcript will reflect all courses taken at Oneonta. GPAs and credits earned for all undergraduate course work will be cumulative.

The student’s first degree was granted by a college other than Oneonta. The student must complete, at a minimum, the college’s residency requirement (at least 45 semester hours) and all minimum requirements for the second degree. The student’s GPA will reflect only those courses taken at Oneonta.

Additional Academic Study and Credit Options

Advanced Placement (Undergraduate Only)

The College recognizes the program of Advanced Placement available to talented high school students sponsored by the Educational Testing Service. Students satisfactorily completing Advanced Placement courses in high school and completing the final examination prepared by the Educational Testing Service, may be given appropriate college credit if the completed courses are similar in nature to those offered at Oneonta. Advanced placement courses are graded from 1 to 5. SUNY Policy is to grant credit for grades of 3 or better. No credit or special recommendations are allowed for grades of 1 or 2.

Students desiring to submit Advanced Placement courses for college credit should have all results of these courses and tests sent to the Admissions Office in conjunction with their application for admission.

College Level Examination Program (CLEP) (Undergraduate Only)

Administered by the Educational Testing Service of the College Entrance Examination Board, the CLEP enables traditional and nontraditional students to earn college credit by examination. The College will accept:

Six (6) credits in each of the acceptable General Examinations in which an individual scores at or above the 50th percentile. The six credits will be applied to two different disciplines in the degree distribution requirements. No credit will be awarded for scores below the 50th percentile.

The College will award credit and/or advanced placement for those CLEP subject examinations that are equivalent to courses presently accepted for transfer to Oneonta. A student will receive three (3) credits and placement for each examination on which a score equal to or higher than the mean score is achieved.

Course Challenge

A course challenge refers to a request made by a full-time student to fulfill certain requirements of an existing college course other than by taking a proficiency examination prepared outside the College. Students performing to the satisfaction of the department concerned will receive college credit. Challenging a course should not be confused with arranging to take it by individual course enrollment or independent study; the former involves no continuing instructional relationship.


  1. A full-time student wishing to challenge a course will apply to the department chair. Each department of the College will decide under what circumstances a course may be challenged. It is recommended that a course outline or prospectus be made available to a student who is challenging a course.
  2. Course challenge requirements will be prepared by the instructor subject to the approval of the department chair or of the whole department or sub-group thereof, as determined by the department. The passing or failing of a course will be determined by the instructor and reported to the Registrar on a form available from the Office of the Registrar. Credits granted on the basis of course challenge will be reflected on the student’s transcript with a grade of “CH”.
  3. A student may not challenge a particular course more than once. Students who have unsuccessfully challenged other courses should expect to have this factor considered in evaluating challenge requests. Departments should report unsuccessful course challenges to the Registrar in order that a central record may be kept.
  4. Students transferring from another institution where they have been given credit for subjects on the basis of course challenging, shall have such credits reviewed and evaluated in the same manner as other transfer credits.
  5. Each department will determine the time of course challenge, preferably during the first three weeks of each semester. Departments will attempt to make the procedure for meeting these requirements as uniform as possible. A student may challenge a course in which the student is already enrolled providing the student is within the time limits set by the department.
  6. Credit for course challenges will be added at the end of the given semester, as they may not count as part of full-time enrollment counts for that semester.
  7. Course challenges may not be used to replace a failing grade in the calculation of a grade point average.
  8. Students may not challenge a course in which they have already taken and received a failing grade.
  9. Students may not challenge a course and then enroll in it for additional credit; nor may they earn credit for a course and then challenge it to earn additional credit. (E.g., Comp 100 may be repeated for up to 6 semester hours.)

Credit for Prior Learning (Undergraduate Only)

In some cases, non-traditional learners may petition for credit for learning acquired in a variety of ways including work experience, reading programs, voluntary reading and discussion groups, radio, television, and a variety of other methods. Whenever possible, such learning should be tested through such standardized tests as CLEP. Often, a faculty member or consultant who has a strong background in the area must evaluate the learned materials on an individual basis. Students wishing to have an assessment of prior learning should discuss procedures with the Dean of Behavioral and Applied Science. The applicant will be expected to present a detailed written statement (portfolio) explaining the learning experience and requesting a specific number of credits. In some cases the applicant may also be asked to undergo a lengthy oral inquiry. Credits may be granted only if:

  1. The evaluator determines that the learning has been of college level.
  2. It is an area usually covered by college courses.
  3. It relates appropriately to the projected degree program of the applicant.

The maximum limit of semester hours granted is limited to 60 semester hours. Although Credit for Prior Learning is considered transfer credit which is limited to a maximum of 77 semester hours, students may not be awarded more than 60 semester hours of LE credit.

Credit Restrictions – Proficiency, Challenge and Life Experience (Undergraduate Only)

No more than one-half of the required degree credits may be acquired through proficiency examinations, course challenges, and the assessment of prior learning. No more than 36 credits may be earned by proficiency examinations prepared by agencies outside the College.

Developmental Courses

Imputed Credit Developmental Courses (course numbers beginning with a zero (e.g., Comp 090) carry imputed credit. This credit counts toward full-time enrollment status for the semester for tuition and financial aid purposes. It does not count as progress toward degree or credit toward graduation.

Foreign Language Proficiency Exams

Students may take on-line placement exams in Spanish or in French. A score of 200 or higher meets the foreign language requirement for General Education requirements. Students with majors in the Education department should check with their advisor regarding additional foreign language requirements for Teacher Certification. Placement of students with previous foreign language experience is determined by the Foreign Languages and Literatures Department, Schumacher 300 (x3409).

Hartwick Exchange Program (Undergraduate Only)

Through a cooperative arrangement, undergraduate students from Hartwick College or the State University College at Oneonta may enroll in courses on the other campus without having to pay fees. The program is coordinated through the Registrar’s Office on the Oneonta campus and through the Registrar’s office on the Hartwick campus. This program is not available during the summer session or winter term.

Grades earned at Hartwick College through this program count in the Oneonta grade point average.

Students who are majoring in programs within the Division of Education or the Division of Economics and Business must receive prior approval from their respective dean prior to participating in this program.

The following guidelines govern registration:

  1. Students must be enrolled full-time at their home campus. Credit from the host campus cannot count toward full-time enrollment.
  2. Students are restricted to one course per semester at the host campus.
  3. Students may not enroll for a course available on the home campus, even if that course is not offered in the desired semester. An exception may be made for a student whose graduation plans might have to be postponed.
  4. Registration of Hartwick students in Oneonta courses will take place after pre-enrollment and/or orientation registrations.

Note: Hartwick and Oneonta class time patterns and academic calendars do not coincide. Students need to be aware of this before registering in this exchange program. Oneonta students who are interested in the program should come to the Oneonta Registrar’s Office where copies of the Hartwick Schedule of Classes are available. Hartwick students should work with their Registrar’s Office.

Independent Study – Undergraduate Students

The purpose of independent study is to allow a student, under the guidance of a faculty member, to pursue a project that does not fit within the framework of a regular course offering. It is intended to be a truly independent project of a special nature that may carry from one to six semester hours of credit. Students interested in independent study should realize that it is a rigorous intellectual exercise that requires more self-discipline than the ordinary course. The instructor’s role is one of adviser, consultant, and evaluator.

Independent study is not designed for small or large group instruction. Students and instructors with group projects should develop them as Special Topics Courses.

Independent Study must not be used as a device for allowing students to gain credit for courses from which they would otherwise be barred (e.g., undergraduates taking 500-level courses). Likewise, it must not be used as a means to repeat a course already taken. It is not to be used as a means of registering for a course not offered in the current semester. This may be accomplished through an Individual Course Enrollment.

The student who wishes to pursue independent study must secure a faculty sponsor who will guide the study. Together, the student and faculty sponsor will prepare a description of the project that will be entered on a form available on the Online Forms sections of the Registrar’s website.

The completed form must be signed by the sponsor, the chair of the department within whose discipline the subject of the study falls, the department chair of the student’s major, and the appropriate division dean(s).

Eligibility Requirements. To be eligible for independent study, the student must satisfy the following conditions:

  1. Be a matriculated student at Oneonta.
  2. Completion of at least one semester’s work in a degree program at State University College at Oneonta.
  3. A cumulative average of at least 2.00. Note: Some academic departments may establish higher g.p.a. requirements.
  4. Adequate background for undertaking the project.

Students are not permitted to earn more than six semester hours of work in independent study during any one semester, and no more than a total of 30 semester hours in independent study may be applied toward a degree. In some cases if a student finds it necessary to leave the campus for a semester or two, and the degree must be completed in absentia, the rule limiting a student to two independent study projects in one semester may be waived at the discretion of the appropriate division dean.

Registration for independent study is accomplished by submitting a completed/approved form to the Registrar’s Office within specified registration deadlines outlined in the College Keydates and Deadlines located on the Registrar’s web page.

Successful registration must occur prior to the beginning of any independent study. No ex post facto award of independent study credit will be permitted.

Independent Study – Graduate Students

The purpose of independent graduate study is to allow students to pursue projects that do not fit within the framework of regular course offerings. Such course work is intended to be a truly independent project of a special nature. The advisor, the faculty sponsor, the department chair, and the Dean of Graduate Studies must approve the student’s project description as it is submitted on the appropriate independent study course registration form. To be eligible for independent study, the graduate student generally must meet the following requirements:

  1. Be in a graduate degree program or have received a master’s degree.
  2. Have completed at least 6 semester hours of graduate student at Oneonta with a grade point average of at least 3.00 in the area (or closely related areas) of the proposed independent study. Note: Some departments/programs may require more than 6 semester hours of graduate study prior to enrolling in an Independent Study course.
  3. Have a cumulative graduate GPA of at least a 3.00.
  4. Have adequate preparation for undertaking the project.
  5. Have no more than 6 semester hours of graduate independent study work during any one semester and no more than a total of 12 semester hours of graduate credit in any combination of independent study and Thesis in their degree program.
  6. Have completed a graduate independent study form, available from the Graduate Office (135 Netzer). The completed form must accompany the student’s registration form at the time of pre-enrollment or registration.

When faculty and the Dean of Graduate Studies act upon applications for Independent Study they shall be guided by the following considerations.

  1. The work to be covered is not available in a regular course offering.
  2. The study is clearly related to the applicant’s overall program of study.
  3. An Oneonta faculty member vouches for the student’s ability to work independently.
  4. The instructor holds Graduate Teaching Faculty Status and has adequate time and necessary academic background in the field chosen to guide Independent Study on the graduate level.

Note: Independent Study courses will be awarded a letter grade. The pass/fail option is not available.

Individual Course Enrollment

Matriculated undergraduate and graduate students may request course enrollment on an individual basis in a course that is a regular course offering of the College but is not offered during the desired semester. It is the student’s responsibility to request such a registration and secure an instructor who will sponsor it. However, the College is not obligated to provide course registration through this method, nor is a course instructor obligated to sponsor it. The Individual Course Enrollment may not be used as a means to repeat a course that is no longer offered. The Individual Course Enrollment form is one of many available online via the Registrar’s Office: Online Forms.

Internships – Undergraduate Students

General Policy Statement

Internships must include an academic component such as written papers, journals, portfolios, etc., that are used as part of the evaluation process. To ensure legitimacy of the educational experience, a description must be attached to the Internship Application that includes student duties and learning outcomes, modes of communication (e.g., site visit, e-mail, telephone), and criteria and methods for evaluations.

Internship issues of stipend and expense reimbursement may vary by sponsor.

Internships may be denied for a number of reasons including but not limited to location, sponsors related to the student, or experiences lacking sufficient academic content.

All terms and conditions must be met and verified before the department chair and division dean approve the internship.

Terms and Conditions

  • Completion of 56 semester hours
  • 12 semester hours at the College at Oneonta.
  • Passing grade on both sections of the College Writing Exam
  • A cumulative grade point average of at least 2.00
  • A major cumulative average of at least 2.00.

Under no circumstances may these College eligibility requirements be waived.


The College Undergraduate Internship Application form must be used. General information can be found at the Internships web page. Departments may append additional requirements to the form.

Registration for internships is accomplished by submitting the completed/approved form to the Registrar’s Office within specified registration deadlines outlined in the College Keydates and Deadlines that are located on the Registrar’s web page.

Interns in health related fields will be billed for Clinical Affiliation Liability Insurance (currently $50 – subject to change).

Successful registration must occur prior to the beginning of any internship. No ex post facto award of internship credit will be permitted.

Credits Earned

A maximum of 16 s.h. of internship credit, including student teaching may be applied toward the undergraduate degree. Credit is granted on the basis of 1 s.h. for each full work week (normally 40 hours). Part-time work may be pro-rated over the semester. Students may register for a maximum of 15 s.h. of internship credit during the fall or spring semesters; a maximum of 12 s.h. may be earned during the summer.

On-site Visitation

On-site visitation will be part of the internship evaluation. All new sites require internship visitation. Continuing sites must have internship visits on a rotating basis such that each site has at least one visit every third time used, and at least once every three years.

Internship Supervision

Faculty members (or their employees or immediate family) may not serve as internship site supervisors.

Internship supervision by a member of the intern’s immediate family (parent, stepparent, uncle, aunt, sibling, or first cousin) is prohibited. Internships that may be perceived as under the influence of an immediate family member are not permitted.

Departmental Internships

Each academic department may offer student internships as a part of its approved course offerings. Each department will establish detailed internship guidelines approved by the appropriate division dean. These guidelines must include the College terms and conditions stated above.

The Department Chair will determine the suitability of a sponsor and/or student for an internship experience.

Departments may stipulate a higher overall and/or major grade point average for internship eligibility. The department chair, under special circumstances, may make exceptions to department eligibility requirements.

Under no circumstances may the College eligibility requirements be waived.

Summer Interns

Departments may sponsor opportunities for summer internship credits. Summer session fees apply. Summer session internships entail periods of service ranging from three to ten weeks.

College-wide Internships

In addition to departmental internships, College-wide internships are offered under the PROF 224 course designation. For information about coordination of this program and course availability, contact the supervisor of this program (Netzer 334, x2520).

Non-Degree Undergraduate Student Internships

Students who previously attended SUNY Oneonta, who earned at least 56 semester hours (12 of which were earned at Oneonta) and who had at least a 2.5 cumulative grade point average, may apply for an internship through the PROF 224 internship program. These internships are restricted to the state of New York. Internships are not available for non-degree (non-matriculated) students through academic departments. Information on the PROF 224 Internship program may be obtained from the Office of Graduate Studies, Continuing Education and Summer Sessions (Netzer 334, x2520).

Liberal Arts Credit

The sponsoring department, in conjunction with the appropriate division dean, will determine whether the internship credits will be designated as liberal arts.

Final Grade

Usually internships are graded on a Pass/Fail basis only. Under certain circumstances, departments have obtained approval for “A-E” grading. The approved grading mode for each internship course is on the College’s Course Master File, available in the Registrar’s Office.

Internships – Graduate Students

Students should apply during the semester preceding the internship. Eligibility criteria must be met at the time of application. Prior approval for all internships is required.

Terms and Conditions

  1. The College cannot guarantee that every student who applies will be approved for an internship.
  2. Internships may be denied for a number of reasons including but not limited to location, sponsors related to the student, or experiences lacking sufficient academic content.
  3. Internship issues of stipend and expense reimbursement may vary by sponsor.
  4. The student’s immediate family, or employees of the student’s immediate family may not serve as on-site internship supervisors.
  5. The department chair will determine the suitability of a sponsor and/or student for an internship experience.
  6. The internship eligibility requires the completion of at least 6 s.h. of graduate course work at Oneonta.
  7. Departments may stipulate a higher overall and/or major grade point average for internship eligibility. The department chair, under special circumstances, may make exceptions to department eligibility requirements.
  8. Interns in health-related fields will be billed for Clinical Affiliation Liability Insurance (currently $50, subject to change). Interns in other fields may be required to secure liability insurance.

Graduate Internship and other forms related to graduate study are available online. General information can be found on the Graduate Programs website or in the Graduate Studies Office, Netzer 135.

Non-Collegiate Sponsored Instruction (Undergraduate Only)

The New York State Education Department Office of Non-Collegiate Sponsored Instruction, in cooperation with the American Council on Education (ACE), administers an evaluation system and recommends the awarding of credit earned through learning experiences sponsored by private industry, professional associations, labor unions, voluntary associations, and government agencies. This College uses a directory of The National Program on Non-Collegiate Sponsored Instruction to determine the acceptability of credit earned for courses completed successfully. Credit is granted only for courses similar to those offered by the College.

Proficiency Exams (Undergraduate Only)

A proficiency examination is an examination that covers the material included in one or more semesters of a regular college course or sequence of courses in the national norm sample. Students are urged to take the optional essays since they will provide additional information about the student’s knowledge and measure the knowledge expected of students who completed these courses in college. Examinations of this type have been developed for certain courses by the New York State Education Department, the College Entrance Examination Board, and others. College credit may be granted for them.

Regents College Examination (Formerly New York State Education Department Proficiency Examination) (Undergraduate Only)

These examinations are usually administered in May and December at centers throughout New York State. Information is available in the Office of the Dean of Graduate Studies, Continuing Education and Summer Sessions and the Academic Advisement Center.

The College will grant up to 36 semester hours for work passed by New York State Proficiency Examinations. SUNY policy is to grant credit for grades of “C” or better. The department chair shall determine whether a New York State Proficiency Examination parallels a course.

Study Abroad (Undergraduate Only)

It is the policy of the College to encourage students to internationalize their educational experience by studying abroad. Students who express interest in participating in a study abroad program should be directed to the Office of International Education (Schumacher 111). The International Education Office will work closely with students to make certain that their applications are completed and submitted in a timely manner. After acceptance into their chosen programs, students must receive approval for overseas study from their advisors by completing an Approval of Overseas Study form. Faculty advisors should consult with the Director of International Education regarding any academic matters that might pose an obstacle to the student’s study abroad experience. Approval by the department chair is required for overseas courses to fulfill major requirements. Approval by the Academic Advisement Center and the Director of International Education is also required for all courses and credits earned abroad by students, including credit for internships and independent study.

Oneonta students may participate in any SUNY study abroad program for which they are eligible, and in most cases, participants continue to be enrolled and pay tuition at Oneonta. SUNY campuses currently administer over 300 study abroad programs in more than 50 countries. The cost varies for different programs. Regular financial aid is applicable. All students must pass the College Writing Examination before participating in a study abroad program. Students may also participate in programs administered by other American or foreign universities or agencies.

Currently, the College at Oneonta offers the following programs:

  • semester or academic year at The Nottingham Trent University in Nottingham, England;
  • semester or academic year attending classes taught in German at the Bayerische Julius-Maximians University in Wurzburg, Germany;
  • academic year at Seinan Gakuin University in Fukuoka, Japan (previous knowledge of Japanese language is not required);
  • spring semester at the University of Aberystwyth in Wales; and
  • semester at the Siberian State Aerospace University in Krasnoyarsk, Russia.

The College at Oneonta also offers programs during the summer and intersession breaks. These programs include:

  • studies at the University of Wurzburg, Germany;
  • European Cities & Cultures study and travel experience;
  • Learn and Serve in India (accompanied by a SUNY Oneonta professor);
  • study and travel in Siberia.

Individualized Study Abroad. Students may, in cooperation with faculty on campus, design and propose individual study abroad programs designed to take advantage of formal and experiential educational opportunities uniquely available at some foreign location. Interested students should consult with the Director of International Education.

Brochures and other information concerning study abroad opportunities are available in the Office of International Education (Netzer 311).

Teaching Assistantships – Undergraduate Students

  1. Teaching assistantships do not carry liberal arts (LA) credit.
  2. Teaching assistantships can only be taken on a pass/fail (P/F) basis.
  3. In order to be eligible for a teaching assistantship, a student should have an overall GPA of at least a 3.0. Students must document that they have acquired the skills they need to carry out their duties. These skills can be acquired in formal course work (with at least a grade of “B” in any course which is relevant to his/her duties as a TA) or in another setting such as expertise acquired as part of a job. The student must have passed the College Writing Examination.
  4. A student will be limited to: a maximum of 12 s.h. of TA credit during his or her entire college career; 3 s.h. of TA credit in any one semester; and a maximum of 6 s.h. of TA credit for any one course.

Therefore, we wish to ensure that students do not substitute teaching assistantships for course work to an excessive degree. Our justification for limiting the number of TA credits a student can amass in any one course is our belief that the educational benefits of serving as a TA for a course diminish and that after a point a teaching assistantship becomes a job rather than a learning experience.

  1. Teaching assistantships will be limited to students with junior or senior status who have completed a least 12 s.h. of courses at SUNY-Oneonta.
  2. SUNY-Oneonta policy does not permit undergraduate teaching assistants (who, by definition, are non-employee students) to grade, or in any manner process, tests or papers of another student. It is the position of the College that such grading or processing would be an invasion of student privacy, possibly leading to embarrassment or humiliation of the student test-taker. In addition, the situation could offer opportunities for such offenses as grade selling, or coercion of either the test-taker or the grader.
  3. Faculty and teaching assistants will comply with FERPA and institutional policies regarding FERPA. These policies are located on the Registrar’s webpage. Hardcopies are available in the Registrar’s Office.
  4. All departments must use the same application form for students wishing to serve as teaching assistants. The form must describe: the student’s duties; how the student’s performance will be assessed; the courses that the student has taken as preparation for his or her duties as a TA and how the students performed in those courses. The application must be approved by the relevant instructor, department chair and the relevant academic dean.
  5. The course title must be TA in (subject #), for example TA in Accounting 100. This will enable the Registrar to monitor the number of times a student serves as a TA in a particular course.
  6. Departments will have the discretion to use more stringent criteria.
  7. Appeals for exceptions will be addressed to the academic deans or the Vice-President for Academic Affairs. A copy will be forwarded to the Senate Committee on Instruction.

 Transfer Credit – Undergraduate Students

Transfer Credit and Grading Policies for Course Work Completed at Other Institutions

The transcript of each student who has completed course work at another institution prior to admission to the College at Oneonta is evaluated by the Admissions Office, in concert with academic departments, to determine the number of semester hours and the appropriate course equivalents. Only credit satisfactorily completed at accredited institutions of higher education or through external pro-grams such as Advanced Placement (AP), College Level Examination Program (CLEP), Regents College Exams (RCE), and the Armed Forces (USAFI and DANTES) will be accepted. Credit is granted on a semester hour basis. Students transferring from institutions on a quarter system will receive 2 semester hours of transfer credit for every 3 semester hours earned on the quarter system. Credits from other institutions may transfer, but only grades earned at the College at Oneonta are used in computing the Oneonta grade point average.

Students who transfer in a General Education course that carries 2 to 2.99 semester hours will be considered to have completed the individual course requirement in General Education, despite the fact that Oneonta’s General Education course is 3 semester hours. Students who transfer in a major course requirement that carries 2 to 2.99 semester hours for a 3 semester hour requirement or 3 to 3.99 semester hours for a 4 semester hour requirement, with departmental approval, may be considered to have completed the individual course requirement despite the fact that the number of credits are not equivalent. The student must still fulfill overall minimum credits required.

Elective Credit

Credits from any accredited two or four year college, for courses in disciplines not offered at Oneonta, may transfer as elective credit (ELEC 10E or ELEC 20E) up to a maximum cumulative limit of 24 semester hours. These credits are considered free elective credit and only count toward the 122 minimum semester hour graduation requirement and in the case of ELEC 20E, courses also count toward the 48 semester hour upper division requirement. These free elective credits may not count toward L.A. credit, General Education requirements, major field, related work, minors, or concentrations.

Credit for interdisciplinary courses, covering one or more disciplines, from accredited two or four year colleges for which no specific comparable course is offered at Oneonta may transfer as L.A. or Non-L.A. upper-division, lower-division, and with or without general education attributes as assigned by the Coordinator of Transfer Credit, the Director of Academic Advisement, or the Registrar:


HUMN 10E or 20E (L.A.) HUMN 11E or 21E (Non-L.A.)

Social Science

SOCS 10E or 20E (L.A.) SOCS 11E or 21E (Non-L.A.)


SCIN 10E or 20E (L.A.) SCIN 11E or 21E (Non-L.A.)

As required, the Registrar may create other such general categories. Departments may use these courses as substitutes for major or related work.

Transfer courses articulated by a given academic department as elective credit in a discipline, e.g., HIST 10E, ECON 20E, etc., can count as free elective credit within a relevant major. Elective credit in a discipline that cannot apply to major requirements transfers as lower division elective credit, and is listed along with “Other Courses Taken in the Major” on the advisement document. On a case-by-case appeal, the appropriate department may review the lower division status of any such course and either affirm its status or redesignate the course for upper division credit, using a Transfer Credit Reevaluation Form. The reverse is also possible. This transfer of elective credit is subject to the guidelines established by each department relevant to their discipline.

Maximum Transfer Credit Rules

Total transfer credit awarded is restricted as follows:

  1. a maximum of 66 semester hours from any combination of two-year colleges;
  2. a maximum of 77 semester hours from a combination of two-year colleges, four year colleges and/or external credit programs (e.g., CLEP, AP, etc.)

Students wishing to attend another college during the summer or while on an Academic Leave of Absence must contact the Academic Advisement Center (Netzer 100) to obtain prior approval. See restrictions under Post-matriculation Transfer Credit Policies: Two-Year Colleges; Post-matriculation Transfer Credit Policies: Four-Year Colleges.

Pre-matriculation Transfer Credit Policies: Two-Year Colleges

Two-year SUNY Colleges

Grades/ Maximum Credits Allowed. Credit will be granted for those courses in which grades of “C” or better were earned to a maximum of 66 semester hours. Students who earn A.A., A.S. or A.A.S. degrees will be granted credit for all course work applied to the two-year degree to a maximum of 66 semester hours.

Two-year NON-SUNY Colleges

Grades/Maximum Credits Allowed. Credit will be granted for those courses in which grades of “C” or better were earned to a maximum of 66 semester hours.

Pre-matriculation Transfer Credit Policies: Four-Year Colleges

Four-year SUNY Colleges

Grades/Maximum Credits Allowed. Credit will be granted for all courses to a maximum of 77 semester hours.

General Education Requirements. Students who have earned B.A. or B.S. degrees will be considered to have completed SUNY Oneonta’s General Education requirements.

Four-year NON-SUNY Colleges

Grades/Maximum Credits Allowed. Credit will be granted for all courses in which grades of “C” or better were earned to a maximum of 77 semester hours.

General Education Requirements. Students who have earned B.A. or B.S. degrees will be considered to have completed SUNY Oneonta’s General Education requirements.

Post-matriculation Transfer Credit Policies: Two-Year Colleges

Students may take approved course work at a two-year college during a summer session or while on an academic leave if their total semester hours earned to date (Oneonta and prior transfer credit) do not exceed 66 semester hours, and provided the course work to be taken at the two-year college does not bring the total hours above 66 semester hours.* Courses on the student’s transcript with Incomplete or Pending grades are included in computing the total semester hours earned to date. A Prior Approval Form must be completed before taking course work.

* Credit earned through SUNY overseas programs are not subject to the 66 credit hour limit.

Exceptions. Students who have a total of 66 semester hours or more earned to date may take additional courses for transfer credit from a two-year college under the following conditions only:

  1. the course work is equivalent to a 100-level course at SUNY Oneonta and fulfills General Education, specialization or concentration, major or related work, and/or minor requirements; or
  2. course work is equivalent to the first two years of a foreign language.

Note: Credit for courses taken to fulfill elective credit will not be granted.

Post-matriculation Transfer Credit Policies: Four-Year Colleges

Students may take approved course work at a four-year college during the summer or while on an academic leave of absence, but must adhere to SUNY Oneonta’s residency requirement (courses offered by SUNY Oneonta) which states that:

  1. 45 semester hours must be earned in residence;
  2. 30 semester hours of the final 60 semester hours must be earned in residence;
  3. At least one-half of the credits required for a major must be earned in residence;
  4. At least one-half of the credits required for a minor must be earned in residence.

A Prior Approval Form must be completed before taking course work.

Note: Credit earned through any State University of New York (SUNY) overseas program is considered in residence and is not restricted by the 2-year/4-year transfer credit policies.

Transfer Credit – Graduate Students

No more than one-half of the number of hours required to complete the graduate degree program may be transferred from another institution. However, limits on the number of credits that may be accepted vary by program and are often more restrictive. See individual program descriptions for further information. Acceptance of transfer credit upon admission is at the discretion of the academic department. All requests for this transfer credit must be in writing and included with the application.

Matriculated students who subsequently wish to take credit at another institution toward their degree program must obtain prior written approval from their academic department via a Prior Approval for Transfer Credit. Note that courses with earned grades of “B-” and below will not be accepted in transfer.

Academic credit will not be awarded for Continuing Education Units (c.e.u.s).

Undergraduate Academic Recognition

The Dean’s List

The Dean’s List is a roster of superior scholars. A student achieves the Dean’s List status upon earning a 3.50 or higher semester GPA in which the student completes a minimum of 12 credit hours of work with a qualitative letter grade and no more than four semester hours of incomplete or pending. The student receives a congratulatory letter from the Provost recognizing this achievement, and a Dean’s List annotation will appear on the student’s transcript.

Provost’s Award for Academic Distinction

The Provost’s Award for Academic Distinction (established Spring 1993) is awarded to those students who have achieved a GPA of 4.0 for any semester in which a minimum of 12 hours of A-E graded course work are completed. The student receives a congratulatory letter and invitation to a reception honoring the students who have achieved this distinction, at which a certificate award is presented to the student.

The Chancellor’s Award for Student Excellence

This award acknowledges students who have received recognition for student excellence. Nominees will have demonstrated and been recognized for the integration of academic excellence with other aspects of their lives, which may include leadership, athletics, community service, creative and performing arts, entrepreneurship, or career achievement. Only students graduating during the academic year in which the award is made are eligible. For more information contact the Vice President for Community Relations (x2748).

The Best and The Brightest

In an effort to increase the visibility of the achievements of the College’s outstanding students, the Public Relations Office solicits nominations from faculty and staff each fall. The minimum criteria for nomination are a 3.80 grade point average and one outstanding achievement in the areas of academic and community involvement. These students are recognized at a Students of Distinction reception in May.

Academic Achievement Award

This award is given annually to seniors who have a minimum 3.50 GPA in the major, and who have demonstrated exceptional academic achievement over four semesters; excellence in research, leadership and involvement in department, campus and community activities; and participation in academic and/or professional situations outside of the College.

Susan Sutton Smith Student Award

This award is given annually to students who are freshmen, sophomores, or juniors and who have at least 12 graded hours and a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.80.

Richard Siegfried Student Award

This award is given annually to students in their first full year at Oneonta either as a full-time freshman or transfer student. They must have a cumulative GPA of 3.90 with at least 12 graded hours.

College Honors (Latin Honors)

Upon graduation, a State University College at Oneonta honors degree may be awarded to students who complete 60 semester hours at Oneonta, including 45 graded hours. The three categories of honors degrees are:

GPA 3.50 - 3.69 cum laude
GPA 3.70 - 3.89 magna cum laude
GPA 3.90 - 4.00 summa cum laude

College honors designations are printed on the student’s diploma.

Department Honors

Department Honors in an academic area are awarded to the student who has completed the major residency requirement at the College with a 3.50 GPA or better, if recommended by the department concerned. Students may not qualify for department honors in an academic area for which they have not registered as a major.

A student with two major academic areas may qualify for honors in both areas. If eligible, students may be awarded both College Honors and Department Honors.

Immediately following the final grading period, the Registrar’s Office will provide department chairs with a list of eligible department honors students. Chairs must forward recommendations to the Registrar according to established deadlines, usually within a week of receipt of the list.

Note: Department Honors are reflected on the academic transcript and by issuance of the Department Honors Certificate. College Honors are reflected on the academic transcript and the diploma.

Student Honor Societies

Details of eligibility, membership and faculty advisor for these Societies may be directed to the department associated with the Society.

Earth and Atmospheric Sciences Sigma Gamma Epsilon
Economics Omicron Delta Epsilon
Educational Opportunities Beta Eta Chapter of Chi Alpha Epsilon
Elementary Education Kappa Delta Pi
Foreign Languages and Literatures Phi Sigma Iota
Freshmen* Phi Eta Sigma
History Phi Alpha Theta
Intercollegiate Athletics Chi Alpha Sigma
Leadership** Omicron Delta Kappa
Theatre Alpha Psi Omega
Physics and Astronomy Sigma Pi Sigma
Psychology Psi Chi
Residential Community Life*** National Residence Hall Honorary
Sociology Alpha Pi Chapter of Alpha Kappa Delta

*Netzer 336

** Netzer 128

***Wilsbach 106


Diploma Application

Undergraduate students who wish to graduate must file a Diploma Application in the semester prior to their intended graduation.

Graduate students file during the semester of their intended graduation.

Applications are submitted to the Registrar’s Office, Degree Services (Netzer 130).

Specific deadlines are found in Keydates and Deadlines published by the Registrar’s Office.

Teacher Certification

Although filing an application for teacher certification is not a requirement for graduation, students enrolled in an approved program leading to New York State Teacher Certification are encouraged to do so in conjunction with filing a diploma application. Deadlines and fees are available in the College Keydates and Deadlines located on the Registrar’s web page.

In addition to meeting all course requirements for the degree, the following are part of the requirements for certification:

  • Completion of the specific education program as approved by both SUNY Administration and the State Education Department
  • Passing scores on the LAST, ATSW and CST Exams
  • Fingerprint clearance. (through OEAFE)
  • Verification of applicant’s signature on the Teacher Certification Application by a Licensed Notary
  • A postal money order to cover the cost of the Teacher Certification Application (checks are not accepted)

Completed Teacher Certification Applications for all students meeting degree requirements will be recommended by the College and forwarded to the State Education Department. SED will begin review of applications for May graduates in September and for December graduates in February. Incomplete applications will significantly delay the certification process.

All questions concerning teacher certification should be directed to the Office of Education Advisement and Field Experience. (211C Fitzelle, x2538)

Certification of Degree Requirements

The Office of the Registrar certifies completion of degree requirements for undergraduate students.

The Office of Graduate Studies certifies completion of degree requirements for graduate students.

Since grades are still being processed at the time of ceremonies, final official transcripts and diplomas are mailed to students. Students needing proof of graduation may request a “Statement of Degree” from the Registrar’s Office. These statements will not be provided if a student has an outstanding financial obligation to the College.


There are three graduation dates each year: August, December, and May. There is no ceremony related to August graduation. Participation in any of the ceremonies is not an indication of degree completion.

December Graduates. For December graduates there is a Candidate Recognition Ceremony prior to the end of the semester. It is an abbreviated form of the May Commencement Ceremony. December graduates may choose to attend the Candidate Recognition Ceremony, the subsequent May Commencement, or both. The December Candidate Recognition Ceremony is held on a Sunday.

May Graduates. The May Commencement Ceremony is held on a Saturday. Students who apply for graduation in a timely manner will receive information regarding tickets, caps and gowns, etc., by mail.

August Graduates. Undergraduate students who have submitted a diploma application for an August degree may either attend the previous May or the subsequent May Commencement Ceremony. Graduate students who are August degree candidates may not attend the previous May Commencement Ceremony.

Direct links to detailed information regarding the Recognition Ceremony and Commencement Ceremony are available on the Oneonta home page at: www.oneonta.edu

Dates and Deadlines

Diploma application deadlines , Recognition Ceremony and Commencement Ceremony dates are in the Keydates and Deadlines on the Registrar’s web page.


Diplomas are mailed to an address designated by the student, usually four weeks after graduation. Diplomas contain the type of degree awarded (B.A., M.S.Ed., etc.) and Latin honors , if earned. SUNY-wide policy prohibits the printing of the major(s) on the diploma. Degree, major(s), concentration(s), minor(s), and Latin honors awarded do appear on the Academic Transcript which is considered the official document of earned degrees.

Statements of Degree Earned

Students needing proof of graduation may contact Degree Services for a printed Statement of Degree, containing the Official College Seal. (Netzer 130, x3215)

Outstanding Financial Obligations (Holds)

Students with outstanding financial obligations to the College are permitted to attend graduation ceremonies. However, they will not receive diplomas, transcripts or statements of degree until all financial obligations are met.

Posthumous Degree

Under certain circumstances, the College may award a degree posthumously to a student who dies before graduating. Normally, at least 75% of degree requirements need to have been met. The chair of the student’s major must submit a letter of recommendation to the Provost. Final approval of award of the degree will rest with the President.

If approved, a diploma will be issued to the family and a comment will be placed on the student’s transcript (Degree Awarded Posthumously).

Approved by President’s Cabinet May 7, 2002