Mar 10, 2025  
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog 
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Directory of Faculty

Alberto J.F. Cardelle, President

Ph.D., University of Miami

Morales-Díaz, Enrique, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

Ph.D., University at Albany, State University of New York

Full-Time Faculty

(Alphabetical Listing)

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Abas, Suriati, Assistant Professor, Elementary Education and Reading

Ph.D., Indiana University, Bloomington

Aiyemo, Babatunde, Assistant Professor, Economics

Ph.D., Southern Illinois University

Ali, Sumbleen, Assistant Professor, Human Ecology

Ph.D., University of Connecticut, Storrs

Allen, Ashley, Assistant Professor, Geography and Environmental Sustainability

Ph.D., Louisiana State University

Allen, Ronald “Reece”, Assistant Professor, Human Ecology

Ph.D., North Carolina State University

Allen, Tracy H., Dean, School of Sciences

Ph.D., Oregon State University
The State University Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2003-2004

Anderson, Sven H., Associate Professor, Art

M.F.A., Cranbrook Academy of Art

Arango, Gustavo, Professor, Foreign Languages and Literatures

Ph.D., Rutgers University

Aryee, Michael, Lecturer, Mathematics, Computer Science and Statistics

Ph.D., Seton Hall University

Ashbaugh, William B., Professor, History

Ph.D., Temple University
The State University Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2007-2008

Ashford, Howard, Assistant Professor, History

Ph.D., University of Massachusetts Amherst  

Asman, Nathan M., Assistant Professor, Music

D.M.A., University of Oregon

Aultman, Jody A., Assistant Professor, Human Ecology

Ph.D., Iowa State University

Avanzato, Rose, Lecturer, Secondary Education and Educational Technology

M.S., SUNY Oneonta

Avery, Leanne, Professor, Elementary Education and Reading

Ph.D., Cornell University

Awash, Beniam, Assistant Professor, Sociology​               

Ph.D., Binghamton University

Bagby, John R., Professor, Theatre

M.F.A., University of Texas, Austin

Balins, Andris, Lecturer, Music

M.A., Cooperstown Graduate Program, SUNY Oneonta


Barberio, Richard P., Professor, Political Science

Ph.D., Nelson A. Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy, State University of New York at Albany


Basile, Anthony, Assistant Professor, Human Ecology

Ph.D., Arizona State University

Bastiaans, Elizabeth, Associate Professor, Biology

Ph.D., University of California, Santa Cruz

Beal, Thomas D., Assistant Professor, History

Ph.D., State University of New York at Stony Brook
The State University Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2015-2016

Beitzel, Brian D., Senior Director of Education Accreditation and Assessment; Professor, Educational Psychology, Counseling and Special Education

Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, Madison
The State University Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2008-2009

Bennett, Jacqueline S., Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry

Ph.D., University of California, Riverside

Bensen, Mary Lynn, Head of Reference & Instruction Librarian

Ph.D., State University of New York at Binghamton
The State University Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Librarianship, 2005-2006

Benson, Nicholas, Assistant Professor, Communication and Media

Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, Madison

Bernard, Wesley, Assistant Professor, Art

M.F.A., Academy of Art

Betsinger, Tracy K., Professor, Anthropology

Ph.D., The Ohio State University
The State University Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Scholarship and Creative Activities, 2019-2020

Bischoff, Paul J., Professor, Secondary Education and Educational Technology

Ed.D., Columbia University

Bishop, Jacqueline, Associate Professor, Communication and Media

Ph.D., University of Oklahoma

Bishop, Ron, Associate Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry

Ph.D., West Virginia University School of Medicine

Black, Suzanne, Associate Professor, English

Ph.D., University of Michigan

Blanc, Antoine, Assistant Professor, Chemistry & Biochemistry

Ph.D., University of British Columbia 

Blinne, Kristen C., Associate Professor, Communication and Media

Ph.D., University of South Florida

Bottomley, Andrew, Associate Professor, Communication and Media

Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, Madison

Bouman, Nathaniel F., Associate Professor, Communication and Media

M.F.A., Columbia University

Bridgers, Leah, Assistant Professor, Mathematics, Computer Science and Statistics

Ph.D., Syracuse University

Brown, Jonathan, Associate Professor, Mathematics, Computer Science and Statistics

Ph.D., University of Oregon

Brown, Michael J., Associate Professor, Psychology

Ph.D., Brooklyn College (CUNY)

Brunstad, Keith, Associate Professor, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences

Ph.D., Washington State University

Bueche, Jennifer L., Distinguished Service Professor, Human Ecology

Ph.D., Syracuse University

Carter, Paul S., Associate Professor, Music

Ph.D., College-Conservatory of Music, University of Cincinnati

Chase, Darren, Director of Library

M.L.I.S., University of Buffalo

Chaves Daza, Maria, Assistant Professor, Africana and Latinx Studies

Ph.D., Binghamton University 

Chen, Kai, Assistant Professor, Business

Ph.D., Sheldon B. Lubar School of Business, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Chen, Shiyi, Assistant Professor, Economics

Ph.D., University of Connecticut

Chiang, Shiaoyun, Professor, Communication and Media

Ph.D., State University of New York at Albany

Chiweshe, Annacleta, Associate Professor, Human Ecology

Ph.D., University of Nebraska

Choi, Yun-Jung, Associate Professor, Human Ecology

Ph.D., Iowa State University

Christie, Charlene S., Professor, Psychology

Ph.D., State University of New York at Albany
The State University Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2013-2014

Chryst, Carolyn F., Assistant Professor, Educational Psychology, Counseling and Special Education

Ph.D., University of Toledo

Compton, Robert W., Professor, Africana and Latinx Studies and Political Science

Ph.D., State University of New York at Binghamton
The State University Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Faculty Service, 2018-2019

Cossey, Kimberly, Assistant Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry

Ph.D., The Pennsylvania State University

Cui, Jian, Associate Professor, Art

M.F.A., The Pennsylvania State University

Cunningham, Summer, Assistant Professor, Communication and Media

Ph.D., University of South Florida

Curch, Lisa M., Professor, Sociology

Ph.D., University of Kentucky

David, Alsius, Assistant Professor, Business

Ph.D., G. Brint Ryan College of Business, University of North Texas

Davies, Mark R., Dean, School of Education, Human Ecology, and Sports Studies

Ed.D., Rutgers University

Diamond-Lenow, Chloe, Assistant Professor, Women’s and Gender Studies

Ph.D., University of California at Santa Barbara

Dixon, Benjamin Y., Associate Professor, Geography and Environmental Sustainability

Ph.D., University of Oklahoma

Dossick, Alison, Assistant Professor, Elementary Education and Reading

Ph.D., Virginia Commonwealth University

Doughty, Amie A., Professor, English

Ph.D., University of Oklahoma
The State University Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2018-2019

Dupont, Tyler, Assistant Professor, Sociology

Ph.D., University of Buffalo, SUNY

Dunn, Elizabeth, Professor of History; Dean, School of Liberal Arts and Business

Ph.D., University of Illinois

Durkin, Barbara J., Associate Professor, Business

J.D., Pace University

Edick, Jody, Lecturer, Elementary Education and Reading

M.Ed., University of Vermont

Engle, Collen, Lecturer, Human Ecology

M.B.A., Boston University

Escudero, Alejandra, Lecturer, Foreign Languages and Literatures

M.S., University of British Columbia, Vancouver

Faber, Michael, Assistant Professor, Psychology

Ph.D., University of New Hampshire

Falbush, Arthur C., Lecturer, Music

D.M.A., State University of New York at Stony Brook

Fall, Leigh M., Associate Professor, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences

Ph.D., Texas A&M University

Faux, Michael, Professor, Physics and Astronomy

Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania

Feliciano-Ortiz, Raul, Lecturer, Communication and Media

Ph.D., University of Western Ontario

Felschow, Laura, Assistant Professor, Communication and Media

Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin

Feng, Jie, Associate Professor, Business

Ph.D., University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee

Ferrara, Mark S., Associate Professor, English

Ph.D., University of Denver

Fielhaber, Jill, Associate Professor, Biology

Ph.D., McGill University

Fieni, David, Associate Professor, Foreign Languages and Literatures

Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles

Fierke, Kimberly, Assistant Professor, Sport and Exercise Sciences

Ed.D., Saint Mary’s University

Finin, Kathryn R., Associate Professor, English

Ph.D., State University of New York at Binghamton

Fitzgerald, Carey, Assistant Professor, Psychology

Ph.D., Central Michigan University

Flynn, Lisa M., Associate Professor, Business

Ph.D., State University of New York at Binghamton

Foley-Deno, Charlene S., Assistant Professor, Business

M.S., SUNY Potsdam
M.B.A., Clarkson University

Fradkin-Hayslip, Ann, Associate Professor, Elementary Education and Reading

Ed.D., University of Florida

Frank, Gwen, Associate Professor, Elementary Education and Reading

Ed.D., University of Houston, Main Campus

French, Paul A., Associate Professor, Physics and Astronomy

Ph.D., Cornell University

Fulkerson, Gregory, Professor, Sociology

Ph.D., North Carolina State University

Gallagher Jr., Hugh A., Associate Professor, Physics and Astronomy

Ph.D., Boston College

Gallagher, Kelly R., Associate Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry

Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania

Gaston, Marcy, Assistant Professor, Human Ecology

Ph.D., Montana State University

Geisler, Heike, Associate Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry

Ph.D., Ruhr Univesität Bochum

Gerberg, Andrea F., Head of Bibliographic & Digital Services

M.L.S., SUNY College at Geneseo

Gibbins, Thor, Associate Professor, Secondary Education and Educational Technology

Ph.D., University of Maryland

Giura, Simona I., Associate Professor, Business

Ph.D., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
The State University Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2021-2022

Godek, Melissa, Associate Professor, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences

Ph.D., University of Delaware
The State University Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2020-2021

Goutziers, Constant J., Professor, Mathematics, Computer Science and Statistics

Ph.D., Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands

Green, Allan, Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry

D. Phil., University of Oxford, England

Green, Michael K., Professor, Philosophy

Ph.D., University of Chicago

Griffes, Katherine R., Assistant Professor, Sport and Exercise Sciences

Ph.D., Michigan State University

Guler, Deniz, Assistant Professor, Educational Psychology, Counseling and Special Education

Ph.D., Anadolu University, Turkey

Haley, Brian D., Professor, Anthropology

Ph.D., University of California, Santa Barbara
The State University Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Scholarship and Creative Activities, 2013-2014

Hamlin, Dawn W., Associate Professor, Educational Psychology, Counseling and Special Education

Ph.D., The Pennsylvania State University

Han, Sallie S., Professor, Anthropology

Ph.D., University of Michigan
The State University Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2017-2018

Hannigan, Allison C., Lecturer, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences

M.S., University of Massachusetts Lowell 

Harder, Mette, Associate Professor, History

Ph.D., University of York, UK

Harman, Willard N., Distinguished Service Professor, Biology; Endowed Chair: Rufus J. Thayer Chair for Otsego Lake Research; Director of the Biological Field Station

Ph.D., Cornell University
The State University Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, 1974-1975

Harper, April, Associate Professor, History

Ph.D., University of St. Andrews, UK
The State University Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2017-2018

Hartnett, Justin, Assistant Professor, Geography and Environmental Sustainability

Ph.D., Syracuse University

Hasbargen, Leslie E., Associate Professor, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences

Ph.D., University of Minnesota
The State University Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2013-2014

Hecht, Roger W., Associate Professor, English

Ph.D., Syracuse University

Heilveil, Jeffrey S., Professor, Biology

Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Heindl, Brett, Associate Professor, Political Science

Ph.D., Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse University

Hendley, Matthew C., Professor, History

Ph.D., University of Toronto, Canada

Hendley, Michelle, Librarian

M.A., McMaster University, Canada
M.I.St. , University of Toronto, Canada
The State University Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Librarianship, 2018-2019

Hilpert, Kirsten F., Associate Professor, Human Ecology

Ph.D., The Pennsylvania State University

Hovis, George R., Distinguished Teaching Professor​, English

Ph.D., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
The State University Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2017-2018

Hummel, Gregory S., Assistant Professor, Communication and Media

Ph.D., Southern Illinois University Carbondale

Hurwitz, Catalina, Assistant Professor, Business

Ph.D., Florida International University

Iyer, Nithya, Associate Professor, Educational Psychology, Counseling and Special Education

Ed.D., University of Cincinnati

Joest, Karen S., Professor, Human Ecology

Ph.D., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
The State University Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2015-2016

Jones, Keith, Associate Professor, Mathematics, Computer Science and Statistics

Ph.D., Binghamton University
The State University Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2017-2018

Kachwala, Shahin, Assistant Professor, Women’s and Gender Studies

Ph.D., Indiana University, Bloomington

Kahl, Andrew, Professor, Theatre

M.F.A., University of Minnesota

Kamburowska, Grazyna, Associate Professor, Mathematics, Computer Science and Statistics

Ph.D., Bowling Green State University

Kamina, Penina, Professor, Elementary Education and Reading

Ph.D., Syracuse University

Karmosky, Christopher, Assistant Professor, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences

Ph.D., The Pennsylvania State University

Kauffman, Richard A., Assistant Professor, Psychology

Ph.D., Binghamton University

Kazas-Pontisakos, Angeliki, Associate Professor, Mathematics, Computer Science and Statistics

Ph.D., State University of New York at Albany


Kearney, Miranda A., Assistant Professor, Biology

Ph.D., Binghamton University


Keegan, Christopher W., Associate Professor, Philosophy

Ph.D., State University of New York at Buffalo

Keel, Gina L., Professor, Political Science

Ph.D., Brandeis University
The State University Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2018-2019

Kemmerer, Kirsten, Assistant Professor, Sociology

Ph.D., University of New Hampshire

Kent, Adam, Associate Professor, Music

D.M.A. The Juilliard School

Kirk, Robert, Assistant Professor, Psychology

Ph.D., Bowling Green State University

Kitissou, Kpoti, Assistant Professor, Economics

Ph.D., Economics, Binghamton University

Knudsen, Toke, Professor, Mathematics, Computer Science and Statistics

Ph.D., Brown University
The State University Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Scholarship and Creative Activities, 2016-2017

Koch, Michael P., Associate Professor, Philosophy

D.A., State University of New York at Albany
The State University Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Faculty Service, 2013-2014

Koeddermann, Achim D., Associate Professor, Philosophy

Ph.D., Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz, Germany
The State University Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Faculty Service, 2004-2005

Kreager, Bailey Zo, Assistant Professor, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences

Ph.D., Northern Illinois University 

Labroo, Sunil, Professor, Physics and Astronomy

Ph.D., Southern Illinois University, Carbondale

Lang, Yan, Assistant Professor, Business

Ph.D., University of Texas at Arlington


LaPilusa, Tami, Program Coordinator, Pre-health Professions

M.S., SUNY Oneonta

Lascell, Wendy A., Associate Professor, Geography and Environmental Sustainability

Ph.D., Rutgers, State University of New Jersey

Lau, Katherine Soong Ling, Associate Professor, Psychology

Ph.D., University of New Orleans

LaVenia Jr., Peter A., Assistant Professor, Political Science

Ph.D., University at Albany, SUNY


Lavin, Melissa F., Associate Professor, Sociology

Ph.D., University of Connecticut

Lentz, Vicky M., Associate Professor, Biology

Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania

Leon, Miguel A., Associate Professor, History

Ph.D., Columbia University

Leung, Ho Hon, Professor, Sociology

Ph.D., McGill University, Canada

Levine, Anita, Associate Professor, Elementary Education and Reading

Ph.D., Kent State University

Lin, Chien-Wei, Associate Professor, Business

Ph.D., Binghamton University

Lockamyeir, Robert, Assistant Professor, Psychology

Ph.D., Texas A&M University-Commerce

Lokshina, Izabella V., Professor, Business

Ph.D., Moscow State Mining University, Russia
The State University Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Scholarship and Creative Activities, 2018-2019

Lord, Paul, Lecturer, Biology

M.S., Naval Postgraduate School
M.A., SUNY Oneonta

Lowe, Brian M., Professor, Sociology

Ph.D., University of Virginia

Maguffin, Scott, Assistant Professor, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences

Ph.D., University of Oregon 

Malikov, Yuriy A., Associate Professor, History

Ph.D., University of California, Santa Barbara

Martin, Kelly, Assistant Professor, Human Ecology

D.C.N., Rutgers University

Marx, Bethany, Associate Professor, Theatre

M.F.A., University of Massachusetts-Amherst

Mason, Sheena M., Assistant Professor, English

Ph.D., Howard University

McAvoy, Michael R., Associate Professor, Economics

Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

McCaslin-Doyle, John, Professor, Theatre

Ph.D., Bowling Green State University

McCracken, Arienne, Assistant Professor, Human Ecology

Ph.D., Iowa State University

McCracken, Chelsea, Assistant Professor, Communication and Media

Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, Madison

McKay, Zanna D., Associate Professor, Elementary Education and Reading

Ph.D., University of Wyoming

Migues, Angela, Assistant Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry

Ph.D., University of Massachusetts at Amherst 

Mills, James E., Associate Professor, Geography and Environmental Sustainability

Ph.D., University of Minnesota

Mohammad, Fida, Professor, Sociology

Ph.D., University of Oregon

Montoya, Maria C., Associate Professor, Foreign Languages and Literatures

Ph.D., SUNY Albany
The State University Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2022-2023

Morgan-Zayachek, Eileen, Associate Professor, English; Senior Associate Provost & Associate Vice President, Academic Affairs

Ph.D., Indiana University, Bloomington

Munteanu, Laura, Associate Professor, Mathematics, Computer Science and Statistics

Ph.D., University of Oklahoma
The State University Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2019-2020

Munteanu, Marius I., Associate Professor, Mathematics, Computer Science and Statistics

Ph.D., University of Oklahoma
The State University Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Scholarship and Creative Activities, 2022-2023

Murphy, Matt, Associate Professor, Political Science

Ph.D., University of California, San Diego

Myers, Jacqueline, Lecturer, Elementary Education and Reading

M.Ed., Black Hills State University

Nahson, Daniel L., Associate Professor, Foreign Languages and Literatures

Ph.D., Columbia University

Nepkie, Janet, Distinguished Service Professor, Music

Ph.D., New York University

Newton, Timothy D., Professor, Music

D.M.A., University of Illinois

Nikiforidis, Lambrianos, Assistant Professor, Business

Ph.D., University of Texas at San Antonio

Nollenberg, Joshua G., Associate Professor, Physics and Astronomy

Ph.D., University of Minnesota

Noorlander, Danny L., Associate Professor, History

Ph.D., Georgetown University

Nowak, Rhea M., Professor, Art

M.F.A., University of Connecticut
Master Printer Certificate, Il Bisonte, Florence, Italy

Oberkircher, Oscar J., Lecturer, Human Ecology

M.S., University of Massachusetts

Odago, Maurice, Associate Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry

Ph.D., Binghamton University

Orenstein, Adam, Lecturer, Mathematics, Computer Science and Statistics

Ph.D., SUNY Buffalo

O’Shea, Wm. Geoffrey, Professor, Psychology

Ph.D., Colorado State University

Ozer, Mine, Professor, Business

Ph.D., University of Texas at Dallas
The State University Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2022-2023

Palmatier, Joshua B., Associate Professor, Mathematics, Computer Science and Statistics

Ph.D., State University of New York at Binghamton
The State University Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2015-2016

Pan, Liyao, Assistant Professor, Business

Ph.D., College of Business, The University of Texas at San Antonio

Payne, Daniel G., Distinguished Teaching Professor, English

J.D., Albany Law School
Ph.D., State University of New York at Buffalo
The State University Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2011-2012

Picciotto, Bryan, Assistant Professor, Communication and Media

Ph.D., University of Maine

Pignato, Joseph M., Professor, Music

D.M.A., Boston University
The State University Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Scholarship and Creative Activities, 2011-2012

Pipino, Kiara, Associate Professor, Theatre

M.F.A., University of Arkansas

Portway, Sarah, Assistant Professor, Human Ecology

Ph.D., Cornell University
The State University Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2021-2022

Purcell, Elizabeth, Associate Professor, Philosophy

Ph. D., Boston College

Qin, Juan, Assistant Professor, Business

Ph.D., University of Hawaii – Manoa

Ragozzine Jr., Charles B., Professor, Mathematics, Computer Science and Statistics

Ph.D., The Ohio State University
The State University Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2014-2015

Ramlal, Sasha R., Associate Professor, Elementary Education and Reading

Ph.D., Hofstra University
The State University Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2021-2022

Rapson, Valerie A., Assistant Professor, Physics and Astronomy

Ph.D., Rochester Institute of Technology

Reyda, Florian B., Professor, Biology

Ph.D., University of Connecticut
The State University Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2018-2019

Riddle, Emily, Assistant Professor, Human Ecology

Ph.D., Cornell University 

Rincon, Roberto, Assistant Professor, Africana and Latinx Studies

Ph.D., University of Illinois at Chicago

Robbins, Kirsten, Assistant Professor, Elementary Education and Reading

Ed.D., Indiana University

Robinson, Sean C., Associate Professor, Biology

Ph.D., SUNY Albany
The State University Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2016-2017

Roman, Robert, Associate Professor, Music

M.A. Kansas State University

Rombo, Dorothy, Associate Professor, Human Ecology

Ph.D. University of Minnesota, Twin Cities

Rudzik, Alanna E.F., Associate Professor, Anthropology

Ph.D., University of Massachusetts Amherst

Ruffo, James V., Associate Professor, Mathematics, Computer Science and Statistics

Ph.D., Texas A&M University

Rusch, Lisa M., Assistant Professor, Sport and Exercise Sciences

M.S., University of Connecticut

Russo, Theresa J., Professor, Human Ecology

Ph.D., Kansas State University
The State University Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Faculty Service, 2014-2015

Sadow, Jonathan, Associate Professor, English

Ph.D., University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Sakoulas, Thomas, Professor, Art

M.F.A., Maryland Institute, College of Art

Salinas, Ruben, Assistant Professor, Art

M.F.A., Stephen F. Austin State University, Texas

Sanborn-Overby, Ursula, Assistant Professor, Psychology

Ph.D., Saint Louis University

Santos, Elio, Assistant Professor, Psychology

Ph.D., Rutgers University, The State University of New Jersey

Scafide, Anthony T., Assistant Professor, Music

B.M. University of the Arts, Philadelphia

Seale, Elizabeth, Professor, Sociology

Ph.D., North Carolina State University

Seery, Brenda, Assistant Professor, Human Ecology

Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University

Shannon, Sean J., Assistant Professor, Business

Ph.D., The Graduate Center, CUNY
J.D., University at Buffalo, School of Law

Sharpe, Yolanda R., Professor, Art

M.F.A., Wayne State University
The State University Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, 1993-1994
Fulbright Lecturing/Research Award, SLRA, Russian Federation 2010-2011


Shastri, Anuradhaa, Professor, Educational Psychology, Counseling and Special Education

Ph.D., University of Alabama

Siregar, Dona, Associate Professor, Business

Ph.D., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Sirianni, Philip, Associate Professor, Economics

Ph.D., Binghamton University
The State University Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2019-2020

Small, Elizabeth, Associate Professor, Foreign Languages and Literatures

Ph.D., Yale University

Smith, Ryan, Assistant Professor, Music

Ph.D., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Solano, Gina, Assistant Professor, Secondary Education and Educational Technology

Ph.D., University of Utah

Sotola, V. Alex, Assistant Professor, Biology

Ph.D., Texas State University


Spitzhoff, Katherine, Associate Professor, Art

M.F.A., Brooklyn College

Stephenson, Lauren, Assistant Professor, Sport and Exercise Sciences

M.A., The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Stich, Daniel, Associate Professor, Biology

Ph.D., The University of Maine

Stoddard, Elyssa, Assistant Professor, Secondary Education and Educational Technology

Ph.D., College of Education, Oregon State University

Storrie, Christine, Associate Professor, Economics

Ph.D., University of Delaware

Sulman, Robert M., Lecturer, Mathematics, Computer Science and Statistics

Ph.D., University of Oklahoma

Takagi, Yoko, Associate Professor, Psychology

Ph.D., The Graduate Center, The City University of New York

Talbot, Lynne, Lecturer, Mathematics, Computer Science and Statistics

M.Ed., Cambridge College


Tang, Ying, Associate Professor, Educational Psychology, Counseling and Special Education

Ph.D., Mississippi State University

Taylor, Shawna, Assistant Professor, Elementary Education and Reading

Ed.D., Sam Houston State University

Thomas, Alexander R., Professor, Sociology

Ph.D., Northeastern University

Thomas, Colby L., Lecturer, Music

M.A., Syracuse University

Thomas-Smith, Trudy E., Associate Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry

Ph.D., University of Maryland, College Park

Thornton, Francis J., Associate Professor, Educational Psychology, Counseling and Special Education

Ed.D, Northern Arizona University

Tolson, Jeanette, Lecturer, Human Ecology

DSW, State University of New York at Buffalo

Torosyan, Gayane, Associate Professor, Communication and Media

Ph.D., University of Iowa

Tredennick, Bianca, Associate Professor, English

Ph.D., University of Oregon

Trippeer, Donald R., Associate Professor, Business

Ph.D., University of South Carolina


Unangst, Matthew, Assistant Professor, History

Ph.D., Temple University 

VanSlyke-Briggs, Kjersti, Professor, Secondary Education and Educational Technology

Ed.D., State University of New York at Binghamton

Vining, William, Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry

Ph.D. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
The State University Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2013-2014

Virk-Baker, Mandeep, Assistant Professor, Human Ecology

Ph.D., University of Alabama at Birmingham 

Vogler, Donna W., Professor, Biology

Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University
The State University Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2007-2008

Vokatis, Barbara, Associate Professor, Elementary Education and Reading

Ph.D., State University of New York at Albany

Waid, Nicole, Assistant Professor, Secondary Education and Educational Technology

Ed.D., Walden University

Wall, Jeremy F., Associate Professor, Music

M.M., SUNY College at Purchase

Walls, Alissa, Assistant Professor, Art

Ph.D., The Pennsylvania State University

Wambui, Betty, Associate Professor, Africana and Latinx Studies

Ph.D., State University of New York at Binghamton

Wang, Jen-Ting, Professor, Mathematics, Computer Science and Statistics

Ph.D., University of California

Wang, Juan, Assistant Professor, Business

Ph.D., Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Ph.D., Washington University in St. Louis 

Wang, Qiong, Associate Professor, Philosophy

Ph.D., University of Connecticut

Wang, Zhu, Assistant Professor, Mathematics, Computer Science and Statistics

Ph.D., Illinois Institute of Technology

Wangle, Jayleen, Assistant Professor, Mathematics, Computer Science and Statistics

Ph.D., Northern Illinois University

Warner, Jacob, Assistant Professor, Geography and Environmental Sustainability

Ph.D., Louisiana State University 

Watanabe, Junryo, Assistant Professor, Biology

Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook

Welch, Timothy W., Lecturer, Communication and Media

M.Ed., St. Michael’s College

Wen, Wen, Assistant Professor, Secondary Education and Educational Technology

Ph.D. (ABD), University of Arizona, College of Education

Whitman, Renee B., Professor, Anthropology

Ph.D., University of Tennessee, Knoxville
The State University Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2008-2009

Wilhelm, Benjamin C., Assistant Professor, Biology

Ph.D., McGill University


Wilkerson, William R., Professor, Political Science

Ph.D., Nelson Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy, State University of New York at Albany
The State University Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Faculty Service, 2021-2022


Wilson, Caroline, Assistant Professor, Communication and Media

Ph.D., Ohio University

Withington, Jennifer M., Associate Professor, Biology

Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University

Wu, Tao, Assistant Professor, Mathematics, Computer Science and Statistics

Ph.D., Oklahoma State University

Yang, Jing, Associate Professor, Business

Ph.D., Oklahoma State University

Yang, Xuexue, Assistant Professor, Elementary Education and Reading

Ph.D., College of Education, Michigan State University

Yatsuhashi, Akira, Associate Professor, English

Ph.D., Duke University

Yokota, Kiyoko, Associate Professor, Biology

Ph.D., University of Minnesota - Twin Cities

Zalatan, Frederick M., Associate Professor, Biology

Ph.D., University of Rochester

Zhang, Sen, Professor, Mathematics, Computer Science and Statistics

Ph.D., New Jersey Institute of Technology

Zhong, Hua, Associate Professor, Business

Ph.D., Rutgers University

Zians, James, Associate Professor, Psychology

Ph.D., Alliant University/The California School of Professional Psychology